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I Called In Sick Today

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BTW- How exclusive is this thread. Right now I feel like it's my first Christmas dinner with my girlfriend's family, where you have no idea how you'll be accepted so you just nod your head and smile a lot.
Whatever you do, don't bring up the fact that you like hockey around these here parts. Beer, boobs and sports only extends so far, unfortunately. You'd have a better chance chattering about field hockey, because at least there's boobs involved in that.
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and after 3 days, he is risen!

If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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"god damn it"
It might be amazing to some people that I've never said that phrase in my life, around others OR by myself. I have thought it at appropriate times however and then rolled my eyes and gave a quick apology to the Big Guy. (I'm sure he just laughed, since he knows my heart)I know, cult speak.
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It might be amazing to some people that I've never said that phrase in my life around others or by myself. I have thought it at appropriate times however and then rolled my eyes and gave a quick apology to the Big Guy. (I'm sure he just laughed, since he knows my heart)
I've never seen what was so wrong with it. I mean, I'm not calling god a bad name or anything like that at all, I'm just politely asking him to damn something that I don't like at that moment, like "yo god, smite this motherfucker, my nigga."
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I've never seen what was so wrong with it. I mean, I'm not calling god a bad name or anything like that at all, I'm just politely asking him to damn something that I don't like at that moment, like "yo god, smite this motherfucker, my nigga."
I don't know that it is wrong, since it's not really mentioned in the New Testament, but the whole point of the commandment, which is number 3 for those of you scoring at home, is that you don't just say it randomly when not actually thinking about and/or addressing God. So in your example it would be absolutely ok... since you were specifically asking God, as your nigger, to smite something. He would be down with that.Also, someone punctuate my prior sentence correctly. I couldn't do it at gunpoint.
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Whatever you do, don't bring up the fact that you like girls around these here parts. Beer, boobs and sports only extends so far, unfortunately. You'd have a better chance chattering about field hockey, because at least there's boobs involved in that.
FYP and sorry for your loss BigD. Buy ya a beer and some real pizza when you are in town next. We'll invite Gallo.
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"mother of pearl."
Amazing. I'm adding it to my repertoire, only I intend only to use it loudly and in the presence of others.
the whole point of the commandment, which is number 3 for those of you scoring at home, is that you don't just say it randomly when not actually thinking about and/or addressing God.
Yeah, because god forbid anyone use the word 'god' without it being in reference to him.Oh wait... god really did forbid that. He used his mystical powers to foil my sarcasm....
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I think that smoking my mango pot and doing this could be the greatest hour or so of my life.BTW- How exclusive is this thread. Right now I feel like it's my first Christmas dinner with my girlfriend's family, where you have no idea how you'll be accepted so you just nod your head and smile a lot.
Yeah, you're a little too good of poker player for this thread, I have to say Dink.
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Yeah, because god forbid anyone use the word 'god' without it being in reference to him.Oh wait... god really did forbid that. He used his mystical powers to foil my sarcasm....
Piss off you nasty twat
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members are celebrating their birthday todayjeff_536(43), aucu(42), rocketpoker828(22), Propaganda 916(24), hhhwmx7(22), Nvrquit(29) Have a good one boys.

I've just discovered the joy of adding mangos to my pizza, and as a mango fan, I thighly recommend getting a take and bake cheese pizza and putting mangos on them.
I like the mango lemonade at CPK.
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I'm with LG on the whole god thing. I'm a devout atheist.

My girlfriend's friend from work, who is 18, just said "ew" when she found out I was 31.She was born in 1990.I was buying Cowboys from Hell in 1990.What the hell is going on here?
Shutup you young punk
I don't know that it is wrong, since it's not really mentioned in the New Testament, but the whole point of the commandment, which is number 3 for those of you scoring at home, is that you don't just say it randomly when not actually thinking about and/or addressing God. So in your example it would be absolutely ok... since you were specifically asking God, as your nigger, to smite something. He would be down with that.Also, someone punctuate my prior sentence correctly. I couldn't do it at gunpoint.
It's actually punctuated reasonably well. You could separate out the subclause 'in your example' by commas.
members are celebrating their birthday todayjeff_536(43), aucu(42), rocketpoker828(22), Propaganda 916(24), hhhwmx7(22), Nvrquit(29) Have a good one boys.
Thank you, sir.
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Whatever you do, don't bring up the fact that you like hockey around these here parts. Beer, boobs and sports only extends so far, unfortunately. You'd have a better chance chattering about field hockey, because at least there's boobs involved in that.
Let's do talk about hockey... Hockey is the most manly sport on Earth.I've played and competed in:FootballBaseballBasketballTennisBowlingOlympic Tae Kwon DoMMARacketballVolleyball... sand and courtBoxingnone of these compare to hockey...I played goalie most of my years but recently skated out as defense. the only sport I think that is nearly as tough as hockey may be water polo.I get tired watching those guys swim and tread water.
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Crap, I must have overquoted everything and ended up with nothing. Too lazy to go back now.On the Kidney chick. On further reflection last night I do believe she is an attention whore. 1. Okay looking but dresses provacatively (slutty)2. Way to much makeup3. Shows multiple tattoos in hidden areas at the drop of hat.Anyway, everyone does anything for one of two reasons,gain pleasure or avoid painShe isn't giving a kidney away to avoid pain so it must (or in her mind)be for pleasure. I believe the attention she would get for being altruisticfrom co-workers, family, and she probably thought, boyfriend would puther on somewhat of a pedastal.Now that she has gotten herself into the situation and found out that wasn't the case she doesn't know how to back out without being seen as an ass.This would crush the whole reason she volunteered in the first place, "to gain pleasure", so it's a catch 22.I also plan on discussing TWang's assesment of her medical future involving their relationship and possible children. It would be tough for my son to approach itwith her. If he brings it up then she can take it as, "Oh, he wants us to have children!"The whole conversation could go in many difficult directions for him.I also feel if she was older and didn't have her life in front of her it would be an easier decision now she's in a bind. If she backs out and he dies then she would be looked athorribly. If my son talks her out of it so could he.She has to make a quick decision as it's not fair to the guy since they could actively belooking for another donor as well. What a crushing blow to the guy if she says, "sorry" now?BASKETBALL!

