Ron_Mexico 4,219 Posted October 24, 2006 Share Posted October 24, 2006 Whatever fag.So? Link to post Share on other sites
beans-n-icewater 18 Posted October 24, 2006 Share Posted October 24, 2006 [ Link to post Share on other sites
Ron_Mexico 4,219 Posted October 24, 2006 Share Posted October 24, 2006 If I go out there when you're there, we'll have to play at least 1 session of 1/2 nl with wintermute rules enforced, i.e. anytime either of us is dealt a 4, we have to immediately flip over the 4 and move all-in while shouting "KAAAAA!!!"sadly, I'd do long as I can throw my own sound effect into the equation. Link to post Share on other sites
missIdaho 1 Posted October 24, 2006 Share Posted October 24, 2006 New sig for someone... I need to write a macro that quotes you and replies, "[shakes head]" immediately after you post in any thread.come on you know you laughed when you read thatyou love my crazy little posts and stories Link to post Share on other sites
Ron_Mexico 4,219 Posted October 24, 2006 Share Posted October 24, 2006 ...and I thought I was an only childI now know how those folks feel that you see on TV after meeting a relative they didnt know they had...I'm crying a littleI know you like the mystery, but I'll chuck some dice with you if you're in town Dec 10-14th.I'm leaving early on the 15th. I gotta look into getting that changed. And start looking up some tourneys with buyins $200 and under with decent structures during the week. Peter?Also, I have tickets to see Love. And I call you guys gay. hehyou love my crazy little posts and storieswe're just glad you don't do any catchup reading. Link to post Share on other sites
gobears 0 Posted October 24, 2006 Share Posted October 24, 2006 Mike, is this how you make your money?1. Free MoneyThe Financial Times' John Dizard takes a close look at "free money" being generated these days by so-called "negative basis trades." * "Free money? Sounds too good to be true," you say. Man, you people are so cynical! * Here's how it works, according to Dizard. "Over the past few months professional managers of US dollar bond portfolios have been buying corporate bonds, then buying the credit default swaps (CDSs) that allow them to cover the default risk on the bonds." * Now that should not be profitable, you are wisely saying to yourself, because the cost of full credit default swap protection should be greater than the cost of the bonds. * Yes. And the difference between the two is called the "basis." * And yet, Dizard points out, "thanks to a bizarre anomaly in the financial markets, the cost of protection using the CDS market is less than the interest yield on the bonds. So we have “negative basis.”" * In other words, because of the negative basis you are being paid for taking the risk of owning corporate credit, but you don't have to actually take the risk! It's like magic. * Of the 150 most frequently traded corporate names in the US bond world, about a third have negative basis spreads available that are more than 10 basis points, Dizard notes. * That means a bond manager can buy, say, 10 bond positions of $10,000,000 each, then buy the corresponding credit default swap protection and collect (given the negative basis spread of 10 basis points, $100,000 a year. Risk free. * According to Dizard, this is all the result of our old familiar friend... excess liquidity. * Chris Whalen, of Institutional Risk Analytics, tells the FT: “It’s kind of sad. People are running out of ways to deploy their capital intelligently, so they turn to this kind of financial masturbation, trying to get their performance far enough inside the herd so they don’t have to deal with redemptions.” Link to post Share on other sites
Ron_Mexico 4,219 Posted October 24, 2006 Share Posted October 24, 2006 off to lunchtuna fish sandyok2 tuna fish sandys and a pickle and a diet coke. Link to post Share on other sites
ajs510 122 Posted October 24, 2006 Share Posted October 24, 2006 When I play poker, it's really not to have fun or enjoy myself (which is probably the worst way to approach it, but that's me). I play poker to make money, plain and simple, I try to play the best I possibly can and pillage every stack at the table to full effect. I probably come off as kind of a prick, because I generally sit down, turn on some music, and don't say a single word other than check, call, raise, thank you, or some amount of money the whole time I'm there. When I want to get drunk and party with people I don't know very well, I go to the bar. When I want to make an extra paycheck or two, I go to the casino. For me, anyway, the two sides of the spectrum don't mix well. My friend Dave has the opposite view, he goes and partys it up at the table, engages everyone in conversation and is generally the life of the party. It works for him, because people let him off the hook when they have big hands and they fall into his traps or believe his bluffs because "he seems like such a nice guy". That style is what works for him, but I've tried it and I lose money playing that way. I can't say this enough, go play drunk poker at O'Shea's across the Strip from Caesars, you'll never have a better time playing poker. $100 gets you a rack of white chips (they're actually blue, but whatever) and you can donk it up for hours drinking free Guinness all the while. If you get a table full of like minded souls (there for the beer and the entertainment) you can party all night long and have a blast. Dammit, now I want to go too, when are you leaving? Link to post Share on other sites
