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I Called In Sick Today

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and after 3 days, he is risen!

If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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I guess "nice" doesn't really explain anything. I want to go to the local places with good beer and food.


Edit: Not sure that explains it either. No clubs, no fancy places, just the English equivalent of a hole in the wall bar.


Edit2: I suck at this.

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You guys used to tolerate my ramblings, so here is a fairly random one...

lol poor bizzle...

Poor Bizzle? Christ, my first thought was PARTY AT BIZZLES!

I saw these two posts shortly after all of this happened and wanted to give myself a week or two to try to comprehend how I felt about all that happened. I've received a lot of input and congratulations and questions from a lot of people, and people seem to universally fall into either the Strat group or the Randy group. I had been trying to figure out which group I fell into, when over time it's become clear I fall into both. Obviously, I am really happy about the money-even after sending a heap of it to the government it will end up going directly towards a house, which is a really nice down payment and will result in me being even more secure in my life situation than I already was. I've always tried to frame my poker playing around taking +ev shots at life-changing money, and while this money doesn't really change my life significantly, it is at the very least life affirming.


However, the process of winning said money was pretty painful. Drags (Strat's older bro) said he told a friend that that's probably the most miserable 100k I'll ever win, and it's hard to envision a scenario where he's not right. The experience of the final table-getting there, seeing all the pomp and circumstance, being the center of attention, and then getting the money in the first hand and losing after the absurd tank by Gross is not one that will resonate on a positive level for me, perhaps ever. The WSOPC final table I made in the spring, while a smaller cash, resonates as a way more positive experience for me, not just due to the place I finished but also because of how enjoyable the experience was.


I harken back to the infamous LFT thread from one of the pokerhaus clowns back in the day, and this experience has definitely crystallized a lot of that for me. Sometimes, when you're in the middle of an experience, it is difficult to see anything but the joy or sorrow that said experience affords, and if you're completely disconnected from the experience, it's hard to see anything but the result. Real life is probably a combination of both, and figuring out ways to resolve those two things together is a skill I'll probably be working on long past the days where I am as old as Ron.


I have a decently long writeup of hands from the tourney, if you guys want it, I can toss it in. I check in every now and again to see how you guys are all doing, and remain happy that while things have changed, they also haven't changed.

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I read that whole thing thinking man, this guy's a whiny bitch, I mean does whiskers really think the original thing was that inappropriate? and then I saw it. beautiful.


edit: oh my god those people commenting are horrible. I want them all (except the one who pointed out the "killing" thing) to get raped.


You guys used to tolerate my ramblings, so here is a fairly random one...


I get pissed for hours when I lose twenty bucks drunk so yeah, I think you're ok to stew.



but enough of that, have you banged any older ladies lately?

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I read that whole thing thinking man, this guy's a whiny bitch, I mean does whiskers really think the original thing was that inappropriate? and then I saw it. beautiful.


edit: oh my god those people commenting are horrible. I want them all (except the one who pointed out the "killing" thing) to get raped.


Finally. I knew I could count on you.


But yeah, very serious business going on in there.

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yeah I was really surprised I was still able to be the first person to comment on it. sure are a bunch of MORONS in this thread huh?




and speaking of MORONS, strat, napa, suited, any other depressed faggots that I forgot... yall nigs need to get on this wellbutrin shit fo real! it's only been two days, and I actually had a pretty good weekend (which usually helps to start my weeks out well), but I've had energy, haven't hated women (and have actually been quite a bit more into them, if you know what I mean wink wink), and I haven't even gotten really mad at anybody/anything yet. hell on the way home tonight a guy pulled out in front of me on the highway trapping me as like 8 cars passed me. normal circumstances my ass would've busted a blood vessel in my eye over that shit. have to imagine it's the drug helping out, cause even in a "good weekend" scenario, it's still pretty easy to get pissed/sad faggot again.


but seriously, hoping this shit keeps up like this. I might actually be able to get laid or promoted or something if I keep having the ability to be a decent person.

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it's only been two days, and I actually had a pretty good weekend (which usually helps to start my weeks out well), but I've had energy, haven't hated women (and have actually been quite a bit more into them, if you know what I mean wink wink), and I haven't even gotten really mad at anybody/anything yet.


I don't know what you mean. Please elaborate.

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Also, I really wanted to reply to the "not sure how you thought anyone would appreciate this" comment with "It's ok, some of my best friends have been raped."


But he's a featured SB Nation commenter!

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there's several parts to that quoted, which part needs elaboration? the good weekend, the hated... oh. I get it. a joke. or maybe not? just in case it's not, and considering how many MORONS there are in this thread, I mean: more boners.

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I don't know if I like the idea of being on drugs. Plus, I don't know if you'll believe this or not, but ever since I got a new non-dead end job that doesn't pay poverty wages I've been feeling more optimistic about my life.

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Oh, I know. But it's nice for now. Plus, I can maybe afford a therapist now which might be worth looking into. Ralphie Mae was on Adam Carollas podcast the other day and now I'm convinced I have PTSD and need to work through some stuff.

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a skill I'll probably be working on long past the days where I am as old as Ron.



