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I Called In Sick Today

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Lori texted me and wouldn't tell me who it was. I used my excellent deductive reasoning skills and figured it out in two guesses. She didn't believe me. I are serious cat.On a related note, texting is a lot harder then typing. Either you do it the manual way and have to press each key 500 times to get the letter you want, or you use the predictive text and make your messages look like a schizophrenic wrote it. I need to buy one of those phones with the full keyboard, since all my retarded friends, and now even e-friends communicate via text messaging.

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and after 3 days, he is risen!

If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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Is she a giant or it that just a really short couch?
I'm guessing it's a short couch combined with the heels. Who knows I'm not an expert on furniture.If only there were a thread that discussed couches exclusively. Maybe those guys would have an answer.
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I guess I need to use Beans' picture for now.wang2.jpgWith the torso of a basketball sneaker to go along with his hair, Larry suddenly realized that he was as close as he would ever get to his dream of becoming the first African-American in town.

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Contest:Duration: For the next 24 hours (730PM, tomorrow is the deadline). Funniest caption for the picture I posted of my retarded little brother wins $10. I'll transfer it to you on FullTilt from one of my accounts. Limit 2 entries per person (must specify which two you're using BEFORE 730PM tomorrow).In order to be considered, you must QUOTE the picture in your entry (to make finding easy).Go...EDIT- Also, it will get posted in my blog, along with the picture. You know. Just in case you needed more inspiration.
you need to rehost the pic
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I hung out with that girl again tonight. The more I chill with her the more attractive she becomes. She's a myspace fag, and I saw this pic and figured I'd give you guys a look. Hair is slightly more normal in this one, although still bigger looking then the way it usually is. n36404846_30746923_9672.jpg

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I'll prolly be up past 8am tonight/this morning. Doing stuff is hard.
Well, at least I know there's someone, somewhere with a worse sleep pattern than I have.Oddly enough, Tylenol PMs dont work on me. I took some at 2 and they didnt do anything, then I took some more at 4:30 and they still aren't doing anything.
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It's a special freakin' day in here!
Frickin awesome
Well, at least I know there's someone, somewhere with a worse sleep pattern than I have.Oddly enough, Tylenol PMs dont work on me. I took some at 2 and they didnt do anything, then I took some more at 4:30 and they still aren't doing anything.
get a job hippie
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I've got nothing.Except my trusty LoLZerbEAmZ!!11oneplusone!Prepare to fire ZoMgErLoL gamma ray
you gotta write these down in a scrapbook or something. Im a fan.
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I hung out with that girl again tonight. The more I chill with her the more attractive she becomes. She's a myspace fag, and I saw this pic and figured I'd give you guys a look. Hair is slightly more normal in this one, although still bigger looking then the way it usually is.
n36404846_30746923_9672.jpgmonalisa1000.jpgeh...eh? Striking isn't it??No, not really, she's damn cute man, but now when you look at her you'll think Mona Lisa and relate to the concept that the painting is actually a self portrait of da Vinci as a woman and the underlying thought that, yes, subconsciously you want to sex a man.
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he's my horse. chris and i have been bombarding him with text messages of nlhe platitudes like, "playing hands in position allows a player to more effectively control the size of the pot..."his response to the first was like, "thanks." and by the 5th or 6th, he was like, "you guys are idiots."great success!!
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he's my horse. chris and i have been bombarding him with text messages of nlhe platitudes like, "playing hands in position allows a player to more effectively control the size of the pot..."his response to the first was like, "thanks." and by the 5th or 6th, he was like, "you guys are idiots."great success!!
I love it
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