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I Called In Sick Today

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Okay, people, I voted for Lori too but, jesus christ, I can't be tied with Cindy. You all do remember she has a snaggletooth right? And how about that lovely aluminum siding blouse?
and the horrible eyebrow accident
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and after 3 days, he is risen!

If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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Tonight's poker rant
i was up 3 buyins at NL50 30 minutes ago
after tonight I am officially quitting poker
Wanna play who lost more in live NL cash games tonight? Oh, I win.
Nobody cares.
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Hey Wang, I was in the baseball forum and found this quote from you about the Tigers:

Eat my asshole. We're winning 90 games next year.Wang
I feel like you should've gloated about this more.
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Holy shite I had a lot to drink last night. Final tally was something like 8 double Jameson and Coke's, 3 bar-served Jaegerbombs, and two more that I made at home (stopped off for Red Bull on the way home from the bar, already had the Jaeger in the freezer) that had at least 2-3 shots in them. I don't remember getting in bed, but I feel like microwaved dogshit this morning. Pills killed the headache, but I still feel like puking. Hopefully after breakfast I'll be right as rain. How awesome of a woman do I have? She just went to pick up breakfast sandwiches for me from the diner. Remains to be seen if grease is a good idea or a bad one...could go either way.

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I may watch about 13 hours of college basketball today. I haven't watched that much all year, but all these conference tourney games get me riled up. Not sure how much I'll be drinking, but I have to wake up at 630 tomorrow morning, so hopefully I'll keep it under control.

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I may watch about 13 hours of college basketball today. I haven't watched that much all year, but all these conference tourney games get me riled up. Not sure how much I'll be drinking, but I have to wake up at 630 tomorrow morning, so hopefully I'll keep it under control.
Trying to watch Sportscenter is killing me, they just.wont.shut.up. about basketball.
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Trying to watch Sportscenter is killing me, they just.wont.shut.up. about basketball.
Well what other sport is there? College bball is the 4th biggest sport in the country, spring training baseball doesn't mean anything, and hockey sucks.Yea, I said it.
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Well what other sport is there? College bball is the 4th biggest sport in the country, spring training baseball doesn't mean anything, and hockey sucks.Yea, I said it.
Dead to me.
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Dead to me.
I actually used to really like hockey, and watched quite a bit of it, and could never wait until hockey playoffs. The years leading up the strike were pretty boring for me though, and then the strike killed it for me. I'll watch the Bruins here and there, and not that they're any good or anything, but it's hard for me to have any interest in national hockey games (basketball is the same way most of the time). The fact that Versus/OLN is the carrier is a big problem for me too. I watched some of the first OLN games last year, the presentation looked like it was from ESPN circa 1982, and I haven't noticed many good analysts, outside of Melrose and the guy who used to play in LA whose name I'm blanking on. The new rules are good for offense, because the Devils really ****ed up hockey, and there's some good youngsters in the game, but overall I don't think its much more appealing than American soccer, which I have trouble watching as well, and I'm a big soccer fan.
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Holy shite I had a lot to drink last night. Final tally was something like 8 double Jameson and Coke's, 3 bar-served Jaegerbombs, and two more that I made at home (stopped off for Red Bull on the way home from the bar, already had the Jaeger in the freezer) that had at least 2-3 shots in them. I don't remember getting in bed, but I feel like microwaved dogshit this morning. Pills killed the headache, but I still feel like puking. Hopefully after breakfast I'll be right as rain. How awesome of a woman do I have? She just went to pick up breakfast sandwiches for me from the diner. Remains to be seen if grease is a good idea or a bad one...could go either way.
I think you're probably shitting right nowI went out last night but didn't drink nearly as much, lots of college hotties running around outside of the ACC tourney
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I drank an inordinate amount last night too. I'm not feel top notch myself.Attention Movie Buffs! (I'm looking at you Adam)What kind of good date movies are playing right now? I may be taking a little lady out tonight, and a movie might be an option. There are actually 2 movies I want to see right now, 300 and Zodiac, but I think 300 probably isn't quite a date movie, and Zodiac is apparently really long, and I ain't got that kinda time.So all suggestions welcome. Or we'll just go somewhere and drink.

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I drank an inordinate amount last night too. I'm not feel top notch myself.Attention Movie Buffs! (I'm looking at you Adam)What kind of good date movies are playing right now? I may be taking a little lady out tonight, and a movie might be an option. There are actually 2 movies I want to see right now, 300 and Zodiac, but I think 300 probably isn't quite a date movie, and Zodiac is apparently really long, and I ain't got that kinda time.So all suggestions welcome. Or we'll just go somewhere and drink.
Go see that Music and Lyrics movie, I hear its pretty good.
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oh, and I JUST put in the Departed, and am watching it PRESENTLY.
go drink and play some minature golf or something. way better option if the weather's nice from every date standpoint.take it from me, i bagged the second hottest gf/spouse in a thread full of gays!
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Ron: Yeah, most of our taxi drivers are foreign. No Americans. Mostly Chinese. Live poker went good today. Up 5 buyins. Played fairly well, and the cards co-operated for a change. Started playing blackjack while waiting for my seat...which is not something i normally do. Down 500 early, so i put 100 straight up, doubled up to 200, doubled up to 400, won that, and decided to stop...finished up a few hundred there. Excuse the poker content - i leave a pretty dull existence, and poker is a big part of it....

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oh, and I JUST put in the Departed, and am watching it PRESENTLY.
i'm on my way to a friends house to watch Dirty Dancing, then Chicago. I am not kidding. And although she is a chick, I highly doubt our movie watching experience will be worthy of air quotes.also, borrowing an N64 tonight and my two favourite video games of all time - Super Smash Bros and MarioKart 64. should be fantastic.oh and getting drunk. the trifecta!edit - have to include this 'bad beat' story too, sorry. just had 88 on a party 2/4 table, flop was 889 with two diamonds. turn and river come blanks, and my opponent shows TJ of diamonds. 2 outs twice, and quad 8's or better qualifies for the bad beat.jackpot went about 20 minutes later - loser of the hand won over $220K. FUCK.
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