COME ON!!! Randy is wayyyyyyy older.


I'd read the write up if you already wrote it. Don't do it on my account.


So what was it, simply the final table that sort of ruined the experience or was it the whole ride?


New house gonna have a lap pool?

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but enough of that, have you banged any older ladies lately?

I was, but am now dating a 20 year old.

COME ON!!! Randy is wayyyyyyy older.


I'd read the write up if you already wrote it. Don't do it on my account.


So what was it, simply the final table that sort of ruined the experience or was it the whole ride?


New house gonna have a lap pool?

The first two days were great. The third day was a huge grind. The 4th day had the potential to make it good but the fact that it wasn't even a real experience definitely put the finishing blows on it.


Here's the writeup, I'll spoiler so it doesn't take up the whole page for people who don't want to read it:



Start with 30k, blinds 50-100, hour levels. A good structure but without ascending level times and people playing slow to start out day 3 everyone got short. I don't recognize anyone at my first table offhand but the 9 seat is clearly Trishelle Canatella's boyfriend who I knew was pretty good. The 1 seat also seems good but the rest of the table is pretty weak. I hover right around 30k (didn't make too many hands/have opportunities to vbet) for a long while. I whiff on a huge combo draw versus seat 1 then at 100-200 to drop to around 20k, grind it back up a little bit, then play the following hand. The 9 opens for 400 at 100-200, I flat the button with Ad9d, SB flats, BB flats. Flop comes 743dd, checks to me and I bet 1025. The SB makes it 2300 and everyone folds. I really didn't think he had one pair here so I flat. The turn is the 2c and he leads for 3800. I think for a bit and call, the river is the 6d, he leads for 6800 and calls when I jam. Didn't love the turn play but didn't really see another option.


I kinda roller coastered a bit the next couple of levels, got to 54k after that, fell to 40, got to 48, then fell to 33. Came back after dinner and got moved a bit and ended up at a good table where I 3bet a bunch and got folds. Got up to 40k and had an ubermonkey from my roommate Matt's table sit to my immediate left. Apparently he had put in 60k pre at 200-400 with KJo so I was looking for spots. Quickly, I find one. At 500-1000 I open for 2600 otb with AA, he makes it 6800 from the SB. Before I can figure out what absurd click it back amount I'm going to make it, the BB makes it 15k. Okay then. I shove for 43k total, the SB folds and the BB tank calls with AQo. Flop AQ6 and I hold to get to 100k. I quickly work to 120k then open A8d and the monkey calls. Flop J63d and I decide that since I haven't done anything stupid yet today, now is the time. I lead the flop and he calls. Turn is another 6 and I check and he checks back. River is an ace and I bomb for a little over the pot (like 17k) and he calls and very angrily mucks. End day 1 with 138.4k.


Day two started off easily enough. In the first couple of levels I worked to 181k pretty easy, mostly 3betting and having it when I needed to and releasing when I didn't. I ended up with a real aggressive image when I was probably running a little above expectation in the cards department, which probably helped in the hand versus Peter Jetten. He opens UTG at 1.5-3 to 6, I make it 16k with AA, he calls. Flop 974cc he checks, I bet 21k, he makes it 46k, I cram and he calls with J9cc. The turn is a beautiful 7 and the river is a red deuce, and I have 322k. I quickly work that up to 360k.


I get moved at this point to a real tough table. Ch0ppy was there, Marc Andre Ladeceour, a few other tough young kids, the owner of Playground Poker, an one or two weaker players. They proceed to own my face for a while and knock me down to 230k. I win a couple of small pots to get to 300k when I raise utg to 15.5k with AA. Ch0ppy makes it 39k, I make it 94k, he thinks for a bit and shoves, I snap and hold over his JJ. So aces 3 times all tourney and play for stacks or most of stacks all 3 times. So now I have almost 600k on the bubble... And I'm in 3rd or 4th at this tough table. Ugh. I proceed to stay out of people's way for the most part, just stealing here and there, and move to 660k as the bubble bursts.


Finally and mercifully I get moved to a much easier table, but I also go card dead. With 560k at 8-16 I open EP to 42 with KQo. The cutoff and button both call and then the SB goes all in for 161k. The BB folds, I ask how much it is, then reshove. The other two fold and I lose the race versus 88 to fall to 400k.


Blinds go up to 10-20 and I'm pretty annoyed to be at 20bigs after being so deep for so long. First hand back I open QTo in the cutoff and get crammed on and have to fold, so I quickly fall to 350. One orbit later and I have 320 and open UTG for 52k with AQo. The SB makes it 130 and folds to my shove for 190k more. Well then. Two hands later it folds to the button who makes it 60k on a 270k stack. I shove the SB with 22 and he folds and claims TT. Sure. I then reshove on a 260k stack all in with AQh and hold over AJ. I then raise 3 more times in one orbit and get to 1mil.


