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$100max NL on Party. No reads, 2nd hand played. Hero has $78(buyin-forced BB). SB has $86.Hero is on the button with Kh6h.UTG limps. Mp limps. Lp limps. Hero limps. Sb/BB checks.Flop 10h 8h 2h.Checks all to Hero. Hero bets $3. Sb calls. BB calls. 2 folks, Lp calls.Turn Qs.Checks around to Hero. Hero bets $9. Sb pauses for a brief moment, calls. BB calls. Lp folds.River 5c.Checks around to Hero. Hero bets $15. Sb raises to $40. BB folds. Hero?

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My first instinct is to just call. But then again, I think you only have $23 left to raise w/ after a call anyway.i think a problem with this hand is that I see a a lot of hands making this same play that you are ahead of. With no reads, a number of players will play a smaller flush and middle sets in the same way. I think I get my money in here and hope isn't holding the nuts. If you had more money, I would just call, but here, you can expect a call from all the hands you have beat.

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only 1 hand has you beat and the odds of both of you flopping a flush are remote. And even if you both flopped the flush, more often than not you are way ahead.I agree with Scott, sets and lower flushes would play this the same (he's probably assuming you are drawing to the flush as the odds of you flopping the flush are 110 - 1).Re-raise all-in and know you made the right play regardless of the outcome.If stack sizes were larger, then I also agree with Scott, calling would be prudent.But 90% of the time, regardless of stack sizes, I'm re-raising all-in and reloading if he has the A high flush.

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I had almost the exact situation as you a few days ago. I flopped 2nd nut flush and was beat by the nut flush who also flopped it. I was all-in by the river with no more suited cards and the board was not paired. I will do that every time. Push it all in and you should be seeing the chips going your way.

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I had almost the exact situation as you a few days ago. I flopped 2nd nut flush and was beat by the nut flush who also flopped it. I was all-in by the river with no more suited cards and the board was not paired. I will do that every time. Push it all in and you should be seeing the chips going your way.
he prob got a straight from the way he payed it.. if the four heart fell thatll be a different story.. theres no reason to think your hand isnt best.. resiase all in
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Wish all of you were right. He had the nuts. I went with my instincts and just called, wondering if he had Ah-3h or something. He had Ah-Qh! I was a little pissed that he didnt' raise from the sb into an unraised pot with that hand, but them's the swings.

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Wish all of you were right. He had the nuts. I went with my instincts and just called, wondering if he had Ah-3h or something. He had Ah-Qh! I was a little pissed that he didnt' raise from the sb into an unraised pot with that hand, but them's the swings.
I think you played this hand perfectly. I mean you didn't really have a read on him, but any decent player would not have waited until the river to raise with a set or lower flush. He probably would have c/r on the turn if he had a small flush to protect his hand against a hand like the Ah x. Also, if he flopped a set he would deffinetly bet that flop strong to find out where he was at. He wouldn't have waited to the river to put in a raise. A bad player could possibly make this play with a rivered two pair since he was on the SB, but since you had no read on him you have to give him credit for the nuts there. I feel like calling there would be the correct play more often than not, even though a raise would only cost you $23 more, but you're instincts told you he had the nuts and they were right, so you played it prefectly.
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Wish all of you were right. He had the nuts. I went with my instincts and just called, wondering if he had Ah-3h or something. He had Ah-Qh! I was a little pissed that he didnt' raise from the sb into an unraised pot with that hand, but them's the swings.
Sucks, but makes sense. I'm smooth calling here, but I don't think it's completely awful to push. Tough spot, man.
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