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and after 3 days, he is risen!

If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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well I enjoyed looking at the celebrity pictures but I guess I'm just not as cool as mister hip cat speedz my oh my

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I'm still really torn about vegas.
What's the harm in interviewing? I would definitely go. It could easily lead to full time employment that you actually enjoy.
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the last email the hiring manager sent me (last night at like 6):

Ah I see. I wouldn’t want you to quit your job since there is no guarantee that we would hire you for this position. Also, this project is going to last for 4-6 months. I will let you know for sure if we think you should quit and come on down, but if there is any way you can come here without quitting that would be great. I will talk to Joe H about it and we will keep you informed. We should know in the next week or two.
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I really don't understand why they want me to fly to california to interview for a contract job, especially when an employee is telling them he lived with me for a year and I am capable/smart. but ok. I'll do it on their dime. how I'm supposed to communicate that, I'm not sure.

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I really don't understand why they want me to fly to california to interview for a contract job, especially when an employee is telling them he lived with me for a year and I am capable/smart. but ok. I'll do it on their dime. how I'm supposed to communicate that, I'm not sure.
I suggest threatening them that you won't come unless they pay. Just ask them how they want to set up your flight. It is 100% standard for them to pay, don't feel weird about asking.
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I suggest threatening them that you won't come unless they pay.Just ask them how they want to set up your flight. It is 100% standard for them to pay, don't feel weird about asking.
I might leave out the threat part but the rest of this is right on.Strat, is this a company that you'd want to work for long term and/or is in the field you want to work in long term? Cuz otherwise just doing it for 4 - 6 months maybe not such a good idea afterall. Depending, of course, on how easily you'll get another job after the contract is over.It would, however, be good for us though so, DO IT!!
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Yeah, since we lost the apartment stories I speak for the rest of us that reading about strat staggering around the hoods of NLV and the "arts" district in hundred and thirteen degree heat wearing expensive electronics would more than make up for that loss...My advice is wear a heavy wool coat and push a shopping cart full of plastic bottles around. Urban camo. Maybe disquise the GPS antenna with some palm tree leavesWith tips from the tourists you should easily clear twenty or more per hour...

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Yeah, since we lost the apartment stories I speak for the rest of us that reading about strat staggering around the hoods of NLV and the "arts" district in hundred and thirteen degree heat wearing expensive electronics would more than make up for that loss...My advice is wear a heavy wool coat and push a shopping cart full of plastic bottles around. Urban camo. Maybe disquise the GPS antenna with some palm tree leavesWith tips from the tourists you should easily clear twenty or more per hour...
It's settled then!Hey Beans, I feel like you're the most qualified to answer this....It's a long way from being a done deal but there's a company that reached out to me abouta job.....in Mississippi of all places. Other than the MS part it's a good job....$xxk + per year with bonuses, company car, really good benefits etc.... We (me, wife, kids) picked up and moved away from CA with no family here in WA so we're not opposed to moving farther for a good job. Just not sure about Mississippi. They said we could live anywhere in the state we wanted. Any general advice and/or recommendations on what part of the state to consider? (I'm thinking Jackson area and North would be my preference.)
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well I enjoyed looking at the celebrity pictures but I guess I'm just not as cool as mister hip cat speedz my oh my
Oh, man, super fun! I wonder what that actor is saying to that singer! Do you think it's something about movies or music?
so I guess he's under the impression that I'd have to quit this one to interview.
That's odd.
Other than the MS part it's a good job....$80k + per year with bonuses, company car, really good benefits etc....
I know you're still kind of new, but it's kind of an unwritten rule that you don't talk specifics about your paycheck unless it's comically low.
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I know you're still kind of new, but it's kind of an unwritten rule that you don't talk specifics about your paycheck unless it's comically low.
Oops, sorry. I was going to just type "good" pay but it's so relative what "good" means.
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Mississippi of all places.... Any general advice and/or recommendations on what part of the state to consider? (I'm thinking Jackson area and North would be my preference.)
Thats a tough one...The NW corner has Memphis, nine casinos offering excellent pit and video poker odds, and uh....miles of cotton fields. Thats about itMid state around Jackson you have Vicksburg a quick drive to the west. Small casinos but also with fair odds and good comps. Of course its a civil war holy ground if youre into that stuff. I paticularly enjoy seeing the cannon balls stuck in the sides of the brick buildings. A close friend aslo lives a few miles up the road from there on eagle lake. If you can get him to open the door maybe he'll teach you how to fly Airwolf. Its also close enough for a weekend getaway on the BEACH or New Orleans... also casino rich placesI wouldnt suggest the southern region due to the crap with the hurricanes....I may think of other plusses/minuses later this evening
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I know you're still kind of new, but it's kind of an unwritten rule that you don't talk specifics about your paycheck unless it's comically low.
it is? I don't think that's true at all. but then again mine's the comically low one so I may be biased.and even I couldn't imagine living in mississippi. that would be horrible.
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I wouldnt suggest the southern region due to the crap with the hurricanes....
Thanks. Yeah, same reason I wouldn't want to be in that area. Though it would be nice to be close enough for a weekend trip.
it is? I don't think that's true at all. but then again mine's the comically low one so I may be biased.and even I couldn't imagine living in mississippi. that would be horrible.
Ever been or are you also biased against houses with roofs and bathroom floors?
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Oh... hey sal the next time youre underweight for a physical try this at 2:55http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yf6aYcQgMAc&feature=relmfuI immediately thought of this the day I read about it but the forum was slowIn other news, Ive spent the majority of the evening studying bing birds eye, google earth, images, and topo maps of the area we intend to camp at next weekend for the perfect spot....No, not for shade trees or pidly views and suchMy plan is to infiltrate a trout river and fish it completely dry. Phooey on their one fish limit per person per day crap. I have a big fish fry scheduled for next month and rainbows are on the menu. Come by if you can, although I probably wont be in town that daySo when the sun goes down next saturday night youll know what ole Beans will be doing. Thats right, dressed in black with night vision goggles and a ten foot stringer of fish...probably standing in front of a cinder block wall with an inmate number on my chest

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I emailed the guy back, explaining that my employer is OK with me looking elsewhere, that I'd be willing to fly out on short notice, that a different career path sounds excellent.I got some news from chris today. the dream, though it was ~90% dead already, has moved to pretty much 100%... unless zimmer can pull a rabbit out of a hat for me, which I don't know why he would even care to try. I don't know. I was a little shocked that chris heard before me, you know?

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Hey Strat, check out kforce.com if you haven't. They're a pretty big recruiter I guess and I've seen some financial analyst positions. Also, roberthalf does a lot of finance/accounting staffing as well.

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I'm employed through a child company of RH right now. kind of re-thinking my interest in finance at the moment, to be honest.

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I know we have had the discussion in here before, but I'm interested to hear what others would say. I just spent a sizable amount on my dog for back surgery. It cost about 2 months of Shake's salary, and I wonder how many would've done the same thing. He is 6 years old and has been otherwise a very healthy dog...Edit: The new site is killing me with how slow it is...

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it is? I don't think that's true at all. but then again mine's the comically low one so I may be biased.
I'm with Sal on this one. I feel like everyone was talking about Cane's pay when he got out of school.
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