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I Called In Sick Today

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How much do you want to pay for music?I don't buy CD's as I think they are over priced but buying an album of 15 songs for $9.99 off iTunes doesn't come across to me as being overly expensive. Especially when I can go to Fye and get the same CD for $18.99.
I don't think anyone believes $30,000 is a reasonable price to fill up an iPod classic. the way people listen to music now is much different, imo.if prices were 1/10th of what they are now, I'd buy music. the zune pass business is actually quite awesome and very close to what I'd call acceptable.
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and after 3 days, he is risen!

If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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yeah but that project probably takes you to china. where you die of swine flu.
It's actually China that is scared of Derek.
love this.
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I don't think anyone believes $30,000 is a reasonable price to fill up an iPod classic. the way people listen to music now is much different, imo.if prices were 1/10th of what they are now, I'd buy music. the zune pass business is actually quite awesome and very close to what I'd call acceptable.
Actually it is probably more than that to fill it up because you are filling at least 30% of it or more with the $19 CD's you already bought. I have no issue paying .99 for a song I like. Or I guess a 1.29 now. I prefer it since I don't usually like to buy full albums. I am not familiar with the Zune pass. Was that the thing where you can only listen to it for a couple days or something like that? I will have to go look it up. I can't see how .09 cents for a song helps the artist. I don't care about the label, just the artist. That will require me to do math and I don't do math.
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Funny because I think I'm the only person in the group that will play any amount of video poker.Also hilarious that we are all staying at Flamingo (though I agree with you about the Harrah's props).
Its a good game to pass the time, thats for sure....Plus theres no pissy dealer to wake you up if the beer overwhelms you between hands
I miss the Beans cartoons.
Can someone explain why Harrah's gambling rules/odds/something are so bad? I seem to run really good at their casinos
Greed....They pissed me off originally by buying the Horseshoe, stripping the WSOP crap from it, then leaving it to die instead of reviving it from the decrepit state Becky left it in. Rumor has it they were also involved in Jacks banishment but who knows....I wouldnt doubt itThen once the mid strip market was cornered, the infoing really got started..... Ill never forget the first time I saw a giant flashing sign that read "NOW PAYING SIX TO FIVE ON BLACKJACK!"I almost puked right there on the sidewalkVideo poker paytables dropped like flies, "Total Rewards" only rewards the tightest games, wrestling a simple meal comp from the pit required a violent threat that usually didnt work, all the dice tables reduced the odds maximums and replace "to" with "for" on the layouts, etc, etc, etc.....A gaming license is already like owning a printing press with Benjamin plates....I giggle every time someone mentions entering the WSOP nowadays.... there is no telling what the rake is for that thing now
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like I said, the artist isn't being helped irregardless. right now, all the labels do is act as a ridiculous middle man. that was unavoidable back before the Internet, but not so much now.
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I don't understand what you're trying to say here.
Well, I'm not exactly sure what artist or song or album or anything we're talking about here because I just saw the link was megaupload and did not click it then I saw Mex getting on you for not paying for the music. Keep all that in mind when deciding if this even applies to the situation. Hell, I could just be talking out of my ass as usual.RIAA is the governing body over the music industry. You have to have 500k albums sold to get a gold album - plus there's points to be made about charting of songs and stuff but that could get long and drawn out so I'll just talk about album sales. If you like the music, buy the album and help your artist out because it is really hard to get a gold or platinum album these days. Downloads, unless they are the entire album from an RIAA partner like Amazon or Itunes, don't count towards an artists numbers for those RIAA milestones. Most artists want to reach those milestones. So even if it's not about the money, it's important to the artist that you buy the music.
I didn't explain that well.Artists like to win awards. They can't win awards if you don't by albums.
others have made most of the points that i'd like to, but if we give Ren the benefit of the doubt, and say that there are worthwhile artists that do indeed want to win awards (which I'd like to think can occur simultaneously with wanting to make good music - recognition is almost always nice), then these artists should feel good about winning a what.cd award for Most Downloaded or Most Heavily Seeded or something. the point being, they can win awards that are in reality just as meaningful as bullshit RIAA gold/platinum albums without the RIAA getting a cut. the model of paying $20 for an album is broken. further attempts to cling to it based on the prestige of an award from a discredited marketing cartel like the RIAA services nobody in the long run. i heard on the radio that a music award show (MTV or MuchMusic, I'm not sure which) got about 1/2 the ratings of a rerun of Criminal Minds or something, despite having such luminaries as the Jonas Brothers and Lady Gaga. Enough said.
