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I Called In Sick Today

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Not worth it.


ps. That's a rip on IE, not Joel's smokin' hot lady. PLUS, tilt, I had already seen it in Chrome, so why in the world would you suggest using Internet Explorer? Idiot.


Hey, F'UCK you asshat. Maybe if you quit turning down the BJ's you'd be in a better mood.

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and after 3 days, he is risen!

If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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I wasn't going to bore you guys with my...whatever this is, unless we bumped uglies but then I remembered the power rankings and even though I had bottom place completely locked up...she did end up texting me back saying she had a good time and we should get together again soon.

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aren't you glad you have us scrutinizing your life?


cubemate is pissed that they're letting me apply to this thing way before I should be able to. he agrees that it should have been me a month or two ago based on merit, but they blocked him from applying to it based on time in position. "I'm going to say something to them about this," he says. "that sounds like a really terrible idea," I respond.


they know they're being inconsistent here. why rake your boss over the coals when only his opinion of you--not the outcome itself--will potentially change?


he seemed committed to the idea of career suicide (in this group, at least) on Friday, maybe he cooled off.

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Regretting those drinks today. Not hungover, just a grumbly belly and a slighr cohweb in the head. And didnt sleep great. After work crawl into bed should be nice

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Regretting those drinks today. Not hungover, just a grumbly belly and a slighr cohweb in the head. And didnt sleep great. After work crawl into bed should be nice


Glad to see it hasn't affected your typing.

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He may be, but I'm not you fat fingered blow hard!


Weird thing is I'm actually happy to be at work. Having nothing to do all weekend isn't much fun anymore. At least work offers a routine. A place to go. A few responsibilities.


Gonna hit the gym tonight. Time to get serious about losing weight if I ever want to use my penis again.

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Had fun in Chicago.


Bonfire didn't have as big of a turnout as expected, although we did end up with around 75. The rain didn't help.


Busy weekend, and now I can relax at work.

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No luck. I refreshed it 42 times and nothing happened. I have adblocker disabled on vine, but I'm guessing it's still blocking it somehow.


It's not adblocker. I had the same problem with vines, but there is a way around it. I don't remember what it is. Try google.



I wasn't going to bore you guys with my...whatever this is, unless we bumped uglies but then I remembered the power rankings and even though I had bottom place completely locked up...she did end up texting me back saying she had a good time and we should get together again soon.


Congrats, this combined with the make-out session moves you all the way up to last. Keep it up and you can pass speedz.

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Had the same thought this weekend SA. It's kinda neat having a girl let you touch her and stuff. Going to be real hard though since I'm basically on the road non-stop starting next week until mid November.

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For as long as I can remember people have joked (wished?) about CA falling into the ocean. Apparently Florida was jealous and decided to get a head start. It seems like once a week another sink hole opens up, swallowing houses, roads and now resorts.



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I can't imagine brvy actually gets there considering his complete revulsion at the act.



Hey IE, what are you going to do about your boss that is trying to hook you up? I don't remember if this is a thing you would welcome or not.

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Anyone like that song Shake it Out by Florence and the machine? Ronny should add it to the list of songs he'll never get around to enjoying.


It's a good jam. I like it. Just came up on a shuffle if you were wondering.

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