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I Called In Sick Today

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and after 3 days, he is risen!

If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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I'm going to set a reminder on my calendar to something similar to that. I love it.


I have a pimple forming right on the top of my lip. Painful. My face has really been breaking out a lot latetly. Probably because I've really been lax on my face routine mixed with working out a lot more lately. I really want one of those face brush things but they cost over $100 and I just can't pull the trigger. Where's dutch to tell me he has like five of them and to convince me I need one?


Also, SA, feel free to PM some pics of the new lady friend.

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This is a serious question,

Can anyone tell me why we permit entry of persons from Ebola countries and/or do not forbid travel to same places by US nationals?


Preventing the spread of infectious disease is literally the oldest human justification for regional border controls.


As far as I'm concerned, at this point, nobody with West African passport stamps should be allowed in. US nationals who have recent travel stamps from Ebola countries should be sent to quarantine for 2 weeks.


21 days minimum.


i love how 1/3 of news stories are like "CDC estimates infected will reach into millions" while the next 1/3 are "Ebola: no need to worry"


the remaining third is comprised of equal parts celebutard watching, athlete misconduct, red vs blue, and rescued/abused puppies.

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Don't know shit about baseball, but just made two bets on who will win the WS.


I got Detroit at 5/1 and St. Louis at 17/2


No doubt your were betting the odds but even if my SF Giants get in tonight, the Nationals will be the team to beat IMO. I don't expect the Giants to go far even if they do get in tonight, just to banged up, but as long as the Dodgers don't win the WS I'm good.


Hey scroom/scram, pet rocks were popular at one time too.

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No doubt your were betting the odds but even if my SF Giants get in tonight, the Nationals will be the team to beat IMO. I don't expect the Giants to go far even if they do get in tonight, just to banged up, but as long as the Dodgers don't win the WS I'm good.


Hey scroom/scram, pet rocks were popular at one time too.

No doubt your were betting the odds but even if my SF Giants get in tonight, the Nationals will be the team to beat IMO. I don't expect the Giants to go far even if they do get in tonight, just to banged up, but as long as the Dodgers don't win the WS I'm good.


Hey scroom/scram, pet rocks were popular at one time too.


Odds, sure. Also figured it wasn't that bad of an idea to take a divisional winner from each conference that way I profit if they somehow both make it in.


Then again, it's probably suckers like me that keep the sports books open.

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Went with a truck instead. Ram 1500. All black, hemi. Gonna put it to work, mabes haul some shit and get to work on that driving range idea. Gotta learn to park it first gosh.

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One perk of my new job is that since my boss isn't sitting in the cube next to mine randomly asking me questions out loud I can listen to music with both my earbuds in.


I need to find some new albums to listen to though.

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Hey napa, Guy Fieri is in DMS (is that the abbreviation for DesMoines?) at locations for Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives.


I used to think he was a huge tool with that dyed hair and goatee, the catch phrases, etc, but I watch Big Bite and DDD and he seems like a really nice guy. Plus, i like to watch those DDD places make their food. I'm anti-chain restaurant for the most part and want to visit "from scratch" eateries. Cant stand places that buy frozen meatballs from purveyors. Make an effort dammit

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Which places, Nap?



I wish he would go to a place like Big Tomato, but they don't do anything special. I wouldn't be surprised if he went to Zombie Burger.

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Sorry, Napa. I hope you have a nice, albeit incredibly short, life.



Sense of Smell May Predict Longevity



A defective sense of smell appears to be a good predictor of longevity, a new study has found.

Researchers tested a nationally representative sample of 3,005 men and women aged 57 to 85 on their ability to identify five smells: rose, leather, orange, fish and peppermint. The study appears

They controlled for many factors — age, sex, socioeconomic status, smoking, alcohol intake, education, body mass index, race, hypertension, diabetes, heart attack, emphysema, stroke and diet. But still, people who could not detect the odors were more than three times as likely to die within five years as those who could.
The lower their scores on the odor test, the more likely they were to die.
Only severe liver damage was a better predictor of death.

The researchers believe that the decline in the ability to smell is an indicator of some other age-related degeneration, and is not itself a cause of death.

The lead author, Dr. Jayant M. Pinto, an associate professor of surgery at the University of Chicago, said that loss of smell should not be ignored. “There are treatable causes of olfactory loss,” he said, “so if people have problems, they should get evaluated. This is a gross indication of your health, so if you’re having some trouble, you should see a doctor.”

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The fact that you made your first post in forever to post an article about how I'm going to die young because of my lack of smelling when most of my friends forget that I can't smell and ask me smell related questions all the time has made it all worth it. I'm touched.

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Patton's and Taco-pocolypse for sure. I'd be surprised if he didn't hit a jethros though, as well. Unless hes already been there, which is possible.


One of the shows was already at Jethro's. They did the Emmenecker Challenge. That was probably man vs food though.

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The sweet release of death can't come soon enough. At least my mother won't have to blame herself for my suicide now.


I'm giving this a like because it's such a funny joke. Good one, Napa!

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Ha ha. Yeah. Joke.



I know Man V. Food has been to Jethros. And they have a lot of other "featured on" shit on the walls and I feel like one of those is DDD or whatever the f it's called. I don't watch these food shows because all it does is remind me that I can't taste 90% of what they're claiming makes it awesome and it just depresses me more.



Good thing I don't have much longer to live!

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