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I Called In Sick Today

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and after 3 days, he is risen!

If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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I turned on Fast and Furious 6 just for 3 minutes to see how awful it was. It didn't let me down. The Rock was driving in a parking garage, had person grab the wheel, jumped out and sailed one floor to land on a car. Wow. Awful


Dude you gotta love those movies for what they are. So amazing.

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We all like to believe in "happily ever after" stories, but Tilt, our Napa is not the guy described above.



No, he's more like the guy that would propose right after. But I like to think that if given the opportunity he would step up and do the right thing. Regardless of how realistic that is.


Thanks for my daughter too. That was about it....shot in the butt, send you home with a prescription for more pain meds and tell you that you just have to let it run it's course.


Dude you gotta love those movies for what they are. So amazing.


About a month ago they filmed a scene from FF 7 in front of one of my stores in East LA. We had to shut down about 2 hours early on a Friday so they compensated us $5,000 for lost revenue. More than we would have brought in all day that particular Friday.

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I'm talking to my boss via IM even though he's in the cubicle next to mine. Too lazy to talk out loud. Theraflu last night on the pregame Doug Collins dropped a sick Clipse reference. Check out deadspin


Been trying to catch up for the last couple days. No damn time. I did see that clip, and loved it.


Got a new phone, the HTC One (M8). It's large and in charge. Liking it so far. $99 on Amazon and upgrade/extension.


Reffed 17 games Memorial day weekend. About 19 hours on the field. Exhausting. Made a lil over $500 I think, so that's not bad. But been drinking a bit more than usual to relax. $12 Torpedo 12-packs are delish.

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so, a little bit of context on what I posted earlier. we had this group meeting, about 15 people or so. management starts talking about yearly performance reviews, how the process will work. at the end, they slip in, "we won't be including the newer guys in this since they haven't been here very long." it's like dead silence for a few seconds while everyone tries to figure out if we already knew about it.


so anyway, I'm just livid about it, because they told me I'd be considered for a raise this year during my interview, in an effort to keep me from negotiating. I was never taking that news well, of course, but to deliver it in front of everyone to avoid having to break it to us individually... I can't believe it.

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Interview went well. They asked me what my hobbies are. Do you guys get that a lot? They all seems to ask. Kinda of weird, one second they're asking about what i did at my internship and the next I'm talking about golf, kickboxing and cannabutter.

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strat, welcome to the business world. my dad told me that during his first year with the firm, in 1986, he learned the job easily and mastered it half way through. at his 1 year review, his boss gave him "excellent" marks for every category on the review except for the "overall" category where it was marked "satisfactory." my dad inquired as to how he could get "excellent" in every category and be anything other than "excellent" for the "overall" - he was told all first year associates are marked as "satisfactory" overall, no matter how they do on the individual categories. he asked about a raise and they said they couldn't because of his review and the fact that a guy hired before him wasn't ready for a promotion or raise so they couldn't give him one either.


he laughed and left for another firm and a promotion like two weeks later. now of course he is back and let me tell you, it isn't much better. he's been denied a promotion the past few years because of overall "scorecard" numbers even though relative to market size he is blowing his peers away.


these companies will do anything to not have to pay you. just the way it is.

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You should have quit in front of everyone, with the same tone and flippancy that was given to the announcement that they were recanting and ****ing you. They probably didn't want to have to confront you one on one, so they should be punished with a big spectacle.

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We all like to believe in "happily ever after" stories, but Tilt, our Napa is not the guy described above.


Julia Child, the Frugal Gourmet, and then Sarah Moulton



Widow I'd Like to ****--said at a funeral to the recently bereaved, trying to shore up a vote.


i don't recall ever watching julia when i was young. i remember frugal gourmet but i didn't like him because i thought he looked like a pedophile. never watched sarah moulton.


i used to love justin wilson too.


Your morning looks as busy as mine


how? i didn't see any golf or skinemax on that schedule.

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strat, welcome to the business world. my dad told me that during his first year with the firm, in 1986, he learned the job easily and mastered it half way through. at his 1 year review, his boss gave him "excellent" marks for every category on the review except for the "overall" category where it was marked "satisfactory." my dad inquired as to how he could get "excellent" in every category and be anything other than "excellent" for the "overall" - he was told all first year associates are marked as "satisfactory" overall, no matter how they do on the individual categories. he asked about a raise and they said they couldn't because of his review and the fact that a guy hired before him wasn't ready for a promotion or raise so they couldn't give him one either.


he laughed and left for another firm and a promotion like two weeks later. now of course he is back and let me tell you, it isn't much better. he's been denied a promotion the past few years because of overall "scorecard" numbers even though relative to market size he is blowing his peers away.


these companies will do anything to not have to pay you. just the way it is.


Being a company man is not a good way to get paid.

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one thing i've learned strategery is never accept the verbal promise of compensation at a later date unless said compensation, as well as any criteria for receiving it, are part of a written offer letter.


management is incentivized to screw as many of their staff as possible and have no qualms about flat out lying to meet that end. i've determined that one thing holding me back from a supervisory position is that I'm not duplicitous enough to pull it off.


it really is a shame that unions got so damned greedy/corrupt and imploded because the rank and file for the next 50 years are going to practically have to provide sexual favors to the board in order to get a raise/wage/salary that keeps up with inflation.

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I turned on Fast and Furious 6 just for 3 minutes to see how awful it was. It didn't let me down. The Rock was driving in a parking garage, had person grab the wheel, jumped out and sailed one floor to land on a car. Wow. Awful


That is a Hater position, friend.

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I bet brv is praying like crazy for forgiveness for the boner he got from reading this post



You don't know anything about Brv, shake. Unitarians are going to hell on an express train, don't kid yourself. Brv's a ****ing Calvinist, ffs, he's not some universalist hippie.

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How long ago was that filmed? It looked pretty good.

Filmed in late February in about six hours.


Here's her VFX breakdown (a surprising amount went into it):

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Hey napa, the champions tour is in Des Moines. You should go check it out. Watching them strike the ball is humbling


Someone was asking me if I wanted VIP tickets or some shit to that.

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so, a little bit of context on what I posted earlier. we had this group meeting, about 15 people or so. management starts talking about yearly performance reviews, how the process will work. at the end, they slip in, "we won't be including the newer guys in this since they haven't been here very long." it's like dead silence for a few seconds while everyone tries to figure out if we already knew about it.


so anyway, I'm just livid about it, because they told me I'd be considered for a raise this year during my interview, in an effort to keep me from negotiating. I was never taking that news well, of course, but to deliver it in front of everyone to avoid having to break it to us individually... I can't believe it.

You just need to respond privately with your boss about how you understand the public statement means you cannot talk about the raise that was promised and negotiated on at your hiring, since no one else will be getting one.

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Strat - you should become an actuary. Had one leave one of our portfolio companies today for a crazy amount of money. She was probably like 33.


Shake's basically a millionaire, so no advice there.

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I actually thought that the other day. Strat wants sales guy money on operations guy skills. I literally said to myself, he should be an actuary. I then anger-bated because I was thinking of Strat on my off time.

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