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I Called In Sick Today

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and after 3 days, he is risen!

If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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Zimmer, well done (this is in reference to the ass avatar which you've already changed, but still, that was good work).Shake, ship the photos please.Speedz, I agree about Jeepster.

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*cautiously sticking my head in the door*Is this the right place?Where is everyone?I smell Shakezuma...*slinking away*
TIM! How the hell have you been? I'm sure some of the people even older than me will appreciate you stopping in.
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*cautiously sticking my head in the door*Is this the right place?Where is everyone?I smell Shakezuma...*slinking away*
*rubs eyes**rubs eyes again**hand down pants*
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Zimmer, have you been playing poker at all since you got college?
Not much, but I have been. I started playing more in January, had a nice upswing at 1/2 NL but gave some of that back in tournaments. I haven't played that much since college, but I still do play occasionally.
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*cautiously sticking my head in the door*Is this the right place?Where is everyone?I smell Shakezuma...*slinking away*
well if I didn't just blow a load for old times sake...
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2 User(s) are reading this topic (0 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)2 Members: RhinestoneCowboy, Timdog1010Heard Zimmer was using your ass as an avatar eh?
Creepy. Could Tim have an alter ego that he saw the avatar with? Or maybe he just stops by once in a while without logging in.Either way, I'd love to know if his boss and girlfriend ever made whoopie.Hi Tim.
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TIM! How the hell have you been? I'm sure some of the people even older than me will appreciate you stopping in.
this struck me as funny as you're like, what? 14 years old?isn't everyone older than you?
well if I didn't just blow a load for old times sake...
I knew I smelled something! Nothing else in the world smells like a mixture of strawberry pop tarts, scallops & desitin.I miss your splooge.
Creepy. Could Tim have an alter ego that he saw the avatar with? Or maybe he just stops by once in a while without logging in.Either way, I'd love to know if his boss and girlfriend ever made whoopie.Hi Tim.
not that I know of.We split up for completely unrelated reasons.I was lying to Shake.Of course it's your splooge I really miss...So who can get me up to speed in 20 words or less?
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this struck me as funny as you're like, what? 14 years old?isn't everyone older than you?I knew I smelled something! Nothing else in the world smells like a mixture of strawberry pop tarts, scallops & desitin.I miss your splooge.not that I know of.We split up for completely unrelated reasons.I was lying to Shake.Of course it's your splooge I really miss...So who can get me up to speed in 20 words or less?
Rampant gayness for hundreds of pages.
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Not much happened. Thread is slowing down. We miss your gayness. LadyGrey is lesbo. Ron has lost weight. Anal beads.
I want to ask about Turd, but I'm afraid to.wait, don't tell me, I don't want to know...tell me there's hot lesbo LadyGrey pics buried in this thread waiting for me to find them.And BTW - how's Chicago?
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I want to ask about Turd, but I'm afraid to.wait, don't tell me, I don't want to know...tell me there's hot lesbo LadyGrey pics buried in this thread waiting for me to find them.And BTW - how's Chicago?
Turd is doing well. He has some news for us apparently, but hasn't broken it out yet. Unfortunately there are no hot lesbo LG pics...yet. There's still a 25% chance that she's Turd, so that's ok with me.Chicago is cold. I'm still working from home in my boxers, which is nice. I've also been able to see a lot of close friends from college that live in the area, so aside from the climate change it's much better than Scottsdale. Yes, me and the college friends have gotten gay. Yes, I've posted a few stories about it. No, I'm not sure how to look them up to repost for your amusement.What else is new with you? How's the kid?
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Turd is doing well. He has some news for us apparently, but hasn't broken it out yet. Unfortunately there are no hot lesbo LG pics...yet. There's still a 25% chance that she's Turd, so that's ok with me.Chicago is cold. I'm still working from home in my boxers, which is nice. I've also been able to see a lot of close friends from college that live in the area, so aside from the climate change it's much better than Scottsdale. Yes, me and the college friends have gotten gay. Yes, I've posted a few stories about it. No, I'm not sure how to look them up to repost for your amusement.What else is new with you? How's the kid?
Wait, so Caleb's posting again? Cool.Funny how I'm glad to hear that considering that i haven't posted myself in forever.I'm just happy for the thread. I'm a team player...Rest assured that I'll begin my search for drunken, gay Matt stories as soon as I'm done posting this...My kid's awesome. He's 5 now, in preschool, and I'm fairly certain he can read better than I can. He kinda scares me.He also makes me feel like one of those sitcom dads.You know the sitcom dad who's so stupid he can barely feed himself? And he's no match at all for his kids, and you cannot think of one good reason why the sitcom mom would ever have hooked up with him in the first place?Yeah, I feel like that guy most of the time.And they say primetime tv has lost all relevance...
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$279 round trip to vegas is a deal?What? Where do you live, Hawaii?
its like $700 round-trip for me. booourns.
you must have loved snatch
*cautiously sticking my head in the door*Is this the right place?Where is everyone?I smell Shakezuma...*slinking away*
welcome back hotstuff. i look forward to getting to know you better. oh, and have sex with your mouth.
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So I was just randomly looking at some pages in this thread and laughing my *** off.I almost forgot how funny some of you are... (Not you. Or you. But you... you're funny)I miss this place.How weird is that?I'm just going to have to make more of an effort to check in regularly.It probably won't happen during office hours but I'll be around more often in the evenings (eastern time).And for those of you in the midwest, that sound you just heard was Speedz.Don't be frightened, he always makes that noise when he, um... climaxes.There'll be some whimpering and then it'll all be over.I'm going to fold laundry now (I wish I were making that up)taek it easy everyone.

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In personal news, I want to learn how to bowl well. I can roll the ball straight and get a 125-150 fairly regularly, but that's not enough for this guy anymore. I tried spinning the ball last night and ended up with a 99 and a 102. Where do I learn how to bowl like a pro in one hour or less?
I can give lessons.I wish I was kidding. It's all I know.
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