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I Called In Sick Today

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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

and after 3 days, he is risen!

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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Watched "the descendants" last night/this morning. Had literally no idea what it was about other than George Clooney was in it. Meh. Shake...careerbuilder.com, I think glassdoor has listings as well. Are you on LinkedIn? Apparently using that to get jobs is a real thing. We've got an entry level accounting job open here, but I think they already have a milli resumes. Plus I kind of hope they hire that average looking single girl with low self-esteem I've mentioned before. Not that I have one in mind, thats just my ideal candidate and my boss likes hiring chicks. You understand right?

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does anybody know what the best general job sites are? like monster, indeed, etc? thinking about posting a resume but I don't want 200 sales job inquiries.
Indeed is my favorite because it pulls in job postings from careerbuilder, monster, company web sites etc... They've just recently let you post your resume and it's not great with the way it formats but it works. I would recommend posting your resume on monster, careerbuilder etc... because some recruiters/HR people do still search for resume's there. Post your resume on careerbuilder and monster etc... as well then set up a job search agent on indeed so that it sends you an e-mail as often as you wish; daily, every weds, or whatever.When you set up your profile on the job sites it will have you choose the industry and job type you're after which should, but probably won't completely, helpkeep the annoying sales and insurance jobs from bothering you too much.
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oh wow, an entry level accounting job in iowa... thanks napa, but uh, I think I'm busy that week.
Yeah, because who wants to have to deal with all that extra money you'd have.
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Red Tail Hawks have an awesome cry, and most people associate their cry to Eagles, because movies lie to us.
I've played a couple of times at the Red Tail golf course in MA. Not surprisingly, you hear that all the time while playing. It's pretty sweet.
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I'm an egomaniac and think everything is about me.
And why is this about me now?
Why indeed.
Personal note: About two months ago my wife went on a diet, and she was hitting the workouts pretty hard. I was like, "Dude, why are you going on a diet? You're really great, just like you are."
I really hope you actually said "Dude."
I didn't know you could spell "pussy" with three letters
Both of these made me laugh out loud.
god damnit, did I tell you guys about that plan management here had to move me to another position that I don't want and without asking me? well I had a few people tell me that they got so much pushback from other groups on how stupid that was that they gave up on it. well now I just got word that it's back on and happening soon. son of a bitch. seriously though, am I making too much of this? I mean technically it's a promotion with a little more money (though in actuality less since I won't get overtime anymore and my overtime is more than any raise they would give) and they're all trying to build it up as "good experience," but shit, it's taking me off the career path I've been working towards for five years, plus it'll also keep me from being able to post out for other internal jobs I may want for two years. plus, I mean, I feel like it's pretty damn disrespectful. am I being stupid here? do other companies do stuff like this?
I don't know why you haven't given up yet. Just be like, whatever, and shit. It would help with your ulcers. Do you have ulcers? I don't know what an ulcer is.
Speaking of, I had been looking at jobs with NBA teams and OKC has an opening for assistant controller and it's been open for awhile but it says "4 years experience" and so I was hesitant to apply even though I think I'm qualified based off the job description.
If you find any jobs with NBA teams that aren't in Oklahoma City, keep me in mind.
I saw The Limey, Joey. Basic Steven Soderbergh. I don't think I would ever want to see it again, but it was a solid 6.5/10. Up next, Hannah.
Oh good, you watched it. Now I know not to bother seeing it myself.
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I really hope you actually said "Dude."
Things I call my girlfriend:Buddy[Her Name]FriendoDudeBudI think I've called her "Sweetie" like twice over the year and a half we've been dating, only when she was having a really bad day.
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Things I call my girlfriend:Buddy[Her Name]FriendoDudeBudI think I've called her "Sweetie" like twice over the year and a half we've been dating, only when she was having a really bad day.
I prefer Pooty Pie or Bitsy Pookums. Snoogy Woogy if the mood is right.
Sacramento has a financial analyst opening or something. Maybe I should take that and live in Guapos compound.
That's going to be Anaheim soon enough anyway.
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Things I call my girlfriend:Buddy[Her Name]FriendoDudeBudI think I've called her "Sweetie" like twice over the year and a half we've been dating, only when she was having a really bad day.
That one's the best.
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I absolutely called her "dude". She hates it/laughs nearly every time, since I don't pull it out very often. That's what she said.

