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I Called In Sick Today

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and after 3 days, he is risen!

If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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Wow. This was probably the gayest morning in the history of this thread. I'm wholly impressed. Glad I could contribute.and Andi, when you get back, we're having sex. just to let you know.

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Wow. This was probably the gayest morning in the history of this thread. I'm wholly impressed. Glad I could contribute.
Damn it. Now you're making me go catch up. Is this payback from the other day? I knew it, you sly bastage you.Side note: the "Man law" thread is a great idea, but so far only kers' post is above average. This one needs to be saved, because it could be a good one.
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---Ok, random question. You know how if you get/make a call from somewhere that isn't in your "calling area" or whatever, you get charged out the assering for roaming? Does that apply to text messages as well? I'd assume so, but I'm not sure exactly how that would work..

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Text messages are a flat fee from your provider, 10 cents per outgoing and incoming or whatever it is your cell provider charges.
ok.. Follow up question:How exactly does roaming work? Does it happen when the phone is idle and searching for signal? or does it take some sort of activity, such as calls or texts, to kick in/
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Robot Chicken is a friggin great show.Also, if someone were to have a 200+% ROI in tourneys, that'd be pretty good right? what if they had 333% in 40 (mostly small) tourneys? isn't that pretty fantastic?

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Robot Chicken is a friggin great show.Also, if someone were to have a 200+% ROI in tourneys, that'd be pretty good right? what if they had 333% in 40 (mostly small) tourneys? isn't that pretty fantastic?
What if I were to slap you in the face? Is that something you might be interested in?So after winning all the money last night and becoming kansas rich, I'm still doing a "one a day" plan with regard to meals. It's not that I'm not hungry, but I just don't like spending the money anymore. I eat more often when I actually go to the grocery store and get stuff, but it's been a while and I'm too lazy to go again. Is this unhealthy? Would it be less so if I drink a lot of gatorade while on the "one a day" plan?
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What if I were to slap you in the face? Is that something you might be interested in?
Nicely played. But I'd still like to stick it in your cleaning lady's ass, even if it's not fashionable.
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What if I were to slap you in the face? Is that something you might be interested in?So after winning all the money last night and becoming kansas rich, I'm still doing a "one a day" plan with regard to meals. It's not that I'm not hungry, but I just don't like spending the money anymore. I eat more often when I actually go to the grocery store and get stuff, but it's been a while and I'm too lazy to go again. Is this unhealthy? Would it be less so if I drink a lot of gatorade while on the "one a day" plan?
only if you want to get unhealthy and slow your metabolism to a crawl, then eventually become a big tub of goo.Good luck with that.Buy healthy stuff to eat at the store dingbat.Fresh fruit, vegetables.your brother is a doctor for god's sake, consult your physician.and stop being so damned cheap.
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What if I were to slap you in the face? Is that something you might be interested in?So after winning all the money last night and becoming kansas rich, I'm still doing a "one a day" plan with regard to meals. It's not that I'm not hungry, but I just don't like spending the money anymore. I eat more often when I actually go to the grocery store and get stuff, but it's been a while and I'm too lazy to go again. Is this unhealthy? Would it be less so if I drink a lot of gatorade while on the "one a day" plan?
i don't get it, but i'm very interested. gotta be a quoteand yes, i also sharkscoped your and mk's stats, but i was kind enough not to post them.eating once a day is pretty unhealthy. its actually healthiest to eat lots of small meals, rather than fewer meals. having said that, i'm up to two per day, though one generally consists of a double chocolate chunk muffin.
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What if I were to slap you in the face? Is that something you might be interested in?So after winning all the money last night and becoming kansas rich, I'm still doing a "one a day" plan with regard to meals. It's not that I'm not hungry, but I just don't like spending the money anymore. I eat more often when I actually go to the grocery store and get stuff, but it's been a while and I'm too lazy to go again. Is this unhealthy? Would it be less so if I drink a lot of gatorade while on the "one a day" plan?
The one meal a day thing is about as bad an idea as you can get. You could make it slightly worse, however, by adding the gatorade option. As Ron said, it'll slow your metabolism to a crawl. Your body will think you can't find food regularly and start to adapt, which you definitely don't want. Your energy levels will be way out of whack as you'll get a huge boost around your meal time (especially if you eat a lot of simple carbs) and then your body will come crashing down not too long after.Milk and Cereal = cheapEggs = cheapPasta = cheapBread = cheapChicken = cheapSucks that fruit and vegetables can be so expensive.
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Is this unhealthy?
YesYour body metabolism will slow down, your energy levels will decrease, and your thinking will become a little sluggish. I'm sure if you googled it you'd find a host of problems associated with that sort of eating pattern. During a normal day i eat around 6 meals, but when i'm at the Casino for a long weekend session, i often go like 20 hours without eating. Everything starts to suffer.
Would it be less so if I drink a lot of gatorade while on the "one a day" plan?
Probably not.Congrats on the limit poker winnings - i just don't know how to play that game. Sometimes i will play the game to kill time while waiting for a NL seat, and its amazing how many bets i seem to miss, and how often i fold the best hand.
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hmmm, just finished 2nd in an 18-man NLO8 SnG despite entering HU play with a 25:1 chip lead.blinds were enormous, so all-in preflop and he scoops the first 4 hands. after that we actually play two hands preflop, so all the money goes in with me as at least a 5:1 favourite.damn, this is what i get for bragging about my sharkscope.

