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Brag Brag Braggy Brag (3/6) (lc)

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After a really washy, crummy few hours, this hand came up...Bodog 3/6 NLHE (8-handed)UTG $175Cobalt $645SB $514Cobalt is UTG+1 w/ 8 :D 8 :). UTG is a donk. SB seems relatively solid.Pre-flop:UTG min-raises to $12, Cobalt calls, 4 folds, SB re-raises to $48, 1 fold, UTG calls, Cobalt callsFlop ($150): 8 :club: K :) 9 :D (3 players)SB bets $156, UTG calls all-in for $127, Cobalt raises to $408, SB callsTurn ($1092): J :D (3 players)SB goes all-in for $58, Cobalt callsRiver ($1208): 6 :) (3 players)Final Pot: $1208I think everything's standard, but correct me if I'm wrong.

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After a really washy, crummy few hours, this hand came up...Bodog 3/6 NLHE (8-handed)UTG $175Cobalt $645SB $514Cobalt is UTG+1 w/ 8 :D 8 :). UTG is a donk. SB seems relatively solid.Pre-flop:UTG min-raises to $12, Cobalt calls, 4 folds, SB re-raises to $48, 1 fold, UTG calls, Cobalt callsFlop ($150): 8 :club: K :) 9 :D (3 players)SB bets $156, UTG calls all-in for $127, Cobalt raises to $408, SB callsTurn ($1092): J :D (3 players)SB goes all-in for $58, Cobalt callsRiver ($1208): 6 :) (3 players)Final Pot: $1208I think everything's standard, but correct me if I'm wrong.
Pretty standard. I'd be on teh fence re teh pf call of the reraise but I guess it's cool since UTG called in front. SB could also be on a squeeze.nh
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Meh, I'm not really fond of the call preflop. When the SB raises the UTG min raise, knowing he'll be OOP for the hand, he's telling you he has a monster. That being said, yeah, the rest looks pretty standard. Awful turn card--btw, why not put the SB all in on the flop?

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Meh, I'm not really fond of the call preflop. When the SB raises the UTG min raise, knowing he'll be OOP for the hand, he's telling you he has a monster. That being said, yeah, the rest looks pretty standard. Awful turn card--btw, why not put the SB all in on the flop?
i think this is the strongest reason to call preflop - implied odds are goot.and i don't get the flop raise - either raise less, or just push it all in. only $56 left though doesn't matter a lot, just a bit weird
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I just figured he'd push in if he was planning on calling. Sometimes I like to leave them a little slack. Like...so they feel better that they can go all-in and force me to call (even though it's pretty much a given at that point) rather than have to call all-in.And, each opponent had AK...no flush draw. I was thrilled to have them drawing dead on the turn. I was a little shocked by SB's play. I guess he put me on the draw or KQ? :mellow:Anyway, it was the biggest pot I've ever won, so that went well with having lost the most I've ever lost in a hand earlier in the session. (I held 99 on a board of K93K4.)

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I don't mind the call PF at all. SB could be trying to isolate the donk, and since you have position, it's not a terrible play to risk $48 to win 500. I don't particularly care for SB's call on the flop that much, but I haven't played with you so I don't know if you are capable of raising there with a hand that he beats.

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is this were Full Tilt and I were playing, my set of 8s would've just lost to a set of kings. I trust you fared better.
If it makes you feel better, this happened at the beginning of the session...Bodog 2/4 NLHE (9-handed)Cobalt $416MP3 $645Cobalt is UTG w/ 9 :D 9 :). MP3 is loose.Pre-flop:Cobalt calls, 1 fold, MP1 calls, 1 fold, MP3 raises to $22, 4 folds, Cobalt calls, MP1 callsFlop ($72): K :) 7 :D 9 :) (3 players)Cobalt bets $30, 1 fold, MP3 raises to $162, Cobalt callsTurn ($396): K :club: (2 players)Cobalt checks, MP3 checksRiver ($396): 2 :) (2 players)Cobalt bets $100, MP3 goes all-in, Cobalt calls all-in for $132 moreFinal Pot: $858Results:MP3 wins with K :) K :D.I've been oversetted twice for big pots in the past couple days. Does that mean I'm going to start fearing them irrationally? No way. They're a rare thing, and I'll overset people just as often as they overset me.
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I've been oversetted twice for big pots in the past couple days. Does that mean I'm going to start fearing them irrationally? No way. They're a rare thing, and I'll overset people just as often as they overset me.
That might make sense logically, but if you ask any poker player they will tell you that it happens against you far more than it happens for you..... ;)Mark
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