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I Called In Sick Today

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I have to agree its going to be difficult no matter who it is, but when you throw in the fact that he plays a less injury prone position and probably would care more about the record than his team winning I think he has a good shot at it.
He'll be back at shortstop next year. That's not as bad as outfield, but worse than third base for sure.
I don't understand why A-Rod has this terrible reputation as being a me-first kind of player. Can anyone explain this to me? I've always thought A-Rod's much more professional than most superstars.
Silky, I'll go ahead and disagree with you on this one too. He seems to me like the kind of guy that would put the team above his personal goals...we're talking about the $200M player who left his (gold glove and highest visibility) position to help a trade go through. He seems like a pompous ass a lot of the time, but I do think he's a team player. Wang, if you have any questions about his pompous assity, just look up some articles about his track record with autograph seekers.
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He'll be back at shortstop next year. That's not as bad as outfield, but worse than third base for sure.Silky, I'll go ahead and disagree with you on this one too. He seems to me like the kind of guy that would put the team above his personal goals...we're talking about the $200M player who left his (gold glove and highest visibility) position to help a trade go through. He seems like a pompous ass a lot of the time, but I do think he's a team player. Wang, if you have any questions about his pompous assity, just look up some articles about his track record with autograph seekers.
Oh, I'm completely willing to admit he's likely a jerk. But my point was the same as yours, that it seems like people confuse "rich and spoiled and a dick" with "under-achiever who doesn't give enough effort on the field and hinders his team's success." In baseball, it's almost impossible to care greatly about personal success -- putting up monster numbers in every facet of the game, year after year -- and somehow hinder your team. I mean, baseball is a team sport, but it's really just a series of one-on-one battles.Wang
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I know you were all worried about what I did this weekend, so...-Thursday night I went out with a buddy in town from San Diego. We got college-drunk and I made out with a hot Irish chick. I attempted to take her home but her friends were working overtime to convince her that going home with me was a bad idea seeing as she was supposed to be leaving for Florida at 6am the same morning. She obviously wanted to go with me, but I was happy to be hanging out with my friend (that I haven't seen for a year) and just couldn't continue negotiationing with the cockblocking bitches. At least I got a number that I'll never use. I was about 10 seconds from making the decision to go hogging (there was a fat girl that gave me eyes for a lot of the night), but we got pizza instead.-The cheerleader and her parents saw my mother on Friday and told her that she is still obsessed with me. Then her mother said that she wants me for a son-in-law. Then her father said I should go to dental school and take over his practice. This all makes me very uncomfortable, so I've decided to let her visit for a weekend...it's part of my new WWSWD philosophy.-Went to the cape for the weekend. Great seafood the whole time, two beautiful beach days, and that's pretty much it. I felt a little dirty when I realized all the hot girls at the beach were probably in high school. Then I rubbed one out and felt better about it.

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I honestly feel right now like the odds are almost exactly 50/50.
This is such a ridiculous statement I don't even know where to begin. Why don't you just say that you have no fucking idea? There's no way you could accurately predict the probability of something like this.
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Alan Arkin was so fucking sweet in that movie, and I agree.Wang
You know, he should probably get an Oscar for his performance, he was that good. Since it's go over what you did this weekend I'll give you a little rundown. Friday I took a 'vacation' day because a gentleman who at one point was an 'assistant pro' at some course in San Diego was tired of getting pumped by my pot belly, cross handed putting, aflac driving ***. I beat him for at least $50 on three seperate occasions, so he quit our group for three weeks. Calls me up Wednesday to say 'I'm back' and the match was on. He drummed me -4/-2 on the front playing a 10/10/20. So down 2 units I decided to turn on the jets and go double par double to be down 2 more and dormie. Tie 13 and I go 2 under thru the last 5 to win the back +3/+5/+3/+1 and eak out a $12 profit from junk alone. How I managed a profit is still beyond me. Went out with my roommates Friday night and got approached by a girl who probably used a fake i.d. to get in. I introduced myself as "John Salisbury" and my roommate right behind me goes "You'll like John, he's a great guy" That was funny and I still don't know why I did it. She did not go home with me. Saturday was movie day: Pi, From Hell, The Good the Bad and the Ugly, and Bourne Ultimatum.Today: Helped my roommate move the last of his **** in, planned a trip to Camden Yards for next Saturday with an old High School fling who used to be the goth painter and is now in Med School to be a Pediatric Surgeon (planting the seed) And the Red Sox will be in town so at least I'll get to see my team win. And watched Glengarry Glenross, ate at applebees and watched Tiger in one of his most dominating performances since 00. Note to Rory Sabbatini: Don't **** with the hornet's nest if you're not ready to get stung. Oh yeah, and got stood up by the NG because "my comp is broke and I'm having my friend come over to fix it (**** me)"Good weekend
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my roommates
For some reason I was sure you lived alone.
