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I Called In Sick Today

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and after 3 days, he is risen!

If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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if you were on even footing with the guy in that job and offer a reference post-mortem it sounds like you're putting yourself above him [presumably because he was fired and you were not]. that is how I would take it.


if it's a close friend it's a different story, but I would still not be offering a reference.

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Most places ask for coworker and manager references though. And I was the closest to a friend he had here. I don't know, I guess I just think I would appreciate it if I was in that situation.

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Plus, you have to give a couple of days.


I would write "hey man, I just heard. I'm so very sorry. If you need anything, please let me know. Well, anything besides money and my free time, because I cant spare any of that."

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yeah but you also drive without brakes




so another excel question: can a "fuzzy" vlookup be done (without downloading a plugin or something)? for instance: I have one column with leading zeros such as 000123 and another column without such as 123. not all numbers have leading zeros and the ones that do have varying amounts of them. any way to do this without altering the zero having data? think that might mess up some other formulas

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Most places ask for coworker and manager references though. And I was the closest to a friend he had here. I don't know, I guess I just think I would appreciate it if I was in that situation.


Offering a reference is patronizing, or is likely to come across as such. If you want to offer your condolences, that's fine.

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I am sleeping too much as of late


We will head into the bedroom at around 9:00-9:30, channel surf for an hour, then I'll go to sleep and basically sleep until 7am. I shouldnt need that much but damn could I stay there for another 2 hours


We just got the new bed stuff in june. Mattress, box spring, frame, etc. it was a little shoddy, as mass produced furniture can be, so we punched that thing up this weekend and now that thing is perfect, and could hold at least 2 more girls if need be.

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Napa, I did enjoy your FB post and Lebowski line. Love when people dont get the movie line and respond oddly.


Makes me like them a little less when they dont get it. Makes me think they dont get me.


We were doing classic Dennis Farina lines yesterday from Snatch, Midnight Run and Get Shorty.

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yeah but you also drive without brakes




so another excel question: can a "fuzzy" vlookup be done (without downloading a plugin or something)? for instance: I have one column with leading zeros such as 000123 and another column without such as 123. not all numbers have leading zeros and the ones that do have varying amounts of them. any way to do this without altering the zero having data? think that might mess up some other formulas

where did you come up with this fuzzy term?


new column, =value(fuzzy data), do the vlookup referencing the new column.

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ur mom




yeah the value formula screwed it all up. gave me a bunch of value errors. it's all because the original data was imported as text to save the leading zeros which I need for some lookups but it messes up others. I fixed it by just recreating the data multiple times and using whichever set I needed for whichever formula. not simple but it works.

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seems pretty simple to me?


my biggest problem lately? I need MM/DD/YYYY for today, but not generated such that the underlying value is the date value (e.g. 41479). right now I'm just pestering the user with a popup box each day but ultimately there has to be a way to do it.


I have tried stuff like, =text(today(),"MM/DD")&20&text(today(),"YY") but excel is still helpfully changing that into a date value. which breaks the shitty god awful web app these dates need to be imported into.


it's not a huge deal but it looks bad.

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my favorite line for when they ask me for 1-10 on my excel skill? "I'm going to say 8, because in my experience anyone claiming 9 or 10 is probably being a little overconfident. I always learn some new or different way to do something in excel whenever I watch someone else use it, regardless of their experience level."

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I say basically the exact same thing! Even the 8!

it's possible that I stole it. but seriously, everyone is overconfident as **** about everything in their interviews, I gotta feel like an interviewer would like to hear a little humility once in a while. I am sure people say 9 all day long.

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Doubtful. We're probably just on the same wavelength. I don't say the other people part. I do say the "once i think i have it figured out, always learn something new or a better way to do it. And if I don't know how to do if, Im really good at using the Internet to figure it out".

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