Please try at least one of the above, unlike EVERYONE else Ive given this information to....
I'm still sorry about that, but I did eat at In and Out (thanks Pete) and will go get one of those beers next time I'm in Vegas. I promise.
yeah but that project probably takes you to china. where you die of swine flu.
Derek has an immunity now.
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let's see... I went to lollapalooza and also saw Andrew Bird, Ratatat, Jenny Lewis (paid for anyway), Junior Boys, and M. Ward in the last year. pretty damn good for a thefty fgt from Kansas, and I guarantee all of those artists made way more off of my tickets than they would have from albums.

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Mrs. Braveheart thought that the Maggie/ Lillard story was hilarious. I think she even called her sister.
This makes me irrationally happy. I've had a handful of things happen to me which have spread across the state of Michigan (for example, when I wrote a state-required standardized test essay about stuffing my 11th grade English teacher, and was TOLD THE STORY by somebody else in college), but the notion of expanding my notoriety into the Greater Midwest is fabulous.
Smashley?(914): After he finished I threw up my arms and shouted STEVE HOLT!
I don't understand the question and I won't respond to it.
I want to meet these people who think I am funny.
I think, a lot of the time, people use "funny" to describe a wide range of personality characteristics, from "good at telling funny jokes in crowds and inducing belly-laughs" to "interesting." I doubt you're the public-joking, laugh-out-loud-funny type, but I'm confident you are interesting. You have a misanthropic worldview that lends itself very well to humor, even if you're not telling jokes. Plus, you understand funny. You can see the humor in absurdity, appreciate it, and even if you don't offer witty rejoinders and obiter ditca in response, the act of pointing it out implies a kind of funny. If you don't think you're funny, at least admit you have a good sense of humor. (<--- rendered moot if you laugh at my jokes)
I always picture strat as having the ability to inject the wit/bitterness/sarcasm thing into any situation, but being fairly softspoken in most situation. I also picture him throwing out some really funny shit once in a while when his tongue gets ahead of his brain. That's what I picture, and nothing nobody says is gonna change my mind. NOTHING!Sad as it may be, I'm honestly very happy that I'm not the only person to have ridiculously intricate (sp?) daydreams like this.
I see Strat as a little more wallflower-esque, a little too passive to consistently interject, but too often disgusted to hide his distaste. I picture him leaning against walls and eying doors at parties, wishing he were in a smaller group talking about how stupid the party is. (This is not a bad thing. If I weren't an egotist, this would be me.)Daydreaming is weird, but I do my best thinking when I'm distracted and caught up in some odd fantasy. It's strange. Afterwards, sometimes I'll think about it, and be like, "Where... I mean, I did not think I could think or imagine I could imagine something like that. It had to have come from somewhere else, but I am the only person in my brain, so... huh."
Oh, Wang, there's a chance you aren't reading this because I haven't quoted you in this post, but I wanted to thank you for the Simply Sleep idea. My life has been improved dramatically, or at least slightly.
Good news. We become more like retarded cousins every day.
Wang,I've done some thinking about your opportunity. Not a ton, but some. I guess it all comes down to what you want your life to be. Do you want to keep working as a poker room manager and running small time book while you pretend that you want to eventually go the respectable route? Do you want to take your RU degree and try to get a standard cubicle job with casual fridays and the occasional office birthday party? Then there's this other possibility...leading to a totally different Wang from the Wangs in the above scenarios. As mentioned today, you're self deprecating a lot of the time (which I of course am a fan of), but it's hard for me to guage exactly how dissatisfied you are with your current situation. How badly do you want to move in a different direction? So which Wang do you want to be? Because this totally is one of those rare crossroads where you really get to choose the direction in which your life is going to go. I think my biggest issue was getting past the mental block of thinking of my life in abstraction (that may be the wrong word for this...or not even a word at all), instead of realizing how much control I really had/have....that's daydream material. Except you could actually make this one happen. That doesn't come along every day, year, or decade. Speedzboobs, beer, sports, etcEdit: I'm sure this goes without saying, but I in no way mean for any of this to read as condescending.
