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I Called In Sick Today

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Msr. Cha Cha,


Thank you for the power list inclusion.


My interviews were yesterday. They both went well, the afternoon appointment was the strong closer. I sent my thank you's, and to my surprise have heard from both again. The secind place (Frontrunner) has asked for my current salary and requirements. I think I want to slow down the process, and see if I can leverage any of this for pay and title bumps at my current place.


When I got this job, I got a one step up in title, and 1/3 bump in pay. I've been there six months, and am trying to decide if I ask for a half or full bump in title, and how much in pay--maybe another 1/3 of what I currently make? The Frontrunner job is lateral title wise. I can make a solid case for why it's more than they think titlewise, and maybe a 50% bump?


I know that's a lot of strategy for offers that haven't been extended, but I'm feeling really proud of myself. Almost exactly a year ago, I got in my car borderline hysterical and checked into a fleabag hotel because I was afraid my (now) ex was going to show up at my doorstep and hurt himself. I haven't ever lived that kind of life, wih that kind of emotional volatility. I feel like a superhero. Even if I don't get a new gig.



Regarding lady parts, I went out on Sunday night to Chicago at the Hollywood Bowl, and found myself in a crowd of randy and drunk lesbians.


Congrats on the jobs and potential salary bumps



Any lesbos sneak in a digit?


Is so, front door or back?





Did you see that they just wrapped the VM movie? Off to editing. 2014 here we come

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and after 3 days, he is risen!

If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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Well, I'm not topping that. You sure you're not into less than successful fat dudes?





I have to be at work at 5 am tomorrow to leave so we can be at a client at 7:30 and then do inventory all day which means climbing a lot of grain bins. And then to Nebraska for the night and repeat for a different client in Nebraska all Thursday and possibly Friday.

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I was at 2k a year for insurance because of an accident from 6 years ago that finally got wiped off this year. And this was a 2001 Mercury Sable. MA sucks sometimes. Does anyone else have an excise tax? I heard it was an MA only thing. Yearly tax on the car based on year/model? A brand new car here will be $400-$1000 (ranging Kia to 75k car), and then drop off slowly for the next five years.


Holy balls, really? Yearly car tax? Screw that.


Strat, why wouldn't an employer pay a going rate to keep a good employee from hitting the open market? Better than starting new, having to retrain and not guarantee the same production?

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less than successful fat dudes?.


Jesus Christ, you're what, 26, and make $50k a year. You're doing what you hate essay and shake do, calling themselves fat and ugly when they aren't. You are on the success highway, shut it


If it helps you to feel down, you're still a tub of goo. You can hold on to that.


You're doing alright professionally. And if you're gonna say it was just a self deprecating thing, we discussed that earlier. Shut that down.


Fraut would rather have read this line: Sure you aren't into Iowa farm boys who can do your taxes and wax that asses? That shit will work

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how likely is she to stay longer-term if she was looking to begin with?


I see your point. But maybe she was looking purely for monetary reasons, and now they've matched. Why do we work? Money. Clearly a conversation would be in order, possibly a bonus situation with a payback clause if she leaves.

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I see your point. But maybe she was looking purely for monetary reasons, and now they've matched. Why do we work? Money. Clearly a conversation would be in order, possibly a bonus situation with a payback clause if she leaves.

probably depends on the job. as useful and unique as I am in mine, it's probably not even worth the breath to ask them to match, because there are explicit rules against it. guys that work for SSga? yeah, they might be able to negotiate up a bit.

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Strat, why wouldn't an employer pay a going rate to keep a good employee from hitting the open market? Better than starting new, having to retrain and not guarantee the same production?


Because now your loyalty is questioned and if they set the prescedent what's to say you don't come back in another 6 months with another offer wanting another bump?


edit; I'm not saying she shouldn't do it. I'm just saying that if she is going to do it that she needs to be prepared to leave.

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Oh, you blew it. More money and you were happier there, and not on eggshells. Well that sucks



Good luck in Nebraska. 2 1/2 hour drive, ughhh

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I wouldn't say happier, just slightly less miserable. But it was a dead-end job and I knew it wouldn't be a good long term stay. And I thought it was necessary move to advance my career but Tilty disagrees.

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Because now your loyalty is questioned and if they set the prescedent what's to say you don't come back in another 6 months with another offer wanting another bump?


So pride? It's worth losing a valuable employee. Businesses expect attrition, I get that. My industry gives shit raises and they have to know it. 3-5% every year ain't gonna cut it, people are gonna look. And the company your applying too usually thinks you're worth more than the one you work for. Your company isn't going to volunteer to give you huge bumps in salary, so sometimes you gotta force their hand, I think. Again, only speaking for banking and what I've seen.

