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I Called In Sick Today

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Try not to use former and later, that confuses the hell out of me.
In the former I am sorry, for the latter I will try not to.Oh, and me and about 20 people from my house might be coming to Indiana for the weekend of the UM Indiana game.
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and after 3 days, he is risen!

If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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Who spit in your 10 piece last night?
nah, not like that, I'm just being silly.I had a lot of jism last night.Also, my Phins are 1-6, and getting worse. Although, I've had a great time watching their games drunk at the bar.oh, and I still don't fully buy the "we do it to make everyone uncomfortable" angle. I still love MattyUno
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Try not to use former and later, that confuses the hell out of me.
Spelling it correctly as "latter" would help.I'm still a little shocked by Ron's whole thing. I'm pretty sure there is just no possible way to wipe that from your mind.
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Oh, and me and about 20 people from my house might be coming to Indiana for the weekend of the UM Indiana game.
I'm instantly convinced JBrad can get you laid.Challounge
I'm still a little shocked by Ron's whole thing. I'm pretty sure there is just no possible way to wipe that from your mind.
You know I have issues.Listen Ed, you know I looove the ladies, they really rev my engine, but they don't belong on a poker forum.
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I'm 90% sure I'm going to be Turd Ferguson for halloween. Leather jacket, red shirt with one of those weird tie things, fake stache and a 10 gallon hat and I'm good.PS I google imaged it to check it out and Turd's avatar came up.

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Then, next time you have them over, you'll have your favorite porn scene all cued up. Accidentally push play on the DVD player and then it will go again.Then, you realize that you are hanging out with this friend just for the blow jobs.
One night a couple of my friends came over to watch Will & Grace. There was nothing abnormal about the night until this one scene came on and...What?
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Won a buck-eighty at the casino last night. It was easily the softest 3/6 game I've ever played. I played for about 4 hours and tipped a total of maybe $10. I chalk this up to the fact that I won a bunch of small pots and two of the dealers were complete jerks. Sorry, if you want a tip, don't prompt me condescendingly like I'm not paying attention on EVERY BETTING ROUND.