Oh yeah, and got stood up by the NG because "my comp is broke and I'm having my friend come over to fix it (**** me)"
Uh oh...you think she made him her fortiethurth lover?
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He'll be back at shortstop next year. That's not as bad as outfield, but worse than third base for sure.Silky, I'll go ahead and disagree with you on this one too. He seems to me like the kind of guy that would put the team above his personal goals...we're talking about the $200M player who left his (gold glove and highest visibility) position to help a trade go through. He seems like a pompous ass a lot of the time, but I do think he's a team player. Wang, if you have any questions about his pompous assity, just look up some articles about his track record with autograph seekers.
You guys have a strong point and I do think you are right, but this may change when he gets closer to the record and starts thinking about being recognized as the best player of all time which would have to be the case. The main reason I say that I think he would'nt care is the fact that he does'nt perform in the clutch. This is unfair I guess as he may just not be a clutch player. I guess I just associate the guys like Isiah or bird or Reggie Jackson as guys that desperately wanted to win and would rise to the occasion, honesly it is'nt fair that I associate A-rod with not caring about the team because of his lack of production in the playoffs but it did cause me to think that.
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For some reason I was sure you lived alone.
Nope. Although I will be in May 08 unless you want to open a Vet office in Bpt, CT you can live with me. And maybe it is her fiftieth. I could care less as long as she'll let me inside again. I didn't even bomb her. I don't get it haha
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This is such a ridiculous statement I don't even know where to begin. Why don't you just say that you have no fucking idea? There's no way you could accurately predict the probability of something like this.
From an ESPN.com article I read -- thankfully -- about 30 minutes ago: For that answer, we turned to Dan Heisman, a sabermetrician who for years has used variations on Bill James' Favorite Toy formula to analyze active players' odds of achieving certain milestones. Here is what he found:• Using projections for this year's totals, he calculated that A-Rod has a 48 percent chance of hitting 775 homers (or 52 percent of hitting 756).Ooooh, that has to hurt. It has to buuuuuuurrrrrn. And to think, I almost didn't take the day off work, and almost didn't get to catch up on my baseball reading today. Linkage: http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/columns/stor...&id=2947658Wang
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Quick poker question for the poker players here:It's bubble time (within a spot or two) of a live, 120 player tournament. The structure is a little fast, so the blinds are high. The BB has been at the same table with the SB for about an hour and a half the entire tournament. The first half-hour or so was at the very beginning. The BB accumulated a lot of chips gambling, but playing well. The SB was pretty tight. He played three pots. In two of them he was all-in preflop, once when he shoved with AA from the CO when a bad player raised UTG, and once when he limped UTG with AKs, and called an all-in from a medium sized stack. At the current table, the SB has shoved twice. He was called once and showed KK, and showed AQ when he open shoved from the button and nobody called. The tournament has little play, but the SB's play seems solid, and he seems like he's comfortable at a card table.The SB and BB have similarly small chips stacks relative to the blinds, but the BB has the SB covered by about half. If the SB and BB get it all in, the BB will have about 2x the BB left if he calls and loses. At this point in the tournament, it is obviously shove or fold time for both players.It is folded to the SB. He looks at his cards, and moves in. The BB grabs his first card, declares that he has an ace, and flips it over. The SB cheerily responds, "I have one of those, too" and immediately exposes an ace.If you are the BB, has your calling range widened or shrunk? And, if so, by how much? Wang

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I'm not very clever...
What Would Shimmering Wang Do
If you are the BB, has your calling range widened or shrunk? And, if so, by how much?
I like this question...definitely more psychology than math.
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I would have taken any ace a second ago, but now I want a >50% ace.
I think a smart player only exposes that ace if he has a weak pairing...if he has a better than average ace he'd keep his mouth shut and expect to be dominating you. I call with a >30% ace...whatever that comes out to be.
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For all the ignorant ugly Americans who are showing their usual Bush influenced lack of knowledge about the rest of the World the OP is talking about the Ontario Beer Store Negreanu Freerolls on Poker Stars that are only open to Canadians.SW obviously about the some of what I wrote above.
