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I Called In Sick Today

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Not a single thing you stated above was correct about my relationship, so I don't see the need to respond. (please see previous post regarding intent of my posts about dating)
I meant to address your post earlier.All I have to say about it is that they way you presented it last night, you made it seem like you were gonna play games.Its no coincidence that no less than 6 people that commented on it took it that way. You are backtracking a little.I personally have no vested interest in your personal life and wouldn't begin to tell you how to live it, but you put it out there and we are gonna comment on it they way we see it. Thats what goes on here.We aren't piling on you, at least I'm not, its just the opinion as we see it.Oh, and I've chatted with you plenty, and I dont think you have a dry sense of humour. I didn't see that. Not doubting you, I just didn't pick up on it.I wish I had a life problem to present and be ridiculed for, but I'm pretty boring.
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I meant to address your post earlier.All I have to say about it is that they way you presented it last night, you made it seem like you were gonna play games.Its no coincidence that no less than 6 people that commented on it took it that way. You are backtracking a little.I personally have no vested interest in your personal life and wouldn't begin to tell you how to live it, but you put it out there and we are gonna comment on it they way we see it. Thats what goes on here.We aren't piling on you, at least I'm not, its just the opinion as we see it.Oh, and I've chatted with you plenty, and I dont think you have a dry sense of humour. I didn't see that. Not doubting you, I just didn't pick up on it.I wish I had a life problem to present and be ridiculed for, but I'm pretty boring.
you forgot to mention you're not egotistical and you're a very down-to-earth guy.
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you forgot to mention you're not egotistical and you're a very down-to-earth guy.
is this your new thing now? Respond to my posts by writing that I didn't write that I don't have an ego? dynamite stuffput that in your buddy's comedy act.GOLD
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I meant to address your post earlier.All I have to say about it is that they way you presented it last night, you made it seem like you were gonna play games.
As previously stated, you guys misunderstood the meaning of my post regarding his behavior yesterday. I had no intention of playing games at all. I was annoyed that I was trying to be nice to him and HE was playing passive aggressive little games with me. It was very childish and validated my choice not to see him anymore.
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let the games begin ......Guy #2 is now giving me the silent treatment because i didn't answer my phone when i was having dinner with my daughter and her dad last night. The slight was unintentional but I think this is the perfect way to get out. i was gonna be nice and sit down with him this week and explain that i wasn't ready for a commitment right now, but now i am just gonna let him dig his own grave. this could get really entertaining. last week i felt bad about ending things. now thanks to him acting like a **** i don't feel bad at all.
I suppose we were all just confused.I think what the root of what most of us were saying was just tell him its him you're not interested in him, not that you aren't ready for a real relationship. As guys, we want to hear the truth, that way, we can cut clean as opposed to you telling him that its you, its not him. This way, he'll stick around and still think he can convince you otherwise, which we took as you using him for your own entertainment purposes. At least I did.Again, I don't care, do what you will, but I would prefer if a girl I was interested in told me that she didn't like me as opposed to giving me a bs excuse.
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I suppose we were all just confused.I think what the root of what most of us were saying was just tell him its him you're not interest in, not that you aren't ready for a real relationship. As guys, we want to hear the truth, that way, we can cut clean as opposed to you telling him that its you, its not him. This way, he'll stick around and still think he can convince you, which we took as you using him for your own entertainment purposes. At least I did.Again, I don't care, do what you will, but I would prefer if a girl I was interested in told me that she didn't like me as opposed to giving me a bs excuse.
this is where the translation problem comes in. the comments you posted where meant to be taken as sarcasm. and to what you said about how to end the relationship, was exactly how i was attempting to do so. i've never once said i was going to lie to him and i'm not sure where you got the impression i intended to do so. i planned on letting him down easy, but i also intended to be honest.
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MK- what happened last night? QQ<10 6s I started a fire with the full intention of melting my laptop to save me "mental hardships"

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yeah, I'm pretty sure there is something more going on here, maybe not consciously, but I'm pretty sure there are deeper issues at work. My cop buddies like pulling out their puds, do silly stuff like that, but you guys are into touching each other, and doing it all the time, like every time you guys see each other, halloween costumes, ect.I'm pretty sure one of these days, you guys will be sitting around, watching a porn or something, one guy will go "Damn, I'm really hard right now" and then pull it out and show the other two guys in the room. Then one of the other guys will say "hey, why don't you just stroke it for a minute, that'd be funny right?" and he'll go "sure, that will be funny"He'll start beating like mad, you guys will be oddly turned on, then you guys will pull it out, all jerk off and watch each other come. Everyone will clean up, have a good chuckle and then carry on.Then, next time you have them over, you'll have your favorite porn scene all cued up. Accidentally push play on the DVD player and then it will go again.Something like "go ahead, you know you wanna fire one off. I'll do it if you do it" will be uttered. Then, as he's stroking it, one guy will suggest, hey, I'll suck you off if you'll do me when your done" You'll look around, remember you haven't had a head job in a while, say, "screw it, head is head" and let him go to town on you. You'll close your eyes and dream of a hot chick doing this to you. The head won't be bad, but you'll lose all urge to do it to him once the splooge leaves your body, but hey, a deals a deal.So, you blow him, and after a couple of minutes, you figure, "hey, this isn't horrible" and really start to emulate what you see on porn and start spitting on it, see how far down you can go, tell him he needs to shave down, finally, he comes, but now you're hard again. That day ends, and you guys repeat the process a couple of times, but in order to eliminate the awkwardness of having one guy come first and not being into it, you do a 69, but we all know its hard to concentrate on coming when you are tying to get someone to come, so you go back to alternating on each other.Then, you realize that you are hanging out with this friend just for the blow jobs. You feel dirty one day, and you stop calling him, but he's cool with it because he feels the same way.So basically Matt, just admit you like touching guys a bit and save us all the trouble.You aren't making people uncomfortable by touching your male friends, you're making yourselves comfortable.