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Won a buck-eighty at the casino last night. It was easily the softest 3/6 game I've ever played. I played for about 4 hours and tipped a total of maybe $10. I chalk this up to the fact that I won a bunch of small pots and two of the dealers were complete jerks. Sorry, if you want a tip, don't prompt me condescendingly like I'm not paying attention on EVERY BETTING ROUND.
I would try limit poker, but I somehow think that my patience issues would not be well suited to that game.
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I would try limit poker, but I somehow think that my patience issues would not be well suited to that game.
I like it when I'm drinking hard and playing, that way I can donate my money with bad decisions at a smaller pace instead of shoving my stack in the pot in EP with a 3 high backdoor flushdraw.also, in FL, with all the old people, when playing limit, you raise one pot, they'll check call for the next 2 hours. Its funny, until you have a hand you want to raise.
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I would try limit poker, but I somehow think that my patience issues would not be well suited to that game.
One of the guys I went with is like, convinced that he is a god at live limit hold'em. He can't beat the game online, but he's had two winning sessions at it live. Tonight he got totally demolished because he is impatient and prone to bluffing, which is obviously the one sure way to lose at 3/6. I didn't feel bad that I won almost the exact amount that he lost.
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I like it when I'm drinking hard and playing, that way I can donate my money with bad decisions at a smaller pace instead of shoving my stack in the pot in EP with a 3 high backdoor flushdraw.
Yeah, I had fun playing 1/5 limit in Vegas, getting plastered on free drinks, but trying to grind out a reasonable hourly rate at limit poker would make me crazy. I'm a good enough NL player to have a decent profit expectation when I play, but I can't say I'm not intrigued by the 15/30 game at TS that everyone keeps saying is soft as hell.
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Yeah, I had fun playing 1/5 limit in Vegas, getting plastered on free drinks, but trying to grind out a reasonable hourly rate at limit poker would make me crazy. I'm a good enough NL player to have a decent profit expectation when I play, but I can't say I'm not intrigued by the 15/30 game at TS that everyone keeps saying is soft as hell.
that is definitely one way to spice up limit poker. Move up. I went on the gambling boat, and we decided to play 10/20 lhe. Man, that first time I raised on the turn and had to throw 8 reds into the pot, I was shocked. Maybe because I was trying to bluff a weak player. What I didn't know until a little while later was that she ended up being a calling station. I just can't wait for Vegas because I love the feel of live poker. It captivates me and grabs my attention, unlike online poker which bores me to tears. I think I have a decent game, nothing great, but I know I'm a tad better than the average clown that sits down, so I can't wait to see some result in Vegas.Oh well, I'll probably suck.
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I just can't wait for Vegas because I love the feel of live poker. It captivates me and grabs my attention, unlike online poker which bores me to tears. I think I have a decent game, nothing great, but I know I'm a tad better than the average clown that sits down, so I can't wait to see some result in Vegas.Oh well, I'll probably suck.
Just don't make my mistake and get caught up in the fact that you can easily get obliterated while you're playing. I donked off at least $1000 at poker in Vegas, and most of the reason is that I played drunk a lot (because I was on vacation, and that's what I do on vacation). Alcohol and cards are a good mix for some people, I am not one of those people. Online poker bores me to death as well, and I'm bad at it to boot. I probably won't be depositing again, I like the feeling of having my bankroll safe in my pocket or in the bank as opposed to stored digitally on some server in a 3rd world country, so I'll deal with the fact that I have to drive 3-4 hours everytime I want to play. Rochester needs a casino, and I need a local game bigger than my regular $5 tournament.
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but I can't say I'm not intrigued by the 15/30 game at TS that everyone keeps saying is soft as hell.
I would like to meet these people. I have some valuable land in Oklahoma that I'd like to unload.
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I would like to meet these people. I have some valuable land in Oklahoma that I'd like to unload.
One of them was a TS dealer, if that helps with the credibility any...The 10/20 game I sat at TS a couple months back was pretty soft, but I didn't have enough cash on me to really take advantage of it (and I'm a shitty limit player anyway).
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well ......... i don't have herpes. that's a good thing.For the last two weeks I have had this strange bump in my mouth right below my lip. I thought it was a type of cold sore and I have been thinking I got it from Guy #2. I've not been happy about it expecially since it won't seem to go away. This morning one of the attorneys I work with that had the same cold I did for the past few weeks said he had the same problem. His doctor said it was some sort of infection brought on by the cold and he gave him an anti biotic to get rid of it. If it doesn't go away by the end of the week I'll go see my doctor, but at least it isn't herpes simplex 1. That would be icky.