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Happy BDay Jeff and Doug. Have one for me.BigD- sorry as well. I really like how you're handling the situation though and you should be commened for the cool head. (Not a pun).So who all is in on the secret santa? Any more rules or do we just do as usual and ignore all the rules?Last night laying in bed as Deb and I were about to fall asleep I blurted out,"We're having a Sickie Secret Santa"We laughed for 5 minutes...

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BigD- sorry as well. I really like how you're handling the situation though and you should be commened for the cool head. (Not a pun).
You didn't read my latest post in the Religion forum, obv. I appreciate the kind words of everyone in this thread, but Hollywood's are completely disingenuous and he can fuck straight off.
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From Is There a God Thread

This thread is too long, can someone just tell me if the question in the title has been definitively answered or not. I know it's been debated for centuries, but I think this forum can finally solve it. So if anyone has the answer, please let me know. I'm getting old and need to know pretty soon.
When debating god with an athiest, follow these steps to ensure victory Step one: When the atheist begins to speak, place index fingers firmly inside ears. Step two: sing "Heaven" by the band Live very loudly, as to avoid hearing unwanted facts and logic. Step three: when the atheist has given up hope, use circular logic and flawed mathematics to justify your belief in god (e.g. "god wrote the bible, and the bible says God exists, QED god exists, i mean, God wouldn't lie would He?). Step four: Stalin, Hitler, Maou etc etc, *smug look of arrogance* Final step: Tell the atheist that you are praying for them, and that one day they will see the truth.
LG- It's a shame that your neighbor is probably nice but having lived a sheltered childhood didn't have access to the freedom to seek out individuality and think for herself. These type of people havealways made me uncomfortable since it's hard to have rational discussion. I mean, how awkwardwould it be if you knocked on her door holding a copy of Darwin and asked to hang out?On one hand it's easy to be nice an avoid confrontation but on the other it would be cool to try and convince of her of the errors of her ways and get her to be a drugged out hooker by spring break.
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From Is There a God ThreadLG- It's a shame that your neighbor is probably nice but having lived a sheltered childhood didn't have access to the freedom to seek out individuality and think for herself. These type of people havealways made me uncomfortable since it's hard to have rational discussion. I mean, how awkwardwould it be if you knocked on her door holding a copy of Darwin and asked to hang out?On one hand it's easy to be nice an avoid confrontation but on the other it would be cool to try and convince of her of the errors of her ways and get her to be a drugged out hooker by spring break.
That right there is money.
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I am not good with death. I have only had to deal with two close people pass away and it sucked but many people I know have had to deal with much more death in their lives. But I never know what to say. I am not a religious man and I always feel uncomfortable with the spiritual part of offering condolences. I don't know if that makes sense but it's the only way my garbled brain can think of to say it. I posted last night in here on the SBriand account that I was sorry to hear what happened to BigD and his family. I don't know BigD other than his posts but I do feel sorry because I can imagine how I would feel losing my father and it's not a pleasant thought. I can't though get into the groove of things when people post RIP thread of famous people and people get all spiritual with their condolences and such and it just bugs the crap out of me. The way people over react to the death of celebrity is just appalling to me. But that is beside the point. It's times like these that I wish I would not hit the post button.VAGINA!

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for the past month or so I've started using alternative personal curses, and I'm not sure if that's a good idea or not. like when you stub your toe or something and yell "god damn it", I've started using phrases like "bollocks" and (definitely the worst) "mother of pearl." it's going to be awkward when I finally accidentally say one of these in front of a real human.
I typicallyl just yell "GOO!" for times like those. I've also taken to purposefully punctuating my sneezes with "Ah-CHING!". Kills every time.
I've never seen what was so wrong with it. I mean, I'm not calling god a bad name or anything like that at all, I'm just politely asking him to damn something that I don't like at that moment, like "yo god, smite this motherfucker, my nigga."
Not racist.
I don't know that it is wrong, since it's not really mentioned in the New Testament, but the whole point of the commandment, which is number 3 for those of you scoring at home, is that you don't just say it randomly when not actually thinking about and/or addressing God. So in your example it would be absolutely ok... since you were specifically asking God, as your nigger, to smite something. He would be down with that.
RACIST!I have nothing today. No school and no work. My roomates will be out of the house. Here's my plan:1. Work out...except I worked out hard last night and am sore, so I might skip this.2. Drink a few beers at around 2pm.3. Smoke a joint.4. Make tacos.5. Drink another beer while I eat the tacos.6. Nap.I'm very excited to get things moving.
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I'm going to go drink now.
Condolences Mac.
I think a lot of agnostics are just big pussies. There I said it.
Screw you.
I've just discovered the joy of adding mangos to my pizza, and as a mango fan, I thighly recommend getting a take and bake cheese pizza and putting mangos on them.
Pepperoni and pineapple. Best of both worlds.Way way too much other stuff to quote.
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In other news, on the way to work today I was flipping radio stations and stopped on the local hip hop/r&b station where I heard the most unintelligent person ever on a live media broadcast. After minutes of nonsensical rambling about the bailouts he referred to the hard economic times as:"The hardest eck con uh mick times ever"

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