Nah, it didn't read condescending at all. If I didn't want advice, I wouldn't have asked for it. I appreciate the response.The point that resonates most strongly is the bolded one. In most of my stories -- even the ones in which I'm actively involved -- crazy things happen to me; I'm a bystander, a confused summer oak in a mid-winter storm. That's not exactly how I am. I am a very proactive and interactive person. I talk, joke, engage, all that. But when I talk about myself, I'm always standing still while the world moves around me. Maybe that's not significant. Maybe it's just a voice I developed over the years as a result of my sense of humor. Maybe I just appreciate randomness, absurd confluences, and the beauty of chaos. But that DOES imply a certain laissez-faire attitude about my life, like I'm the wind-blown leaf instead of the current. A man I greatly respected once told me, during what was then the darkest time of my young life: "Life is 10% what happens to you, 90% how you react." I believe that, believe that understanding and accepting that is the key to happiness. I am not dissatisified with my life, especially considering where and who I was 3 years ago. I was age 13 for ten years, and I got to 25 pretty quickly. But I DO want a standard, traditional life; I knew this years ago, when I decided playing cards for a living was, for me, an unfulfilling existence. I am confident that I could live within the cinderblock walls of The System, and find satisfaction or happiness there. Unless I get lucky, I'm not going to be able to do something important or challenging unless I get involved. I'm not smart or special enough to act ON The System, affecting the world from outside the castle gates. So I have no problem starting with standard, and trusting myself to keep my eyes open.
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love this.
i kept scrolling through the catsup waiting to see someone make that reference and was quite gleeful when it became clear i would get to hunt down and post a pic of j. walter weatherman.
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This makes me irrationally happy. I don't understand the question and I won't respond to it.admit you have a good sense of humor. (<--- rendered moot if you laugh at my jokes)(This is not a bad thing. If I weren't an egotist, this would be me.)Good news. We become more like retarded cousins every day. I'm a bystander, a confused summer oak in a mid-winter storm. That's not exactly how I am. I am a very proactive and interactive person. I talk, joke, engage, all that. I am not dissatisified with my life, especially considering where and who I was 3 years ago. I'm not smart or special enough to act ON The System, affecting the world from outside the castle gates. So I have no problem starting with standard, and trusting myself to keep my eyes open.
i thought you were going to be less self-deprecating. [/inner voice]
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let's see... I went to lollapalooza and also saw Andrew Bird, Ratatat, Jenny Lewis (paid for anyway), Junior Boys, and M. Ward in the last year. pretty damn good for a thefty fgt from Kansas, and I guarantee all of those artists made way more off of my tickets than they would have from albums.
I...don't know who any of these people are. But I only listen to classic rock and reggae.
Unless I get lucky, I'm not going to be able to do something important or challenging unless I get involved. I'm not smart or special enough to act ON The System, affecting the world from outside the castle gates. So I have no problem starting with standard, and trusting myself to keep my eyes open.
Response #1: I hear you. I think that's a pretty common way to go about working within a profession...I strongly believe that a lot of powerful people are only in their positions because of the simple act of being in the right place at the right time. My humble opinion is that you should just keep on the straight and narrow path, and hope that some day a huge opportunity will fall into your lap. Maybe something involving China. Or another country...I don't know what I'm saying. Just keep on keeping your eyes open for the day that you get lucky. Response #2: You remind me of the man that lived by the river.
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speedz I am very confused over your musical tastes. it is almost as confusing as guapo's obsession with hip-hop. hippity hop. zealousdonkey brought up bill gates in the education thread which tempted me a great deal to say what speedz said in response 1. don't go full-blown entrepreneur as your #1 goal, just go with the crowd until something catches your eye. it is so dumb to set goals like that, especially ones with such low average returns. what do I know, I'm just a kid

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speedz I am very confused over your musical tastes.
Classic rock and reggae...I smoke weed. Or used to. And still do on occasion. Other than that I'm not big on listening to music unless it's in the background of doing something else, in which case I don't really care what I'm listening to.
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this is maybe my favorite. the helen hunt one is also a challenger
that was awesome. i love thinking that beck is shaking his hand in congratulations for passing out."gone!"what's the helen hunt one?
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Can I hang out in here for a few days since the entire Army is in Vegas?
Depends.Got any MP3's to share?
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Depends.Got any MP3's to share?
You name it, I probably got it. I'll have to send a courier to pick it up from the FBI storage facility first, but shouldn't be a problem.
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Can I hang out in here for a few days since the entire Army is in Vegas?
Just be warned, the last person to post here who was a Jeep guy didn't fair to well. Just don't let them know you have a Jeep and you might be ok.
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