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For some reason we really enjoy making people uncomfortable by being unacceptably gay, and then accusing them of being uncomfortable with their sexuality.
We have contests to try and outgay each other where the loser is the guy who finally breaks character and admits to being creeped out by the gayness. For instance, one guy will come up to the other and start softly rubbing his neck. The second guy will then pretend to enjoy it thoroughly and respond by doing something like holding and rubbing his hand (fingers interlaced). Here's where things start to get interesting because each move must one-up the previous. The first guy now will likely start rubbing the inner thigh of the second guy, and both participants for the first time in the contest are genuinely uncomfortable. As the first guy rubs higher and higher on his opponents thigh nearing the ballsack the second guy will usually go for the under the shirt chest rub or possibly even the ill advised pants unbutton maneuver. This is usually the part of the contest where things break down. Guy number one usually panics at this point and just goes for an all out ball grab prompting one of the two participants to run crying into the corner with a severe case of the heebly jeeblies.
yeah, I'm pretty sure there is something more going on here, maybe not consciously, but I'm pretty sure there are deeper issues at work. My cop buddies like pulling out their puds, do silly stuff like that, but you guys are into touching each other, and doing it all the time, like every time you guys see each other, halloween costumes, ect.I'm pretty sure one of these days, you guys will be sitting around, watching a porn or something, one guy will go "Damn, I'm really hard right now" and then pull it out and show the other two guys in the room. Then one of the other guys will say "hey, why don't you just stroke it for a minute, that'd be funny right?" and he'll go "sure, that will be funny"He'll start beating like mad, you guys will be oddly turned on, then you guys will pull it out, all jerk off and watch each other come. Everyone will clean up, have a good chuckle and then carry on.Then, next time you have them over, you'll have your favorite porn scene all cued up. Accidentally push play on the DVD player and then it will go again.Something like "go ahead, you know you wanna fire one off. I'll do it if you do it" will be uttered. Then, as he's stroking it, one guy will suggest, hey, I'll suck you off if you'll do me when your done" You'll look around, remember you haven't had a head job in a while, say, "screw it, head is head" and let him go to town on you. You'll close your eyes and dream of a hot chick doing this to you. The head won't be bad, but you'll lose all urge to do it to him once the splooge leaves your body, but hey, a deals a deal.So, you blow him, and after a couple of minutes, you figure, "hey, this isn't horrible" and really start to emulate what you see on porn and start spitting on it, see how far down you can go, tell him he needs to shave down, finally, he comes, but now you're hard again. That day ends, and you guys repeat the process a couple of times, but in order to eliminate the awkwardness of having one guy come first and not being into it, you do a 69, but we all know its hard to concentrate on coming when you are tying to get someone to come, so you go back to alternating on each other.Then, you realize that you are hanging out with this friend just for the blow jobs. You feel dirty one day, and you stop calling him, but he's cool with it because he feels the same way.So basically Matt, just admit you like touching guys a bit and save us all the trouble.You aren't making people uncomfortable by touching your male friends, you're making yourselves comfortable.
Whatever fag.
I'm 90% sure I'm going to be Turd Ferguson for halloween. Leather jacket, red shirt with one of those weird tie things, fake stache and a 10 gallon hat and I'm good.PS I google imaged it to check it out and Turd's avatar came up.
No fucking way. I didn't see it.
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well ......... i don't have herpes. that's a good thing.
I need to write a macro that quotes you and replies, "[shakes head]" immediately after you post in any thread.
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Just don't make my mistake and get caught up in the fact that you can easily get obliterated while you're playing. I donked off at least $1000 at poker in Vegas, and most of the reason is that I played drunk a lot (because I was on vacation, and that's what I do on vacation). Alcohol and cards are a good mix for some people, I am not one of those people. Online poker bores me to death as well, and I'm bad at it to boot. I probably won't be depositing again, I like the feeling of having my bankroll safe in my pocket or in the bank as opposed to stored digitally on some server in a 3rd world country, so I'll deal with the fact that I have to drive 3-4 hours everytime I want to play. Rochester needs a casino, and I need a local game bigger than my regular $5 tournament.
I appreciate the advice and I do have somewhat of a gameplan going in. I know I plan on playing either a 3/6 or 4/8 game drunk as crap the minute I get to Vegas, just to get the ball rolling. I also plan to play probably 1/2 my sessions at NL and sober. I may play a 10/20 session sober if I do ok in my other sessions. If not, then I'll play a 5/10 session of lhe sober.My problem when I drink, is I become the life of the party. Sober, I'm kind of quiet and to myself, and I certainly don't talk to people I don't know. Buzzed and drunk, I turn it up a notch, the tips get bigger, I start buying drinks, entertaining the whole table with jokes and silliness. On more than a couple of occasions, I've turned tables around to where we were the life of the poker room, people telling me they were gonna leave until I got there, then staying till close. I just like to be silly and have fun, but it gets costly. Big tips, lots of drinks, playing a straddle, calling down without ever looking at my cards.(I never said I was smart, but dammit, I know how to party)I'm usually an idiot, but not that big of an idiot. Keep in mind, in FL, the max play is 2/2 lhe. The expensive part is buying the drinks, which aren't free, but I've always been like that. I go broke picking up tabs.I hope nobody from this thread ever comes to FL, because we'll drink until we die, and I'll probably pay for it all. I can't help myself once I get rollin.
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I just like to be silly and have fun, but it gets costly. Big tips, lots of drinks, playing a straddle, calling down without ever looking at my cards.(I never said I was smart, but dammit, I know how to party)
If I go out there when you're there, we'll have to play at least 1 session of 1/2 nl with wintermute rules enforced, i.e. anytime either of us is dealt a 4, we have to immediately flip over the 4 and move all-in while shouting "KAAAAA!!!"
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