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and after 3 days, he is risen!

If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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Gross. Like strat said, butter really ain't so bad unless you're Paula Deening it. Personally, I think it's better for you than the fake shit they have out there, in moderation of course.
I've actually seen studies where butter was better for you than margerine and the other crap they have out on the market. I'll use pam on the grill to stop sticking but not for general cooking and definitely not for eggs.
I don't even want the flavor. and I hate the popping. so pam it is
Wait, what? You don't want the flavor of butter? Ugh...
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Good advice... Well said!

I'm not sure if you want honesty, or if you want us to pander to you.Part of me wants you to go, because it will be entertaining.But the serious side of me can't believe some of the decisions you have made. I think the biggest one that stood out was refusing to call back the firm who placed you in the temp job. You have quit a couple jobs with nothing to go to. You have high expectations for what you can do and should receive, but you haven't done anything to prove yourself.Sorry if I am being too harsh. We all know you are smart. You could probably do very well in a world that could utilize your technical analysis. Unfortunately, you have to exude a personality that makes people want to hire you and give you a shot. If they think you are just going to bolt to the next thing, then people are not going to hire you. I could be wrong, but if any part of the disdain you show on here eeks out of you at your jobs or interviews then you are doing yourself a disservice.Hiring firms have 1,000s of options right now, don't give them reasons not to like/hire you.As for this Vegas thing, I would guess you would end the 3-6 months there a net negative money wise.If it were me, in your shoes, I would garner as much experience as you could, keep in good relationship with the HR firms and keep them working for you to find a good permanent job. It was just last year you could not find any job besides McD's oryour parents, now you have had multiple opportunities. Granted, they have been shit jobs, but it's not like they are landscaping jobs.
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popping butter? i've never had that problem when cooking eggs in butter. tablespoon is too much butter for a couple of eggs. start with a pat (~1/4 tbsp) per egg in a cool pan and don't go higher than medium heat.or you could cook your eggs the way god intended: with bacon grease!i'm really looking forward to my massive coronary, my cat is going to be rich.

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I love making bacon on the griddle and then using nearly all of the grease to make my home fries. One time, I was making a family bfast and it was too much grease to use . I could have done a bacon grease type of potato confit

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popping butter? i've never had that problem when cooking eggs in butter. tablespoon is too much butter for a couple of eggs. start with a pat (~1/4 tbsp) per egg in a cool pan and don't go higher than medium heat.or you could cook your eggs the way god intended: with bacon grease!i'm really looking forward to my massive coronary, my cat is going to be rich.
I couldn't figure this out either. Must have had a screaming hot pan I guess.And bacon fat rules in flavor town.
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So I started watching this show on TLC or some channel called Meat Men. I find it super interesting. It's got some crappy reality show staged moments in it, but I love watching anything about butchers. I find it interesting. I suggest any foodie or person that likes beef to watch it. It has inspired me to try and create my own hamburger blend. Since I like skirt steak so much, that's where I'll start. I think it has enough fat. Either that or brisket. Maybe sirloin as well. Any thoughts from my food nerds? I mean, I need a signature blend dammit. This one recipe they made called for fat back from a pig to get extra fat in it Beansey, I loved the trip report on whores. I wish I could have 3 days in Vegas with you to see and learn these things. I've been to Vegas 3 times now, 1999, 2006 and 2011 and I think I've only seen hookers once, and that was in the parking garage when these two twin look a likes arrived with small overnight bags and headed directly up to a room. Open up your fantasy camp applications again.

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So I started watching this show on TLC or some channel called Meat Men. I find it super interesting. It's got some crappy reality show staged moments in it, but I love watching anything about butchers. I find it interesting. I suggest any foodie or person that likes beef to watch it. It has inspired me to try and create my own hamburger blend. Since I like skirt steak so much, that's where I'll start. I think it has enough fat. Either that or brisket. Maybe sirloin as well. Any thoughts from my food nerds? I mean, I need a signature blend dammit. This one recipe they made called for fat back from a pig to get extra fat in it
I've watched that show too, I like it. As long as you add enough fat to get to 80/20 or 85/15 either of those meats should work. Sirloin seems to be the popular choice. Just have to get the grind right to get the texture where you want it.
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So I started watching this show on TLC or some channel called Meat Men. I find it super interesting. It's got some crappy reality show staged moments in it, but I love watching anything about butchers. I find it interesting. I suggest any foodie or person that likes beef to watch it. It has inspired me to try and create my own hamburger blend. Since I like skirt steak so much, that's where I'll start. I think it has enough fat. Either that or brisket. Maybe sirloin as well. Any thoughts from my food nerds? I mean, I need a signature blend dammit. This one recipe they made called for fat back from a pig to get extra fat in itBeansey, I loved the trip report on whores. I wish I could have 3 days in Vegas with you to see and learn these things. I've been to Vegas 3 times now, 1999, 2006 and 2011 and I think I've only seen hookers once, and that was in the parking garage when these two twin look a likes arrived with small overnight bags and headed directly up to a room. Open up your fantasy camp applications again.
ever since the pink slime thing I've been considering buying a grinder to grind my own. might have to give it a look.
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I think most major stores have stopped carrying meat with pink slime in it. pretty sure kroger did. I don't eat hamburger though so I guess it doesn't matter. did just buy some chicken breasts that were probably a freaking pound each. you know that shit ain't natural.so beans, brv, mexico maybe, anybody that might know, it looks like my air conditioner is out in my truck. fan still works and all, just doesn't get cold. it's a 2002, and I thougth that freon wasn't used passed a certain point, but hell I don't know. any idea what the problem probably is and how much it might cost? 2002 chevy silverado 5.3 if it matters.

