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I Called In Sick Today

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and after 3 days, he is risen!

If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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I'm not saying that Mexico, I'm just saying it's not fair that so few get so so much. Like Gosling, Pitt, or Clooney.

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I'm not saying that Mexico, I'm just saying it's not fair that so few get so so much. Like Gosling, Pitt, or Clooney.


And Kirk Cameron


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And now I clicked that link. Ughhhhh, that guy is a huge tool


Totally irrelevent to the discussion.


Also, the entire plan was to trick you into click the link and then instantly you would fall to your knees and realize your need for a savior. *two chest thumps* *pointing to the sky*

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Actually Tilty, those were movie references.


Tg's "dynamite drop in, tilty" (marty) and Hank's follow up of "best color man in the business" is from Major League. If you remember, Marty, Bob Uecker's color man rarely spoke more than a word at a time


Quite frankly, tg and hank executed some high level shit right there



Yeah. Pretty embarrased that I missed those references until you pointed them out. I've always been so crappy at remembering random quotes from movies.


Sorry to those involved.


Huh, I quoted other stuff that disappeared....


Bad motels are the worst. At one time I had 5 stores that were in Boise, ID and I had an area manager working for me that was responsible for them. I'd been setting him up with motel reservations because he didn't have a company credit card so I set him up in one that was pretty centrally located, close to the airport and had good food options near by just based on what I found online. After he stayed there the first time I asked him if it was ok and he very enthusiastically told me it was great. Free internet, good TV, lots of food choices, couldn't believe how inexpensive it was etc...


So the first time I went down there for an overnight stay I booked at the same place. I can't remember the name of it but it was an OLD POS. All the carpets were gross, the rooms were small and smelled dank, the tv was stolen from the set of I love Lucy, the room had an entrance from an inside hallway and a door to the outside/parking area that had obviously been broke into more than once. I'm about 90% convinced it was the local flame and go. I was there for 2 nights. Spent the first day looking for another hotel and changed. When I got back and asked my area manager WTF he was thinking he was incredulous that I didn't like it. Clearly he hadn't stayed in many motels and didn't know any better.


I wish I was good at Excel. I can figure out how to do what I need to do for the most part but I know for damn sure I do just about everything the hard way.


Sorry to you too Napa for not remembering your refernces to the trip report. And, I would think the married guy getting the boot makes your position more, not less, secure.


LOL Jesus

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Glad we got that cleared up Tilty.


You would think it'd make my job more secure but we were already a little short staffed with someone else quitting recently and with half the junior staff being inexperienced they need all the experience they can get. So, this just shows me they don't give a shit and will fire you no matter if it does hurt them. But maybe if this kid was as bad as they say he wasn't bringing much to the table. I don't know. I'm scared.

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Speaking of which, why dont we have any people that are good with the ladies on here that get girls to send nudes and then share


Hey man, there was that one time with that girl (Andi?). Pretty sure I still have a screenshot somewhere that I had taken to prove to my friends that I can get internet girls to strip for free.

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Hi speedz, you just missed the cut-off for week 2's power rankings.


Inaugural Power Rankings, 7/9/13 - 7/15/13


1. NickCave - Had sex with stripper

2. Ron_Mexico - Partied as Walter Sobchak; took videos

3. funyet - Was contacted by contestant on Master Chef via his blog and twitter

4. Theraflu - Sex with wife four days in a row

5. JubilantLankyLad - Posted an excellent NSFW gif

6. Essay21 - Had plans to see a movie (unconfirmed); kissed a girl

7. InternetExplorer - Had a job interview; experienced minor traffic inconvenience; did some things

8. Cha! Cha! - Made some jokes; posted some gifs; did not deliver on promises

9. Tiltinagain - Got a new pillow

10. TommyGavin81 - Back on the pussy hunt after ex had sex with neighbor

11. ShakeZuma - Went camping, got dumped but she was bitchy and expensive

12. Roll the Bones - Got a no on a new job that he didn't want anyway but might still be getting it in which case maybe he does want it

13. Napa Don - Got a definite no on the job; has terrible shoes; newly married friend possibly gay?

14. Quacktastic - I don't know

15. The Ocho - Nothing of note

16. brvheart - Probably racist; doesn't eat breakfast

17. runthemover - No confirmed pop-ins

18. speedz99 - MIA

19. Sickinfo2 - Friend died




20. hank213 - Because I just remembered him


Week 2 Power Rankings, 7/16/13 - 7/22/13


1. TommyGavin81 (+9) - Had sex with 20 year old; missed opportunity with black girl; potential with bi redhead

2. NickCave (-1) - Hot stripper roommate just won't stop being incredibly hot around him; apparently has a girlfriend now

3. Cha! Cha! (+5) - Created power rankings; ate 40 McNuggets

4. ShakeZuma (+7) - Talking dirty to co-worker; had drinks with her; went to beer festival

5. Essay21 (+1) - Played some poker; went on a movie date; acquired perfect jeans

6. Tiltinagain (+3) - Having a lot of sex thanks to advice from his mom; did some in-laws stuff

7. Roll the Bones (+5) - Drank, went to a concert; got propositioned by lesbians

8. Napa Don (+5) - Flirted with a big boobed bank teller; shared a moment with a black guy

9. Ron_Mexico (-7) - Swore off drinking until; posted pic of girls kissing

10. InternetExplorer (-3) - Almost talked to a girl; did some swimmin' and drinkin'; ate 4.5 brats

11. JubilantLankyLad (-6) - Had a pretty good one-liner

12. funyet (-9) - Avoided getting fired

13. Theraflu (-9) - Went to a bachelor party with no boobs

14. Quacktastic (--) - Drank 10 Bud Lights and ate Chinese; drunk baby bathing

15. The Ocho (--) - Made himself a sandwich

16. Sickinfo2 (+3) - Gave advice; did stuff

17. Dawson Leery (new) - Gave sock recommendation

18. brvheart (-2) - Getting creepy with his nanny

19. runthemover (-2) - Told a good fake story

20. hank213 (--) - Is buying a house?

21. speedz99 (-3) - MIA



Week 2 Big Riser - TG

Week 2 Big Dropper - (tie) funyet, Theraflu

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Well at least now I feel pretty caught up. Essay kissed a girl!?!


My favorite part:


15. The Ocho - Nothing of note

15. The Ocho (--) - Made himself a sandwich

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Yeah, I guess. I mean, the job's great and I love animal doctoring, but it still means I have to, you know, work. Haven't killed anything yet, but haven't really saved anything either. Well, I saved one thing, but it was euthanized later on, so I don't know if that really counts.


You? Still doing whatever it is you do wherever it is you do it?


Edit: Also, I'm trying out Orange is the New Black. Two episodes in, not sure what I think yet. Also I may need to get Showtime for a bit to watch the last season of Dexter, which I'm guessing will suck but at this point I have no choice. Also I'm thinking I should find a way to start watching Game of Thrones from the beginning.

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My guess is Shake's cells are formatted as text cells. When you open the formula and hit enter, it reformats it into general or number. Highlight all the cells, hit control + 1, then change formatting to general.


Pretty much guaranteed the above doesn't work because I feel pretty confident it will.

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Speedz, order HBO for a month, they should havr all the eps ondemand. Power through them, cancel hbo.


I'm sure strat has a cheaper, more internetty way

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My guess is Shake's cells are formatted as text cells. When you open the formula and hit enter, it reformats it into general or number. Highlight all the cells, hit control + 1, then change formatting to general.


Pretty much guaranteed the above doesn't work because I feel pretty confident it will.

this was the correct answer btw

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