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"People: look within yourselves. Worry about your own walk with God before you cast out judgments on others."I just thought this was priceless, and the whole Anon1mous section was very well stated. Well done Daniel!Phlat________ :club:

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logically, according to christianity, why aren't we allowed to judge others? if the bible is god's law, and god judges others, then wouldn't we be able to judge others according to how god judges them?

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Regarding your father.You probably don't need me chiming in on this (as I only met you briefly really) but I think I am a good judge of charactor. And I know this is very delicate ground, but after reading that blog I feel compelled to say it anyway.My guess is that your Dad is watching everything bro. He knows what a solid and generous and genuine person you are and I'll bet he's as proud as can be of how you've turned out. And proud of all that you have accomplished professionally and personally, how great you treat your family and friends and even how cool you are to us lowly FCP junkies who are nothing more than complete strangers! It is amazing and rare for someone of your stature to be so open, generous and genuinely accessable to everyone. That is a tremendous testament to your mother and father. I know we all appreciate it. I'm sure your Dad would too. He must have been a very cool guy. And I'll bet he knows and couldn't be happier dude.Sorry if I stepped on any toes. Best always to you and you're family D.

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logically, according to christianity, why aren't we allowed to judge others? if the bible is god's law, and god judges others, then wouldn't we be able to judge others according to how god judges them?
You love others and try to help guide them, but you do not judge them. It isn't your place to judge them. God is the judge. If you wanted to help someone that you thought was going down the wrong path the only way to do that is with a soft tongue. Don't yell, don't chastise, and don't judge.
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You love others and try to help guide them, but you do not judge them. It isn't your place to judge them. God is the judge. If you wanted to help someone that you thought was going down the wrong path the only way to do that is with a soft tongue. Don't yell, don't chastise, and don't judge.
I always remember somthing I once heard in AA (long story) A guy once said;"I don't ever ask God for justice, I ask for mercy. Cause if I get justice I'll be the first one taken out by lighting."Helps me not to judge other...much
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I always remember somthing I once heard in AA (long story) A guy once said;"I don't ever ask God for justice, I ask for mercy. Cause if I get justice I'll be the first one taken out by lighting."Helps me not to judge other...much
Hahaha, nice quote. I'll have to remember that one.....
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We all make judgements...it's human. But most of us don't like hearing them expressed openly, because they are usually in ignorance. It's usually better to withhold our opinions about others. Make a judgement about me when you know me. God is the only judge because he knows everything, including all of us.Now, turn in your hymnals to page 234 and let's sing "On a Hill Far Away."

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