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I don't pull it out very often. That's what she said.
Dammit.... Even after quoting and seeing the invisitext I'm still posting....Maybe that's why you have so many kids....In other news, been lazing around the pool house this evening. Drinking and watching a bird feed her young. Where you didn't ask? Why... Right above my head. Bitch be building here for four years now. Wife don't enjoy the poop stains on the ceiling but I'm too soft hearted to block her entrance every springOh hell... Twitvid coming!This time for reals
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Bitch be building here for four years now.
That ****.
I think it's pretty cool speedz doesn't take offense to you calling her that.
It's cool, we're internet friends.
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Apropos of nothing, 2 annoying people who annoyed me today:1. Standing outside of a building smoking a cigarette for about 30 seconds. Doorman comes outside and tells me I can't smoke there. I quickly apologize and start to walk down the block. Woman also standing in front of the building says to the doorman, "Thank you," as intensely as she can. Bitch, ask me to move if it's bothering you so goddam much! I apologized to her too. No response.2. Waiting in line at a pharmacy. 60ish year old woman in line ahead of me becomes visibly and orally annoyed at how long it's taking the pharmacist to assist the woman ahead of her ("Oh my God," "Come on," etc.). When it's her turn to go she literally spends 60-90 seconds counting out change. Bitch counted out 8 pennies on top of her nickels and dimes and quarters! Eight fucking pennies but she's in a rush! And you know she laid them out on the counter and counted them each individually. I should have started muttering "OMG come on" but I'm not a cunt.tldr: People suck.

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I always pick the line at the market that has someone paying with a check. There's like seven people left in the world that still pay for their groceries with checks and they're always in front of me. This probably doesn't surprise anyone, but people who pay with checks invariably have lots of coupons.

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I hate women who stand on line and stare at the cashier as they ring in their food and wait until the very end to get their total and THEN take their purse off their shoulder and dig around looking for their wallet and then dig through that to get their credit card. You know you will have to pay for the food do why not get the card out while the cashier is ringing up your 50 items. Or the idiots who use the self check out with way too many items and most are produce and they keep having difficulty figuring out the codes.

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In other news, been lazing around the pool house this evening. Drinking and watching a bird feed her young. Where you didn't ask? Why... Right above my head. Bitch be building here for four years now. Wife don't enjoy the poop stains on the ceiling but I'm too soft hearted to block her entrance every spring
yeah I've got a bird (or bird family really) that builds a nest in one of the holes in my roof every year. tried to fill it up with that "great stuff" sealant stuff but they just picked it on out and built away. and yeah, they're all cute until you open the door and there's an 8 foot black snake dangling from your ceiling munching on baby birds.
Apropos of nothing, 2 annoying people who annoyed me today:tldr: People suck.
you handled both of these situations as vaginally as possible.
I always pick the line at the market that has someone paying with a check. There's like seven people left in the world that still pay for their groceries with checks and they're always in front of me. This probably doesn't surprise anyone, but people who pay with checks invariably have lots of coupons.
oh man, the people that pay in checks. how horrible are they? sometimes I don't mind because usually they're little old ladies and I mean we can't expect them to figure out credit/debit cards since they're almost dead, but anybody below sixty that uses checks for groceries is a horrible piece of shit that needs to die.
I hate women
hey me too!
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1. Standing outside of a building smoking a cigarette for about 30 seconds. Doorman comes outside and tells me I can't smoke there.
Do building owners own the sidewalk outside of said buildings as well?
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