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Meant to quote some shizz but seems to work only about half the time so here goes.Shake:They probably have, but you never know and that's kind of what irks me about the whole thing. I would've never thought I would have to read an ingredients list on pound of ****ing hamburger.did you check the muffler bearings?aaaaaaaand now we all know why I was not included in that list.Ron:One of the benefits (if you choose to look at it that way) of rolling solo in Vegas is the pros find you very approachable. I get solicited at least once per trip.

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So I started watching this show on TLC or some channel called Meat Men. I find it super interesting. It's got some crappy reality show staged moments in it, but I love watching anything about butchers. I find it interesting. I suggest any foodie or person that likes beef to watch it. It has inspired me to try and create my own hamburger blend. Since I like skirt steak so much, that's where I'll start. I think it has enough fat. Either that or brisket. Maybe sirloin as well. Any thoughts from my food nerds? I mean, I need a signature blend dammit. This one recipe they made called for fat back from a pig to get extra fat in.
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Shakey, as someone who drove around without ac in SoFL for about 4 years and having had different things tested and replaced, best guess says your compressor is shot. Thousand dollar job. Good luckHankey, while that is the good news, when drunk, I gamble and whore too much, ergo, I would be broker than shit on the first night. But oh what a night, huh?

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so beans, brv, mexico maybe, anybody that might know, it looks like my air conditioner is out in my truck. fan still works and all, just doesn't get cold. it's a 2002, and I thougth that freon wasn't used passed a certain point, but hell I don't know. any idea what the problem probably is and how much it might cost? 2002 chevy silverado 5.3 if it matters.
I have an '04 Silverado, same thing except sometimes it kicks in an throws out cold air. Most of the time, namely when it's 90 degrees plus outside, the compressor doesn't kick on at all. Which leads me to believe....
... best guess says your compressor is shot. Thousand dollar job. Good luck
I took it into a place last summer to get looked at and they quoted me $800 or $900 for a new compressor...couldn't really remember after coming to after fainting.
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so beans, brv, mexico maybe, anybody that might know, it looks like my air conditioner is out in my truck. fan still works and all, just doesn't get cold. it's a 2002, and I thougth that freon wasn't used passed a certain point, but hell I don't know. any idea what the problem probably is and how much it might cost? 2002 chevy silverado 5.3 if it matters.
There are really only two common possibilities. The compressor is done or you have a leak in your system and the freon leaked out completely. Get it recharged at some place and have them test the system, it should run you around $99 +/-. If it works, you don't need a compressor. If it still doesn't work, then:Call Cunningham Brothers junk yard which is 19 miles from your house, in Rustberg. They have 9 in stock and are selling them for $40/piece. Their number is 1-800-828-0707, according to their website.To help them locate the correct part in their system, these are the part numbers that they have assigned to each of the 9 compressors that will fit your truck: CHC1084 CEI111 CGC1245 CHC1142 CIC316 CHT1206 CHC1498 OGS627 CEI591Pay a friend a case of beer to swap it out, or go to the garage in town and they will charge you 100 bucks.
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Do you hear the compressor "click" in when you turn the a/c on? Usually the rpm drops just for a second when it doesStart the engine and turn the a/c on....pop the hood and listen for it. When the system is charged and operating correctly youll hear it kick in for about fifteen seconds or so then click offWhen the "freon" (r22) is low the compressor kicks in and off pretty fast... like every couple secondsNo clicking at all is either something electrical....switch, fuse, clutch...or the actual compressor shit the bedLots of compressors are replaced not because they are bad but the clutch that engages them is bad... some models can be replaced easily and others have to be totally disassembled to replace the clutch. Not worth it in those casesCheck that first and report back.... better yet, make a twit video of it. Hunt up the compressor...it will be belt driven with two hoses hooked to it. Big and small. Hold the phone close to it for a while, tooIf its kicking on and off you can charge it up yourself for twenty bucks. Ill twitvid the tutorial if you get that far...I was gonna post a pic of a compressor to guide you but I cant get one to show up here from gaggle images...whats the scoop with that?

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