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I Called In Sick Today

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and after 3 days, he is risen!

If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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yeah but everything with strategy is affective
I see what you did there.(You did write that, right?)
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205 currently. so like 20 pounds in 2 months or less w/o much actual effort?today, I found a few shortcut keys that halved the amount of time it takes to do this menial approval process for things that have been scanned. 'paperless' we call ourselves. these goobers have been in this job for YEARS and have yet to come up with anything approaching what I've done in three weeks.

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Keep up the good work Strat, you'll be CEO in no time!

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well I still have the truck, still drink beer, and my house certainly hasn't gotten any more enclosed, but yeah, I'm a much bigger pussy than I used to be. if it makes me look any better, you should know that I broke down this morning and ate a delicious muffin with my coffee. felt guilty ever since but it was good at the time.
Why don't you just research a UFC type weight cut for the 24 hours before. You could probably cut 10lbs in a day easy. I know salt baths, sauna and dehydrating would work. And it would only be 24 hours of misery. Dummy. You should know this
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Maybe a new thread is in order? I posted some in the tv section and it seemed faster.Congrats on your efficiency Strat.

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Why don't you just research a UFC type weight cut for the 24 hours before. You could probably cut 10lbs in a day easy. I know salt baths, sauna and dehydrating would work. And it would only be 24 hours of misery. Dummy. You should know this
That's what got him in this non-popper-eating mess in the first place.
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got any other zingers for us
I do! eventually!
Why don't you just research a UFC type weight cut for the 24 hours before. You could probably cut 10lbs in a day easy. I know salt baths, sauna and dehydrating would work. And it would only be 24 hours of misery. Dummy. You should know this
yeah that's the plan now. I screwed up the first time and started drinking water beforehand because I was pretty far under, but that raised my blood pressure, so I'm just going to cut hardcore the day before and steadily drink a little bit of water, but way less than normal. should be able to get about 3 pounds under just that way (and with not eating of course). that should do it.and you know you're living the good life when your nightcap after drinking 8 beers is a cup of metemucil. sunday's gonna be interesting.
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I shot a wedding tonight, and it went pretty well. However, when it got to the bouquet/garter toss, things got interesting. The couple called the brother-in-law down for the bride to use as a chair for the garter removal. So I got all setup for my shots, and started firing. The bride then whips her leg straight up on the back of the brother-in-law and gives me and about 40% of the crowd a full on shot of her Hoo-Ha, as she was going commando. I didn't even know what to do, so I just turned my head and smiled at the people besides me who were all staring with their mouths open. I quickly went through my pnotos and deleted all the photos that looked to be trouble and was thankful that I still had like 5 usable shots for that setup.

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yes delete the photos of a vagina. that's the right move. oiy.but let me not make too much fun because I think I'm gonna need your help. I want to do a complete system restore of my old windows computer and I'm not sure how to do that. first I know I have to save all my files I want (resumes, music, etc.), then I know I'll want to save the original downloads of any programs I downloaded after purchase, but past that I don't know. I remember I did a system restore a few computers ago after my hard drive crashed, and it didn't have a lot of the programs that the computer came with when I restored. I also don't have a windows disk to use here, computer didn't come with one. what's my move here?

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yes delete the photos of a vagina. that's the right move. oiy.but let me not make too much fun because I think I'm gonna need your help. I want to do a complete system restore of my old windows computer and I'm not sure how to do that. first I know I have to save all my files I want (resumes, music, etc.), then I know I'll want to save the original downloads of any programs I downloaded after purchase, but past that I don't know. I remember I did a system restore a few computers ago after my hard drive crashed, and it didn't have a lot of the programs that the computer came with when I restored. I also don't have a windows disk to use here, computer didn't come with one. what's my move here?
I'm assuming he meant "deleted". You may want to save your Firefox profile, bookmarks, desktop items, outlook .pst (if you use outlook). Reinstall windows, go to your pc manufacturer website and get updates, go to windows update and do all the updates (may take a long while), go to ninite.com and download an installer for lots of needed programs, pick up a handful of other things you need, and you're done.
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So, shaved, trimmed or bush?

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Wow, what an awesome Preakness Stakes. I'll Have Another was awesome on the stretch. I'm super excited about the Belmont now. Possibly the first triple crown winner since 1978.

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if she was going commando she had to be shaved.
Why "had to"?And I still can't believe brv called it her hoo-ha
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because a lady that goes commando to her own wedding is a lady who makes sure that things are well groomed down there. and plus, in this day and age its common courtesy to go bald eagle. bush is over.

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It was me. We found the little guy on the highway and brought him home to feed him and care for him. I put up found signs all over the place. Found the owner through my Craigslist ad and returned him about a week later.
Aw, that's nice. Seriously.
205 currently. so like 20 pounds in 2 months or less w/o much actual effort?today, I found a few shortcut keys that halved the amount of time it takes to do this menial approval process for things that have been scanned. 'paperless' we call ourselves. these goobers have been in this job for YEARS and have yet to come up with anything approaching what I've done in three weeks.
Everything has really been coming up strat lately.
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I guess I missed out on some finance listings for government jobs here in town. they start you at like 32k with insane benefits (free school, top notch healthcare--a bunch of stuff congressmen gave themselves that has to trickle down) and quickly move you up. every time I check usajobs.gov, it's never anything relevant, and I've never seen anything my reference raves about when I see her at the greenhouse. so I just gave her my email and was like hey, please tell me when you see these mythical jobs listed.

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Oh shit. I just watched the last half hour of The American President, and now I'm pretty sure I have to watch all of The West Wing again.Also, packing's a bitch. Did I mention I'm moving in with the girlfriend? I'm moving in on a weekend when I'm on a rotation that requires me to be at school by 6am through early afternoon both days, and will have to drive about 3 hours each way to spend about 3 hours total at my buddy's bachelor party on Saturday. I think this should go well.

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Wow speeds, that's some pretty big news for a "did I mention". Glad to hear things are going so well.

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