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I Called In Sick Today

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You must buy it.
Oh, I'm definitely getting it, but they didn't have it in stock at Fry's. I'm thinking about ordering it online. How much was yours?
Then every time I watch my tv I can think about how 3,000 miles away you might be watching the same thing on your identical tv.
That's not possible. There is a 3 hour time delay between when the Lifetime network airs its fine programing in Chicago, and when said fine programing airs on the west coast.
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and after 3 days, he is risen!

If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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Shockinly, I do remember that story. Just thought I'd let you know that sometimes I do pay attention.I'm starting to freak out about school again. Quick, somebody tell me you're sure I'll do great.
you'll do great at finding some uber animal loving girl to bone
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Oooohhh Herro!!I don't know if you guys remember me, but I'm Jeff. I'm asian. I like to make fun of myself. I like to make fun of my race. I also like masturbating. I am quite drunk, and somehow managed to write 4 songs with my buddy tonight while killing a handle of Bacardi. I'm now eating a plate of bacon, which surprisingly, does not break my diet. Down over 20lbs since mid-April. Eat your heart out Ron Mexico (does that fag still hang here?) I don't know what's going on. Someone just fuck me. Please.

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Since no one's around, I'll talk to myself about what's been going on with me lately...My ex-g/f came home for a weekend from school (not far, she goes to school in the Bronx). I hadn't seen her in over two years, and she IMed me one night (drunk) talking about how we should hang out and catch up sometime when she got home. To my surprise, she actually followed it up by calling me sober, telling me that it was her father's B-day, and the day after her brother's b-day, and to stop by her house if I could. Her family absolutely adored me for some reason, and she said that it would mean a lot to everyone if I made a "surprise" (to everyone but her) visit. I managed to squeeze in a short visit to her place that afternoon, after my softball game and before Game 3 of the Mets/Yanks Series. Had a beer with her and her parents, which was shockingly natural and really not awkward in anyway. It was pretty surreal, and she wound up texting me all through the game that night. We went to lunch the next day, and hung out again after I got out of work. Went to see Hot Fuzz (great movie) and hung out for a while after. Got coffee, shot the shit, and genuinely enjoyed each other's company. It probably says something that I haven't had a real relationship since her, and I'm not getting my hopes up, but I had a damned good time.What else have I been up to, you ask?Not much. Working a lot, while somehow managing to stay in debt. I no rike debt.I'm going to shut up now. Hope you all are gay as you've ever been.

