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I Called In Sick Today

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and after 3 days, he is risen!

If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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What you need to do is just join e-harmony or something and take it slow.
Alright brvheart, if you tell me this was a joke, I'll believe you this time.
I had my parents get something from panera for me. you guessed it, a turkey sandwich consisting of 920 calories.
I did not guess that.
There's really a lot of calories in good, thick bread.
Bread, bacon, cheese, sauce.
personally I'm a big fan of randy's style of advice taking
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I spend a lot of time talking to Mormons, so I need to know about their religion.
That's what wikipedia is for. And South Park.
As for my son, and I know this isn't a reason to give him the case, it would be immensely valuable civil experience throughout his entire career. I hate to say this, but these type of cases don't come easily and would be huge experience wise. And yes, the fees will be huge obviously. I wouldn't think twice about hiring someone in the family. I wouldn't want all that money going to a stranger. And I am sorry, but I could also care less about her ex-divorce attorney getting the money simply for refering the case and doing what my son would be doing. Who do you want to get the money?As mentioned, no one would work harder than him or be more honest, or have better communication, or look out for my wife's interest in my opinion.
This is all well and good, but if you already said it to your wife in a calm, honest conversation, that's the best you can do. What's her rationale for not thinking about hiring him? Let's role play! You're your wife and you're explaining to us why you want to hire a lawyer other than your stepson for this very important case. Ready...GO!
If this goes to trial, he is the kind of guy that will relish spending endless days in court and depositions, my wife will hate and loathe it. He will want to draw it out as long as possible, my wife won't. My son could be a huge buffer here to protect her. Also, I am sure he doesn't want my son because of fear that he won't be able to push him around and raise hell needlessly.
Have you said this to your wife, calmly and in relatively gentle language? Or does she not know that her brother is an ass?
Cane- you honestly wouldn't be upset if your wife's parents hired another attorney instead of you in this case?
I wouldn't hire someone who needed multiple attempts to pass the bar for a case like this.
haha, obviously they aren't that convincing! I know I need to put it down and walk away, but I falso fear it will forever cause problems within my family. It would always (or for a time) be awkward getting together with her around possibly.
I think it'll only always be awkward if you don't let it go and walk away. Your call.
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Randy, to me it seems like the family issues that are being created are two fold.1.) The fact your wife won't even talk to you about this.2.) How hard you seem to be taking this decision.Obviously I think your wife should at least give you a reason why she doesn't want to work with your son and his firm, but after that i think she has zero obligation to do so. I think this process shows why it probably is not in their best interest to work with your son.

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Alright brvheart, if you tell me this was a joke, I'll believe you this time.
Nope. I don't make jokes about a wonderful site like e-harmony.
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you know, if taking shits at work has taught me anything, it's that most men wear really ugly shoes.
You know, the stalls in korea come all the way to the floor. They go higher up as well. It's like your own private little room. And the cleaning ladies don't kick you out when they clean. they'll run a mop between your legs while you piss at the urinal. Also, kimchi makes for some really solid and oddly textured poops.
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It's ok DJ, speedz is going to have so much debt that he will have no option but to hire lawyers who failed the Bar more than me. Bad news for his pending malpractice or when his wife divorces him for being GAY.

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Napa ~ You're obviously a pussy and aren't going to do anything about this chick you haven't puked on in 6 months anyway so just delete her number already.Strat ~ You're obviously a pussy and aren't going to do anything about this chick you used to work with so just lose her e-mail address already. Besides, e-mail. Really? Do you not have her cell number? Blah....Randy ~ I feel like you are so charged with emotion about this issue that we are missing a large part of the other side of the story. You've explained 3 or more times why you think your son should be the lawyer on the case but I still don't really understand your wifes position. Also, the fact that you talk the way you do about your bro-in-law makes me not surprised he's not interested in throwing your son a bone here. It is a really tough situation though. I think, if I were you, I'd make my case as calmly and rationally as possible for why my son and his mentor should be the choice and then end with, "But it's your mother, honey, and you need to do what you feel is right for her and, whatever you decide, I will support you every step of the way". Otherwise, your happiness, not to mention your sex life, will be in extreme jeopardy over all of this. Mexico ~ I am very much enjoying your advice giving expertiseBrv ~ Why do you work with mormons a lot yet they make you sad?Jesus, miss one day of check in here and it's the busiest day in recent memory for the thread. Hmmm....may the 2 are linked...

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I probably wouldn't hire someone who really needed the experience for the sake of his career.
Or someone who could really use the money.
You know, the stalls in korea come all the way to the floor. They go higher up as well. It's like your own private little room. And the cleaning ladies don't kick you out when they clean. they'll run a mop between your legs while you piss at the urinal. Also, kimchi makes for some really solid and oddly textured poops.
Aren't the toilets just a hole in the floor though? Or is that China? Or could I be thinking of nothing.
It's ok DJ, speedz is going to have so much debt that he will have no option but to hire lawyers who failed the Bar more than me. Bad news for his pending malpractice or when his wife divorces him for being GAY.
[solemn head nod]
Besides, e-mail. Really? Do you not have her cell number? Blah....
She lives with her boyfriend.
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