I really wish these guys would try and fund terrorism somewhere else...
I know you were all worried about what I did this weekend, so...I felt a little dirty when I realized all the hot girls at the beach were probably in high school. Then I rubbed one out and felt better about it.
I follwed my weekend plans exactly as posted... The Hooters car wash turned out excellent. The stupid gals thought it was mud until Zach told one of his friends what it was and the rumor circulated back to the washers. A guy in the car behind us got sprayed with splatter and was not amused. I left soon after the truck was rinsed.
3 User(s) are reading this topic (0 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)3 Members: MisterB, Bill_Brasky, RhinestoneCowboyGod damnit.
Best laugh of ketchup...
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Quick poker question for the poker players here:It's bubble time (within a spot or two) of a live, 120 player tournament. The structure is a little fast, so the blinds are high. The BB has been at the same table with the SB for about an hour and a half the entire tournament. The first half-hour or so was at the very beginning. The BB accumulated a lot of chips gambling, but playing well. The SB was pretty tight. He played three pots. In two of them he was all-in preflop, once when he shoved with AA from the CO when a bad player raised UTG, and once when he limped UTG with AKs, and called an all-in from a medium sized stack. At the current table, the SB has shoved twice. He was called once and showed KK, and showed AQ when he open shoved from the button and nobody called. The tournament has little play, but the SB's play seems solid, and he seems like he's comfortable at a card table.The SB and BB have similarly small chips stacks relative to the blinds, but the BB has the SB covered by about half. If the SB and BB get it all in, the BB will have about 2x the BB left if he calls and loses. At this point in the tournament, it is obviously shove or fold time for both players.It is folded to the SB. He looks at his cards, and moves in. The BB grabs his first card, declares that he has an ace, and flips it over. The SB cheerily responds, "I have one of those, too" and immediately exposes an ace.If you are the BB, has your calling range widened or shrunk? And, if so, by how much? Wang
Your calling range has shrunk. Against this guy without a read I would say AJ is the best you need and possibly AT which would be streching it. Based on the fact that he showed the Ace I might think he is a little weaker and that may factor into the decision.
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I think a smart player only exposes that ace if he has a weak pairing...if he has a better than average ace he'd keep his mouth shut and expect to be dominating you. I call with a >30% ace...whatever that comes out to be.
I agree with the first part to some extent, but I only call with...A9 or better probably. With something like A5 you might be hoping he has A2, but then you're pretty likely to chop it up, and you're simultaneously risking that your read is off and the sb has you crushed with AK or something of the sort.
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I agree with the first part to some extent, but I only call with...A9 or better probably. With something like A5 you might be hoping he has A2, but then you're pretty likely to chop it up, and you're simultaneously risking that your read is off and the sb has you crushed with AK or something of the sort.
I call with A7, think about it with A6.
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I bought a 30" roast beef sandwich at the grocery store. At $8, that comes to roughly a quarter an inch. Since the bread overlapped the meat by almost an inch on each side, do I return the sandwich or request a fifty cent refund? I understand trying to make a profit, but COMEON!
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From an ESPN.com article I read -- thankfully -- about 30 minutes ago: For that answer, we turned to Dan Heisman, a sabermetrician who for years has used variations on Bill James' Favorite Toy formula to analyze active players' odds of achieving certain milestones. Here is what he found:• Using projections for this year's totals, he calculated that A-Rod has a 48 percent chance of hitting 775 homers (or 52 percent of hitting 756).Ooooh, that has to hurt. It has to buuuuuuurrrrrn. And to think, I almost didn't take the day off work, and almost didn't get to catch up on my baseball reading today. Linkage: http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/columns/stor...&id=2947658Wang
My point was that you can't ever take into account what happens with him off the field. You can analyze baseball statistics to death, but who knows what could happen with this guy in eight years? Either way the whole thing is really annoying.
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My point was that you can't ever take into account what happens with him off the field. You can analyze baseball statistics to death, but who knows what could happen with this guy in eight years? Either way the whole thing is really annoying.
50%* of all sports talk is regarding hypotheticals. This is almost** completely unavoidable, unless people decide that they will only talk about what has already happened...in which case it's likely*** that people would then complain about Monday**** morning quarterbacking.*possibly***** not exactly 50%**I apologize for the vagueness of this term***by 'likely' I mean that there is a 20-80% chance****Tuesday in cases of Monday Night Football*****in actuality it's almost 100% likely that the actual percentage is not exactly 50%
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