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Right now, I'm studying for my History Midterm tomorrow. There are 4 questions listed on the review sheet, 2 of which will be on the exam, one of which we have to answer. Here's one of the questions. I have no clue how to answer it and it will probably be on the exam.C. From the time of the Puritans, America has been represented by some as a “city on a hill,” an example to the world. It is also clear, however, that that image would have meant very different things to different people. Choose three or four of the following individuals or groups and discuss what each might have meant by the term and how their respective visions relate to one another: W. E. B. Du Bois, Great Plains Indians, Harlem Renaissance writers, inhabitants of New York’s Lower East Side, Mrs. Madeleine Lee, Theodore Roosevelt, settlement house women

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Night Cindy.Here are the 3 questions that I'm actually forming answers to. These deal with the era from the end of the Civil War/Start of Reconstruction to the end of the 1920s.A. Discuss the various ways ideas about Anglo-Saxon supremacy and resistance to it helped shape government policy and social developments in the decades after the Civil War. Your essay should assess how such ideas helped shape (or were shaped by) government policy and how they influenced the lives of different groups; it should also consider change over timeB. As we have seen, American social, cultural, economic, and even political developments have often been strongly shaped by the introduction of new technologies or innovations. Choose three or four technologies and discuss how they have, or have not, played a role in transforming the United States.D. “For all of the purported differences between the national political parties, overall America’s politics has been largely consensual, more the struggle of individuals for power than ideologies for dominance.” Discuss the validity of this claim for the period between the Civil War and the Great Depression

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Just got off shift.....sleepy time for me.....im glad there was positive feedback from rainbow brite. I wanted to tell you that her little sidekick was "twink" and he was the s.hit. A little gay....but thats right up yall's alley...literally. chris you forgot to email me tonight...i waited and waited all night long.....and got nothing. Your emails get me through my night, you know. However, I did had other entertainment in your place. :winky wink face: night kids
pm me your email and ill join the forray.Id love to hear about your iraq adventures. Did you need the extra babywipes? thats right lieutenant. You probably get to shower everynight :wink:
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Hey, hey, guess wat I'm doing??If you guessed sitting 9 of 66 in my 3rd consecutive 180 man, you'd be right!
Sweet. I'm being a nerd and updating my ghey blog.Thus, you>me
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zim, what time is ur mid term tommorrow. I'm way too tired, but I may be able to give u a full answer for them when I'm not about to fall asleep in a second

