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I Called In Sick Today

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Yeehaw, bitches! I finally got a tv, and it's pretty much exactly what I wanted. Panasonic 42 inch plasma...the last toy I'll buy for the next 6 years (if all goes as planned). 31788615-2-300-overview-1.gifYes, I'm still a dirty jew even though I made this purchase. I know I'll make up the money I'm spending over budget in free beer and snacks that will be brought to my apartment for the many Sox and Pats games that will be watched by my friends.

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and after 3 days, he is risen!

If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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Chris, now that the Wings are done, hockey's done for all the teams anybody cares about in this thread.TimelineYesterday- Rocket, ZimmerA few days ago- AdamMarch- HabbseyOctober- JeffStrat1968 - MDG
This is pretty much the sickest thing ever.http://www.wearethepostmen.com/?p=1817
holy cripes. i'm like 70% sure the guy is teathered to strings. the angle he flys at seems impossible.
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Yeehaw, bitches! I finally got a tv, and it's pretty much exactly what I wanted. Panasonic 42 inch plasma...the last toy I'll buy for the next 6 years (if all goes as planned). 31788615-2-300-overview-1.gifYes, I'm still a dirty jew even though I made this purchase. I know I'll make up the money I'm spending over budget in free beer and snacks that will be brought to my apartment for the many Sox and Pats games that will be watched by my friends.
did you get the warranty with the plasma?looks nice, with the Pats and Redsox looking good this year free beer and snacks will allow you to restore jew status
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holy cripes. i'm like 70% sure the guy is teathered to strings. the angle he flys at seems impossible.
Canadian or just plain incorrect...you be the judge.
did you get the warranty with the plasma?looks nice, with the Pats and Redsox looking good this year free beer and snacks will allow you to restore jew status
Typical warranty came with it. Next step is to get a simple surround sound +dvd system...should be able to get one at Circuit City...plus I'll need some good cables and a Serge protector.BronsonPinchotBeverlyHillsCopThatsNotSexySerge.jpg
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Chris, now that the Wings are done, hockey's done for all the teams anybody cares about in this thread.TimelineYesterday- Rocket, ZimmerA few days ago- AdamMarch- HabbseyOctober- JeffStrat
At least everyone else's team has won a cup.Grades:Math 116 (Calc II): AGeog 105: BAcct 200: BTwo classes still pending.
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flys? what? i'm an idiot.so remember the guy who won a WSOP circuit event on may 2nd for $505000? the one from halifax with a really douchey group of friends who think they're as good as him and like to run amuck in my local casino?well that would involve reading my posts, so likely not, but the same guy is currently heads-up in the WPT event, guaranteed another half-million bucks or so.

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Shockinly, I do remember that story. Just thought I'd let you know that sometimes I do pay attention.I'm starting to freak out about school again. Quick, somebody tell me you're sure I'll do great.

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ok the tv reminded me of a story.one day beans and i were goofing around in the shop and he decided to mount one of those lcd tvs in the car trailer so he could watch it while hiding out and drinking beer between rounds.we were really drunk cause it had been raining all day and there was nothing else to do.the bastard fired up the cnc machine and milled out a chunk of aluminum for a mount that looked like something from the ****ing space shuttle.the ******* swiveled back and forth and up and down and shit.it took it about two hours for the machineto finish it,giving us plenty of time to pour down a bottle of crown before mounting the *******.he got the crazy idea to bolt it to the ceiling so it could be seen from anywhere inside the ******.the satellite dish and wires was hooked up thru the roof and 12 hours later he had a fucking tv in the trailer.he got to use it one time before someone raised a hood and busted the **** out of the tv.now he has a $5 corona bottle balloon hanging from the greatest tv mounts ever engineered.stupid bastard.oh and i have wintnesses that i wasnt the one that busted it.

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Canadian or just plain incorrect...you be the judge. Typical warranty came with it. Next step is to get a simple surround sound +dvd system...should be able to get one at Circuit City...plus I'll need some good cables and a Serge protector.BronsonPinchotBeverlyHillsCopThatsNotSexySerge.jpg
Not sure if you have looked into this or not but, a friend of mine runs a tv repair place and when I was looking at tv's he advised me to get the extended warranty with any plasma as the screen was prone to break down and it cost as much as the tv itself to replace. He did'nt sound to fond of plasmas for this reason and when I dropped by his business he had plasmas wall to wall waiting to be repaired.
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Shockinly, I do remember that story. Just thought I'd let you know that sometimes I do pay attention.I'm starting to freak out about school again. Quick, somebody tell me you're sure I'll do great.
well i know you do. they don't call us soulmates for nothing.don't worry too much about vet school. even if you don't do great, you can still make a fine living sucking off men for quarters down by the bus station.Sorry, that was mean. I promise I'll get than $2.25 to you by Friday.
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hes right about the plasmas.lcds last much longer.the casinos had so much trouble with them that they went to lcds.buy the extended warranty and dont let it run out until you get tired of it.on the plus side the plasmas probably dont hold up to car hoods very well either.oh nice tv by the way.

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Good advice...I'll think about the extended warranty. Plasmas are much better these days though, plus it's a solid brand. I'm not too worried.Tell beans he's my kind of homo.

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message relayed.he said that he has been drinking and fishing more than should be allowed and instead of taking pictures he has been drawing cartoons of his adventure.you guys are in for a ****ing treat.he can draw a dirty pic on a bathroom wall faster than you can pass wind.he said he was in a diner this morning and overheard the cook say that someone had called in sick.he said you fuckers were everywhere.night guys

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message relayed.he said that he has been drinking and fishing more than should be allowed and instead of taking pictures he has been drawing cartoons of his adventure.you guys are in for a ****ing treat.he can draw a dirty pic on a bathroom wall faster than you can pass wind.he said he was in a diner this morning and overheard the cook say that someone had called in sick.he said you fuckers were everywhere.night guys
gooooo night
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Yeehaw, bitches! I finally got a tv, and it's pretty much exactly what I wanted. Panasonic 42 inch plasma...the last toy I'll buy for the next 6 years (if all goes as planned). 31788615-2-300-overview-1.gifYes, I'm still a dirty jew even though I made this purchase. I know I'll make up the money I'm spending over budget in free beer and snacks that will be brought to my apartment for the many Sox and Pats games that will be watched by my friends.
Soulmates.I was shopping for this exact TV today. Panasonic. 42 inch. Free beer and snacks.
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Soulmates.I was shopping for this exact TV today. Panasonic. 42 inch. Free beer and snacks.
You must buy it. Then every time I watch my tv I can think about how 3,000 miles away you might be watching the same thing on your identical tv.A boy can dream, can't he?
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Am I the only one confused as to why this is Peter's first post in like 3 weeks?
I assume he's heading out to Vegas since it's getting close to the WSOP.
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You must buy it. Then every time I watch my tv I can think about how 3,000 miles away you might be watching the same thing on your identical tv.A boy can dream, can't he?
Wouldnt it be cheaper if you guys just bought matching underwear and watched Jerry Springer together?Im getting drunk with Ouch, btw. He just took the lead, though, he's up on me by one beer.I'll get you, my pretty!Oh yeah, Im on a posting hiatus, although, by my rules, it doesnt count if Ive been drinking.
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Canadian or just plain incorrect...you be the judge.
we're sending the rcmp to deal with you.
I'll need some good cables and a Serge protector.
do they even make something like that? oh well, we'll send csis or something instead. bahstid.
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