turd ferguson 1 Posted October 24, 2006 Author Share Posted October 24, 2006 I appreciate the advice and I do have somewhat of a gameplan going in. I know I plan on playing either a 3/6 or 4/8 game drunk as crap the minute I get to Vegas, just to get the ball rolling. I also plan to play probably 1/2 my sessions at NL and sober. I may play a 10/20 session sober if I do ok in my other sessions. If not, then I'll play a 5/10 session of lhe sober.My problem when I drink, is I become the life of the party. Sober, I'm kind of quiet and to myself, and I certainly don't talk to people I don't know. Buzzed and drunk, I turn it up a notch, the tips get bigger, I start buying drinks, entertaining the whole table with jokes and silliness. On more than a couple of occasions, I've turned tables around to where we were the life of the poker room, people telling me they were gonna leave until I got there, then staying till close. I just like to be silly and have fun, but it gets costly. Big tips, lots of drinks, playing a straddle, calling down without ever looking at my cards.(I never said I was smart, but dammit, I know how to party)I'm usually an idiot, but not that big of an idiot. Keep in mind, in FL, the max play is 2/2 lhe. The expensive part is buying the drinks, which aren't free, but I've always been like that. I go broke picking up tabs.I hope nobody from this thread ever comes to FL, because we'll drink until we die, and I'll probably pay for it all. I can't help myself once I get rollin.You just described me to a T. I'm gonna have to meet you in Vegas in a couple months. Link to post Share on other sites
mk 11 Posted October 24, 2006 Share Posted October 24, 2006 Mike, is this how you make your money? heh, not me, no. i earn my dollas, lol. but yeah, CDSs have been big the past two years. Link to post Share on other sites
strategy 4 Posted October 24, 2006 Share Posted October 24, 2006 The Novotny goal from the Sabres game last night made the top ten on sports center. Huet failed to stop an easy shot, what is so special about that?I hate ESPN. Link to post Share on other sites
ajs510 122 Posted October 24, 2006 Share Posted October 24, 2006 16 User(s) are reading this topic (7 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)9 Members: ajs510, andibear, dms26, Bizzle, strategy, turd ferguson, beans-n-icewater, missIdaho, JSHammSo what is this I hear about a Rainbow Brite costume? Link to post Share on other sites
dms26 3 Posted October 24, 2006 Share Posted October 24, 2006 We have contests to try and outgay each other where the loser is the guy who finally breaks character and admits to being creeped out by the gayness. For instance, one guy will come up to the other and start softly rubbing his neck. The second guy will then pretend to enjoy it thoroughly and respond by doing something like holding and rubbing his hand (fingers interlaced). Here's where things start to get interesting because each move must one-up the previous. The first guy now will likely start rubbing the inner thigh of the second guy, and both participants for the first time in the contest are genuinely uncomfortable. As the first guy rubs higher and higher on his opponents thigh nearing the ballsack the second guy will usually go for the under the shirt chest rub or possibly even the ill advised pants unbutton maneuver. This is usually the part of the contest where things break down. Guy number one usually panics at this point and just goes for an all out ball grab prompting one of the two participants to run crying into the corner with a severe case of the heebly jeeblies.I'm laughing so hard I have tears in my eyes. Link to post Share on other sites
kers2 0 Posted October 24, 2006 Share Posted October 24, 2006 I forgot about that. Here you go. I don't really look that great, but hey I'm in Iraq so I don't care.:drool::more drool: Link to post Share on other sites
ajs510 122 Posted October 24, 2006 Share Posted October 24, 2006 Jaw, meet floor. Floor, meet jaw. Wow. Link to post Share on other sites
dms26 3 Posted October 24, 2006 Share Posted October 24, 2006 I'll be back in 5 minutes Link to post Share on other sites
KDawgCometh 2 Posted October 24, 2006 Share Posted October 24, 2006 I'm still a little shocked by Ron's whole thing. I'm pretty sure there is just no possible way to wipe that from your mind.o, its possible, but only with lots of drugs and alcohol Link to post Share on other sites
Habs Fan 0 Posted October 24, 2006 Share Posted October 24, 2006 Jaw, meet floor. Floor, meet jaw. Wow.Allright Bastage, GG (not really)I bow down (for now) to your hockey club's superiority.Give me the topic again and i'll get to work. Link to post Share on other sites
KDawgCometh 2 Posted October 24, 2006 Share Posted October 24, 2006 but I can't say I'm not intrigued by the 15/30 game at TS that everyone keeps saying is soft as hell.i haven't played in TS in ages, but the three times I went up there a few years ago, that 15 game was an utter jopke. Like, I thought the borg 20 game was hilarious, but the TS game was even more so Link to post Share on other sites