Night Cindy.Here are the 3 questions that I'm actually forming answers to. These deal with the era from the end of the Civil War/Start of Reconstruction to the end of the 1920s.A. Discuss the various ways ideas about Anglo-Saxon supremacy and resistance to it helped shape government policy and social developments in the decades after the Civil War. Your essay should assess how such ideas helped shape (or were shaped by) government policy and how they influenced the lives of different groups; it should also consider change over timeB. As we have seen, American social, cultural, economic, and even political developments have often been strongly shaped by the introduction of new technologies or innovations. Choose three or four technologies and discuss how they have, or have not, played a role in transforming the United States.D. "For all of the purported differences between the national political parties, overall America's politics has been largely consensual, more the struggle of individuals for power than ideologies for dominance." Discuss the validity of this claim for the period between the Civil War and the Great Depression
yea, i can definetly give u two full essays on A and D if I can put some real thought behind it. Shit, I can write a book about either question. RIght now, for question A if you are gonna do it, focus on the Plessy V Ferguson case that established Jim Crow and how the gains that the blacks had made under radical reconstruction were wiped away almost immeaditly after the radicals left the south. With D, what u want to focus on is that other then a 20 year period at the turn of the century, the era between teh civil war was much more based on machine party politics, so the party itself was the main driving force in american politics as opposed to individuals since individuals were generally replaceable parts. The general status quo was what was supposed to be maintained during that period for the most part
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My midterm is at 1 tomorrow, but I probably won't have my computer available to me after 11:30. I have good answers planned for A and B, I'm not even touching C, and I have a solid outline for answer D, focusing on one election inparticular during the Progressive Movement where each candidate from a different party tried to gain power by claiming to be more progressive than his 3 counterparts.I honestly think B will be the easiest one to answer though. Agricultural innovations such as the Cotton Gin and how they almost eliminated the need for slave labor, and cutoff jobs from freed slaves because the work could be done by machine. Also, the Steam Engine and how that created the Industrial Revolution in the US and the advent of Railroads. Then the combustion Engine and how America became known for automobile manufacturing, and how the car became integrated in the fabric of our society.

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Milk and Cereal = cheapEggs = cheapPasta = cheapBread = cheapChicken = cheapSucks that fruit and vegetables can be so expensive.
:furiously making a grocery list face:I wasn't seriously considering the plan, but the truth is that I had two days in a row recently where I ate just one meal. I am kind of concerned about slipping into this terrible habit again. Dorm life pretty much encourages it at KU; parking is inadequate (so you never want to leave), and the cafeteria that everyone has to eat at would always close early. If I had to describe last year in a single word, I'd say "inconvenience."
only if you want to get unhealthy and slow your metabolism to a crawl, then eventually become a big tub of goo.
Have you ever heard of the juvenile programs they have for "problem" kids where they go in and get yelled at by inmates who say stuff like, "DO YOU WANT TO END UP LIKE ME?" It's called "Scared Straight," I think. Your comments kind of reminded me of that. Thank you for the advice.
During a normal day i eat around 6 meals, but when i'm at the Casino for a long weekend session, i often go like 20 hours without eating. Everything starts to suffer. Congrats on the limit poker winnings - i just don't know how to play that game. Sometimes i will play the game to kill time while waiting for a NL seat, and its amazing how many bets i seem to miss, and how often i fold the best hand.
The six meal thing seems excessive, but most of the people I know that eat 4+ meals really aren't overweight. Sounds like something I might need to try.I only sat 3/6 last night because I didn't have the money for 1-3NL. I don't think you're making a game selection mistake by specializing in NL, at least from what I saw while I railed the 1-3 tables waiting for a seat.
damn, this is what i get for bragging about my sharkscope.
Suck it, noob. Sharkscope was very incomplete from what I saw when I checked myself months ago. However, if mike's stats are crap I have to give it some credit for accuracy.
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