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this is where the translation problem comes in. the comments you posted where meant to be taken as sarcasm. and to what you said about how to end the relationship, was exactly how i was attempting to do so. i've never once said i was going to lie to him and i'm not sure where you got the impression i intended to do so. i planned on letting him down easy, but i also intended to be honest.
its all good. No biggie, really.Best of luck, sincerely
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oh, and I still don't fully buy the "we do it to make everyone uncomfortable" angle. I still love MattyUno
We had my friend wear only a speedo and gloves to make people uncomfortable. The discomfort from the gay dancing was a bonus.Lying around in bed together chatting is all us, baby.
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took you long enough.So, when can I hang out and make this happen?I've got money betting at least one of your friends (you) would be down for this.
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We have contests to try and outgay each other where the loser is the guy who finally breaks character and admits to being creeped out by the gayness. For instance, one guy will come up to the other and start softly rubbing his neck. The second guy will then pretend to enjoy it thoroughly and respond by doing something like holding and rubbing his hand (fingers interlaced). Here's where things start to get interesting because each move must one-up the previous. The first guy now will likely start rubbing the inner thigh of the second guy, and both participants for the first time in the contest are genuinely uncomfortable. As the first guy rubs higher and higher on his opponents thigh nearing the ballsack the second guy will usually go for the under the shirt chest rub or possibly even the ill advised pants unbutton maneuver. This is usually the part of the contest where things break down. Guy number one usually panics at this point and just goes for an all out ball grab prompting one of the two participants to run crying into the corner with a severe case of the heebly jeeblies.
John? Is that you?
took you long enough.So, when can I hang out and make this happen?I've got money betting at least one of your friends (you) would be down for this.
You're welcome to come hang out anytime. It's just unfortunate that now I know you would be in the group slowly backing away and heading to the bar. I guess I'll have to find someone else to sit on the couch and laugh hysterically at the guy in the speedo dancing on the living room table.
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John? Is that you?You're welcome to come hang out anytime. It's just unfortunate that now I know you would be in the group slowly backing away and heading to the bar. I guess I'll have to find someone else to sit on the couch and laugh hysterically at the guy in the speedo dancing on the living room table.
meh, drunk enough, I'll kiss someone right on the mouth
it really isn't a big deal at all, it's all just a part of dating...atleast I don't have herpes. that's a good thing.
that could all change on December 10th in Vegas
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No fucking way. I didn't see it.
Turd's AvatarApparently I went like 8 pages deep looking for turd ferguson pics.
I hope nobody from this thread ever comes to FL, because we'll drink until we die, and I'll probably pay for it all. I can't help myself once I get rollin.
Where in FL? We're looking at Fort Lauderdale or Key West for spring break this year. If we're close you should come out for a night, or I'll try to stop by Ronnie's place.
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Excellent.So I recently found out that my girlfriend is getting me an XBox 360 for my upcoming birthday. She even went all out and got me four controllers, Madden 07, and the Godfather game. Suck on that bitches.
she's too good for you
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Excellent.So I recently found out that my girlfriend is getting me an XBox 360 for my upcoming birthday. She even went all out and got me four controllers, Madden 07, and the Godfather game. Suck on that bitches.
Fuckin AI want a sugar momma
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Turd's AvatarApparently I went like 8 pages deep looking for turd ferguson pics.Where in FL? We're looking at Fort Lauderdale or Key West for spring break this year. If we're close you should come out for a night, or I'll try to stop by Ronnie's place.
I'm not sure whether to be proud or embarrassed.
she's too good for you
You figured that one out quick enough. Eat your Wheaties this morning?
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Excellent.So I recently found out that my girlfriend is getting me an XBox 360 for my upcoming birthday. She even went all out and got me four controllers, Madden 07, and the Godfather game. Suck on that bitches.
How'd you find out...she use your credit card?WHAMMY!!!
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