Nice rush but it's not over yet. A young Indian kid who Matt told me was super aggro comes to the table. He makes it 40k UTG+1 before he has unracked a single chip. I make it 110k with TT right behind him, fold back to him and he thinks and makes it 202k. I think for a bit and flat. Flop 884DD and he checks after 15 seconds or so. I think for a bit and shove for 850k. He shakes his head disgustedly and folds. Good luck deciphering that one, fellas smile.png


I end day 2 with 1.333mil and feel really good. I got three awesome compliments during the course of the day-a couple of the young guys at the table really liked the KQ shove, Ken commented on how much I 3bet but always seemed to have it when more money went in, and one of the young guys at the tough table said he was surprised that he could play with me for 4+ hours and have NFC if I was TAG or LAG. Pretty proud of the last one.


So I get to the casino on day 3 and realize my draw isn't nearly as bad as I thought. Charder is in the 1 with more than me, but Ashton in the 3 is short and Dan Smith in the 4 is real short (12bbs). Amanda is in the 6 and I have immediate position on her in the 7, so charder is the only one I have to really account for. We have some history and he perceives me as a tight good player who won't get out of line, which can be useful.


I hang around 1.2-1.3 for a while then play a fun one with charder. I open to 62k with AdQc at 12-24 utg+1 and he makes it 165k. It folds back to me and I ask him how much he has behind and he tells me 850k. I call and the flop is Jd7c3d and I check. He frowns and bets 110k, I wait 15 seconds or so and say all in and he quickly folds.


That got me to 1.5mil and the table breaks. My new table is much easier and also more fun, Bruce Buffer when running good is a real nice guy (I've heard some nightmares about when he's not, however). I play a hand with Jeff Gross where he 3bets me from the BB (I made it 75k from the HJ) and I flat 165k with AQd. Flop comes Q73d and he check-folds to my 140k bet. That got me to 1.8mil.


The tourney then goes super slow. I only play 3 hands of consequence for the next two hours. I opened 44 utg to 130k and Ashton shoved 1.1 or so on me and I had to fold. It folded to Jason Koon in the SB and he limped and I check 85o. Flop 873DD and he check-calls 60k. Turn q and it goes check-check. River k and he check-calls 110k and I'm good. I was pretty pleased about this hand as it started his downfall, he didn't play another hand until he crammed 9bbs from EP with K7o and lost a 3way all in. He was constantly saying what a douche Bruce was under his breath so only I could hear it, but in my limited interaction with Jason he seemed super full of himself, so I would posit the roles were reversed. I also opened A5o from the hj and the button crammed for 330k and I had to call it off and lost to AJo. Other than that, I just basically blinded down to 1.2mil.


Finally at the end of 25-50 I pick up KK utg and make it 130k. It folds to Syvain in the SB and he makes it 600k. I cram and turn quads against his AQo to get to 2.4mil. A few hands later it has gone to 30-60 and Bruce opens for 180 utg. I had noticed that he varied his raise amounts a lot and they seemed smaller when nutted and larger when not, so when I saw AJd in MP I made it 450k. It folded back to him and he flatted with 510k back. Flop T62d and he checks and folds AKss faceup to my shove. I told him I had jacks but...yeah, wow. That got me to a little under 3mil and we break tables once Bruce busts to Gavin in 19th.


My new table is...not good. A few people bust and I hover around 3mil before I play the following hand with Jonathan. He opens in the HJ 7 handed to 160k, I call from the BB with KJdd. Flop AQd7d. Yoink. I check, Jon bets 170k, I make it 480k and he flats. Sigh. Turn is the Qc. Super sigh. This is about the only spot where I am unsure of myself all tourney and check, for a few reasons. He bets 385k and I call and check fold to his 650k bet on the brick river. This drops me to 1.9mil.


The table continues to get worse, as all the weaker players bust. Eventually I look at the table 6 handed and see Pascal, Jonathan, Ashton, Jeff, me, and Gavin. Jeff remarks that if you rank the players left 1-13 the 6 of us would be 1-6 and that would seem to be true. Also, all of the big stacks except Sylvain are at this table, so I am quite hamstrung. I can't and don't do much and fall to 1.475 mil going into the final table of 10.


Finally at the FT, I open one of the first hands to 200k at 40-80 with KQs and get a caller, cbet the 954 flop and he folds. I fold for a couple of orbits before I cram 1.385mil on gavin's raise to 225k at 50-100 with KQo and he calls with 88 and I flop a queen. The very next hand he opens to 225k again and I look down at JJ and make it 650k, it folds back to him and I expect to either be hooded or crammed on, but he folds. Sigh. This gets me to 3.425m which is my high point for the tourney.


I play the JJ hand with Jeff Gross, where he opens to 260, I make it 660, and he makes it 1.19. I thought I picked up something on him here, and since I hadn't seen him truly have it all day I figured that what I picked up was him having AA-QQ or maybe AK. I planned on flatting and cramming any Jhigh or Ahigh flop, but as we saw the read was wrong, and he open crammed a Kragrag flop with KQo. I fell to 1.9mil this hand, crammed over a Gavin raise with A9o, won the blinds one more time, and made the FT when AK held over AJ.


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Nice write up Bizzle. Gonna have to go scratch my poker itch again now. Bike or Commerce? Hmmmm.....

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