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theresa113 lookslike that gal on the 100 calorie oat snak commercial.i ate a a fucking dive called golden corral a while ago.goddam place was aweful.i told the waitress that the name of the ****in place should be golden stables cause of all the shit scattered around on the buffet.im not gonig to sit here hitting reload staring at the screen waiting for one of you bastards to say something back to me anymore.might as well type something on msword and choose not to save afterwards.probably get more replys that way.bastards.ill be back laterand type some more uninteresting ****.i need to tell a story i guess.keep talking about horse hocky in the meantime.
we have a bunch of golden corrals around here. they are what they sound like. a food corral for fat people. horrible food. just horrible.
beans is on the phone and told me to write this.have you ever seen a plasma computer monitor?and he said to stay gay
I love that beans is on this big important (I'm guessing) trip and still thinks of us. single tear.
Hope you all are gay as you've ever been.
yeah, wouldn't worry too much about that
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Since no one's around, I'll talk to myself about what's been going on with me lately...My ex-g/f came home for a weekend from school (not far, she goes to school in the Bronx). I hadn't seen her in over two years, and she IMed me one night (drunk) talking about how we should hang out and catch up sometime when she got home. To my surprise, she actually followed it up by calling me sober, telling me that it was her father's B-day, and the day after her brother's b-day, and to stop by her house if I could. Her family absolutely adored me for some reason, and she said that it would mean a lot to everyone if I made a "surprise" (to everyone but her) visit. I managed to squeeze in a short visit to her place that afternoon, after my softball game and before Game 3 of the Mets/Yanks Series. Had a beer with her and her parents, which was shockingly natural and really not awkward in anyway. It was pretty surreal, and she wound up texting me all through the game that night. We went to lunch the next day, and hung out again after I got out of work. Went to see Hot Fuzz (great movie) and hung out for a while after. Got coffee, shot the shit, and genuinely enjoyed each other's company. It probably says something that I haven't had a real relationship since her, and I'm not getting my hopes up, but I had a damned good time.What else have I been up to, you ask?Not much. Working a lot, while somehow managing to stay in debt. I no rike debt.I'm going to shut up now. Hope you all are gay as you've ever been.
Ok so where's the part that you stuck it in her? Or at least pulled it out? Or told her how much you want to be with her? Or her commenting on how much weight you lost? Or where you write that your story makes me wanna tell you how I know you're gay? You like to take an ex/g-f (who you've slet with before) Out for an amazing weekend including food, booze, and text-messages... and not even get a kissrainbow chink be dammed I finally drove through the part of Connecticut that makes people think it's a really rich state. I'll see if I can get an example up.CT real estateLittle smaller, in price and size
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Chris, now that the Wings are done, hockey's done for all the teams anybody cares about in this thread.TimelineYesterday- Rocket, ZimmerA few days ago- AdamMarch- HabbseyOctober- JeffStrat
Haha Jeffstrat
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I think I love you, but what am I so afraid of?I dislike Curt Schilling and enjoy watching him get shelled.That chick has a ridiculous dumper. Hair is great, bags fantastic. I'd seriously eat lunch off of her ass.Those abs ain't too shabby. I did a bunch of crunches, leg raises and medicine ball twists tonight.only 4,500,000,756 more crunches to go and < 10% body fat and I'll have those. Oh yeah, and I can't eat ever again. Baby steps Bob.soccer, really? Hockey must be over?
unfunningly fyp
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Shockinly, I do remember that story. Just thought I'd let you know that sometimes I do pay attention.I'm starting to freak out about school again. Quick, somebody tell me you're sure I'll do great.
Dude you are so gonna fail.Good mourning Sickies. I am here much too early. Came in early to get out early to catch a flight to go see Nik for the weekend. Who is gonna get me coffee? I suppose asking Idaho to make a Starbucks run is out of the question.
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ok the tv reminded me of a story.one day beans and i were goofing around in the shop and he decided to mount one of those lcd tvs in the car trailer so he could watch it while hiding out and drinking beer between rounds.we were really drunk cause it had been raining all day and there was nothing else to do.the bastard fired up the cnc machine and milled out a chunk of aluminum for a mount that looked like something from the ****ing space shuttle.the ******* swiveled back and forth and up and down and shit.it took it about two hours for the machineto finish it,giving us plenty of time to pour down a bottle of crown before mounting the *******.he got the crazy idea to bolt it to the ceiling so it could be seen from anywhere inside the ******.the satellite dish and wires was hooked up thru the roof and 12 hours later he had a fucking tv in the trailer.he got to use it one time before someone raised a hood and busted the **** out of the tv.now he has a $5 corona bottle balloon hanging from the greatest tv mounts ever engineered.stupid bastard.oh and i have wintnesses that i wasnt the one that busted it.
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You must buy it. Then every time I watch my tv I can think about how 3,000 miles away you might be watching the same thing on your identical tv.A boy can dream, can't he?
Fievel.jpgSomewhere out there beneath the pale moonlightSomeone's thinking of me and loving me tonightSomewhere out there someone's saying a prayerThat we'll find one another in that big somewhere out thereAnd even though I know how very far apart we areIt helps to think we might be wishing on the same bright starAnd when the night wind starts to sing a lonesome lullabyIt helps to think we're sleeping underneath the same big skySomewhere out there if love can see us throughThen we'll be together somewhere out thereOut where dreams come true
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not surprisingly, i had the exact opposite of shakey's story as MisterB. Sounds like you had a great time, probably largely due to a lack of expectations. She's obviously just as aware of the situation as you, so if the two of you start thinking of getting back together, having sex, etc, it'll make hanging out a lot less fun and natural. Though you probably will have sex.Seems like a real good nice situation, so I think you're smart to keep hanging out like that, and let whatever is going to happen, happen naturally. and it probably will, since you've had sex before, and there's no way she's found a better guy in the last two years.:sappybuttrue face:

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beans is on the phone and told me to write this.have you ever seen a plasma computer monitor?and he said to stay gay
I have a 40" HP plasma, I could use it as a monitor if I wanted. I'm hoping the technology has gotten better, but I have a 3 year warranty too.
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Chris, now that the Wings are done, hockey's done for all the teams anybody cares about in this thread.TimelineYesterday- Rocket, ZimmerA few days ago- AdamMarch- HabbseyOctober- JeffStrat1992 - Lefty
Grades:Math 116 (Calc II): AGeog 105: BAcct 200: BTwo classes still pending.
Guess that means we are off double secret probation.
I'm starting to freak out about school again. Quick, somebody tell me you're sure I'll do great.
Nice TV.
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31 User(s) are reading this topic (30 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)1 Members: Habs Fan
this is what Habs Fan brings to the party - 30 guests. hopefully some of them hot chicks guys
Good mourning Sickies. I am here much too early. Came in early to get out early to catch a flight to go see Nik for the weekend.
We going to get a trip report afterwards? You can do it Bizzle style if you want but I'd suspect that would make it really short.Oh and Speedz? How's it feel being a future college dropout?
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31 User(s) are reading this topic (30 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)1 Members: Habs Fan
That had to be eerie.Oh well kiddies, story time.My son is a lawyer who is in his first year of practice. He works for the state prosecutors office handling felonies. Yesterday was the first time he got threatened. He had some doofus's 3 years of probabtion revoked. His mom was in the courtroom and she jumped up and started tearing into his defense attorney who just walked away from her. She then came after Ryan (my son) and calling him a filthy no good crook. She then called him a "jew bas.tard". Ryan said to her, "do I really look like I have all the gold?" and walked away.He told this to me last night. He came to my house with his new g/f for me to meet. I have never seen the kid so smitten since the 5th grade. The girl his hot, big knockers, great job, just got her masters, has season tics to the Bengals, golfs, fantasy football, great knockers, and well, you get the picture.She is taking him on a cruise as a graduation present to herself.So like I was saying, he's pretty normal and in no way would fit in around here. j/sThe cool thing about all this is the wedding. Not mine sillies, his best friend Matt. (Not no cat Matt). Friday night Matt and Bridgette are getting married. It's not one of the normal BYOB trashfests that i'm used to attending either. This is the $30K variety with the reception at Paul Brown Stadium. (Bengals stadium).Ryan's ex-girlfriend of 4 years is in the wedding as well as Ryan. Her little girl is the bridesmaid and very cute but her mom is a total beotch. There should be tons of drama, good food, drinks and big boobies. I plan on getting wasted and making an arse out of myself. Not really but it is possible.
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Fievel.jpgSomewhere out there beneath the pale moonlightSomeone's thinking of me and loving me tonightSomewhere out there someone's saying a prayerThat we'll find one another in that big somewhere out thereAnd even though I know how very far apart we areIt helps to think we might be wishing on the same bright starAnd when the night wind starts to sing a lonesome lullabyIt helps to think we're sleeping underneath the same big skySomewhere out there if love can see us throughThen we'll be together somewhere out thereOut where dreams come true
Oh sweet Jesus. Fivel? Really?Dog I love the summer. I just woke up and it's 1 PM.
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why am I awake right now
Just jerkit and you'll sleep until 1PM like Rocket
Ryan said to her, "do I really look like I have all the gold?" and walked away.
GoldBeans family - I cooked the bacon wrapped japaleno's last weekend. The cream cheese was a little gooy. Kind of like...a green weinis that was a little...well you get the picture. Can I substitute with anything else?
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We going to get a trip report afterwards? You can do it Bizzle style if you want but I'd suspect that would make it really short.
Sure! If anybody wants to hear about it, I'll talk about it. I have no secrets.Anyone in here Chris Cornell fans? We're going to see Cornell on Saturday night.
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ive not had any problems with the cream cheese yet.a friend of ours had a bad experience with some generic **** once.we use philly.but when he was on that health kick awhile back that fucking beans tried fat free philly.it was gooey.the key behind them is to get the bacon crisp without burning the hell out of them.i thought about trying this once,wrapping a hollow pepper with bacon and fill it with canned cheese after they were done.but the philly works good.i think you got them too hot or something.since its raining today i think ill brew up a batch of them this afternoon.i ate so many last time that i could feel them moving all the way thru my intestines.the grand finale was interesting,to say tyhe least.

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Ryan said to her, "do I really look like I have all the gold?" and walked away.
hahahahaha, nice. I also have to laugh at the bitch calling a prosecuter a jew bastard cause prosecuters don't make close to the amount as defense attorneys
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