missIdaho 1 Posted October 24, 2006 Share Posted October 24, 2006 I know you like the mystery, but I'll chuck some dice with you if you're in town Dec 10-14th.I'm leaving early on the 15th. I gotta look into getting that changed. And start looking up some tourneys with buyins $200 and under with decent structures during the week. Peter?Also, I have tickets to see Love. And I call you guys gay. hehwe're just glad you don't do any catchup reading.No, I did do the catch up but decided I was just gonna ignore what was posted because once again you guys are wrong. I can’t tell you how many times you have all ganged up on me insisting that I am an idiot or doing something wrong and then when it’s all said and done I come back tell you what happened and that I was correct and no one even acknowledges my post. It’s reached a point of being comical, because I don’t think you guys understand that when I post these stories it’s not because I need your advice, it’s because I think they are funny. Most everything I say is tongue in cheek and laced with a certain degree of sarcasm. I post these stories of my mixed up dating life for your entertainment. I figure you’ll all have a laugh at my expense as we all do whenever anyone else posts about stuff like this and then tease me about it. I do it intentionally. So its always just amazing me when you guys start insulting me and telling me how screwed up I am. Obviously since you can’t find the (Sienfeldish like) humor in my dating adventures I’ll just stop posting about them.And as to the current dating dilemma, you have once again all missed the mark. I didn’t lead this guy on. I genuinely gave him a chance and really wanted it to work out. I want to be able to find a guy that doesn’t live in another state and who wants to be with me as much as I want to be with him. I would have loved for it to be him. I gave him a chance and discovered that ultimately it just wasn’t gonna work out. And being the kind person that I am I chose to not dump him in the middle of a competition that meant a lot to him and break it to him in a gentle way this week. But instead of that happening he flipped out over something trivial and showed how needy and clingy he really is making this break up a lot easier on me. Sometimes things just don’t work out and it’s not anyone’s fault.I am not chastising you guys for misreading the situation, I’m just pointing out that in reality of course you guys aren’t gonna fully understand the situation since you don’t really know me and you aren’t experiencing it with me. I really don’t know any of you personally. We’ve never even spoken over the phone. If you actually knew me you’d probably understand me more. I think my dry sense of humor translates a lot better in person. In conclusion guys, I make these posts as an attempt at entertaining you, but since all they do is generate a bunch of hey lets gang up on Cindy posts, I’ll stop. Since my intention is give you all a laugh and it obv is not working I’ll find something else to post about. Perhaps I’ll pick up where Zimm left off with the lunch updates. I can use my camera phone and posts pictures even …. P.S. Seriously how could the herpes post not have made you all chuckle a little? Link to post Share on other sites
JoeyJoJo 18 Posted October 24, 2006 Share Posted October 24, 2006 i haven't played in TS in ages, but the three times I went up there a few years ago, that 15 game was an utter jopke. Like, I thought the borg 20 game was hilarious, but the TS game was even more soHave you met this guy? understand he has some valuable land in Oklahoma that you might be interested in. Link to post Share on other sites
ajs510 122 Posted October 24, 2006 Share Posted October 24, 2006 Allright Bastage, GG (not really)I bow down (for now) to your hockey club's superiority.Give me the topic again and i'll get to work.Give me 100 words on why Huet should have saved the Novotny goal and how it set the tone for a lacklustre effort by the Habs and we'll call it square. I didn't really even watch the game, I just checked the score every 15 minutes or so. From what I saw it really wasn't much of a game at all, the Habs just didn't seem to think they could possibly win. Briere skating all alone from the back of the net to the front and being permitted to take that shot was a jopke, someone should have picked him up. I bet there will be a lot of suicide drills today at practice. Link to post Share on other sites
missIdaho 1 Posted October 24, 2006 Share Posted October 24, 2006 I forgot about that. Here you go. I don't really look that great, but hey I'm in Iraq so I don't that's just hot Link to post Share on other sites
ajs510 122 Posted October 24, 2006 Share Posted October 24, 2006 Perhaps I’ll pick up where Zimm left off with the lunch updates. I can use my camera phone and posts pictures even …. This is an idea with merit. Link to post Share on other sites
renaedawn 1 Posted October 24, 2006 Share Posted October 24, 2006 I would like to meet these people. I have some valuable land in Oklahoma that I'd like to unload.Hey now! That's all I got so far. You guys are some funny mofos.Oh I got one other thing: I TOLD YOU SO!Back to catching up. Link to post Share on other sites
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