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guys that work for SSga? yeah, they might be able to negotiate up a bit.




I still have zero clue who you work for and what you do. Feel no obligation to explain it again

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I would have guessed a firefighter makes 35ish starting out. Thought it was odd my cousin was able to support a wife and three kids on his income alone. Jesus fu.ck. I'm getting in shape just so I can be a firefighter. My max I'll top out (not counting inflation of course) is proably 125k. And that's like, best case scenario.


Napa, if you do well in public accounting you'll definitely make over $125k. Don't sell yourself short.

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it's basically the sales (financial advising) arm of the company I work for. good advisers are a relatively scarce commodity, whereas processing rtards are easily replaced.


I don't know, I just think people aren't realistic about what makes them useful or why promotions exist. this lifer who makes 25% more than me as an A1 was bitching to me that some younger person who had been there only 10 months just got a promotion over him. "I know more than her" he says. that's very likely true, but you also refuse to help train new employees, **** around during the day and still work several hours of OT, and have never innovated with anything.

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Congrats on the jobs and potential salary bumps



Any lesbos sneak in a digit?


Is so, front door or back?





Did you see that they just wrapped the VM movie? Off to editing. 2014 here we come


I don't get hit on by the lesbians that much. I get interest from bi girls who are in long term hetero relationships. (For the record, I adore women, I love lady parts, and I remain straight.)


I'm excited and leery of the VM movie. I know I'll see it opening weekend, but I'm a little concerned Rob Thomas might eff it up.


All of my excitement is being directed towards the new season of Breaking Bad and Elysium!


Edit: nice wordplay with "digits."

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After knocking out some 50 or 60 eps of Breaking Bad in 3 weeks time a couple of months ago, I'm ready for it to fire up.


Wouldn't that qualify you as and alcohol induced bi-girl?


My lady will admire a girls body when sober, when buzzed, enjoys some boobies

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Napa, if you do well in public accounting you'll definitely make over $125k. Don't sell yourself short.


I want to believe you more than anything, but my firm is a pretty niche firm and we have zero public companies, so it's not real public accounting. Granted since it's a smaller firm I've already gotten exposure to auditing basically the entire income and balance sheets (as well as a little planning and report writing), but I just don't see how I get to above $125k.

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it's basically the sales (financial advising) arm of the company I work for. good advisers are a relatively scarce commodity, whereas processing rtards are easily replaced.


I don't know, I just think people aren't realistic about what makes them useful or why promotions exist. this lifer who makes 25% more than me as an A1 was bitching to me that some younger person who had been there only 10 months just got a promotion over him. "I know more than her" he says. that's very likely true, but you also refuse to help train new employees, **** around during the day and still work several hours of OT, and have never innovated with anything.


In the majority of work situations, you get out of it what you put in. I hardly try at work and my current station at work proves that out. After the time I've put in to this industry, I should be a regional manager, but I hate sales and banking and skate by. I wish I did something I liked so I could work on being more successful and making some real quiche.


I'm certainly not lazy. I like hard work, just not sales. Dammit man, you're repeating yourself and making excuses. Stop it. No you stop it

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I want to believe you more than anything, but my firm is a pretty niche firm and we have zero public companies, so it's not real public accounting. Granted since it's a smaller firm I've already gotten exposure to auditing basically the entire income and balance sheets (as well as a little planning and report writing), but I just don't see how I get to above $125k.


Get good, start your own company, poach clients, make millions?

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there are places who would match to keep you? I can't imagine ever matching from an employer's standpoint.


I have a couple of things going for me: I'm good at my job (in a way this organization hasn't seen), the exec office and finance department like what I do, and I have a strong relationship with my immediate superior (IS). I know IS has taken a few interviews, which if pan out, could leave me with a ton of leverage, or miserable and Adrift on a Ship of Fools.


They might not do a dollar for dollar match, but I think it's worth the stretch.

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The other day I needed to do some laundry and I was out of detergent and so I asked my roommate if I could borrow some of his. Our washer/dryer is in his bathroom and he happened to be in there shaving or something at the moment, so I asked him.


Roommate - Yeah, go for it.


Me - ...where is it?


R - Over there. Just grab it.


Me - :looking on top of the dryer and not seeing anything: Umm...like in your room?


R - No, right over there on top.


Me - :looks again: ...there's just a bottle of fabric softener. Where's your detergent?


R - Oh, shit, that's just fabric softener? I've been washing my clothes with just that for like 2 months.



It was much funnier when it happened. I don't know.

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