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I Called In Sick Today

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Well I entered a 180 man in my last class assumin I'd bust out early. Turns out I'm top 5 with like 70 to go. I think I might skip my next class in half an hour if I'm still in it.
I hate that I didn't play poker in college.
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and after 3 days, he is risen!

If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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keystone ices
2nd greatest beer ever only to<------------------------ (trying to point to my avatar)Good weekend for JBradburn6, except I threw up Saturday night, the first time I've done that in a long time (not counting morning afters).
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Good chance I'm not going to my next classPoker StarsNo Limit Holdem TournamentBlinds: t75/t1509 playersConverterPre-flop: (9 players) Hero is SB with :):club:UTG raises to t450, UTG+1 folds, MP1 calls t450 (pot was t675), 4 folds, Hero calls t375 (pot was t1125), BB calls t300 (pot was t1500).Flop: :):D :D (t1800, 4 players)Hero checks, BB is all-in t2930, UTG calls all-in t1380, MP1 folds, Hero calls t2930 (pot was t6110).Turn: :) (t9040, 1 player + 2 all-in - Main pot: t5940, Sidepot 1: t3100)River: :D (t9040, 1 player + 2 all-in - Main pot: t5940, Sidepot 1: t3100)Results:Final pot: t9040

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I should mention that I had GrinderMJ at my table of a satty yesterday, and it was really distracting with his avatar of mdg. Really. Really. Really. Sextacular.
Good chance I'm not going to my next classPoker StarsNo Limit Holdem TournamentBlinds: t75/t1509 playersConverterPre-flop: (9 players) Hero is SB with :):club:UTG raises to t450, UTG+1 folds, MP1 calls t450 (pot was t675), 4 folds, Hero calls t375 (pot was t1125), BB calls t300 (pot was t1500).Flop: :):D :D (t1800, 4 players)Hero checks, BB is all-in t2930, UTG calls all-in t1380, MP1 folds, Hero calls t2930 (pot was t6110).Turn: :) (t9040, 1 player + 2 all-in - Main pot: t5940, Sidepot 1: t3100)River: :D (t9040, 1 player + 2 all-in - Main pot: t5940, Sidepot 1: t3100)Results:Final pot: t9040
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the_ mattybuttshurry up so I can bust as soon as you get here MDG. Oh yeah and Ron, that belt is nice and it only cost me $12 stop being so suburban
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PokerPhil - The Dolphins may may be the worst team in the NFL overtaking your Rayders.
It's always nice to get a win, but lets not get ahead of ourselves here
Coincidentally, this girl, who will be refereed to as "4" has literally done stuff with 4 guys from our house already, but she had beer and was in the same dorm. Oh man I miss college. I literally have 4 pages of a microsoft word document of all the people in college we gave a "nickname" too. Here is a random sample of 41. Nicki Bedwetter/Teshfetter2. Dan Akroyd3. Tiff Doymond4. Visor Boy Well, I had to pee so I did wat any self respecting man would do, I peed in her sink. She apparently thought thought this was hilarious and so did I. Call me when you pee in a bar, on the bar, or outside of a pizza shop while talking to all of your friends
Played golf and drank on Saturday, first time I've done that. We hit up a small little uncrowed course and brought a cooler out with 18 beers for three guys. By hole 6 we were basically out of beer. That was annoying.
*sigh*I'm gonna get real sad from now on when you warm weather guys talk about playing golf... because it is like 20 degrees right nowSorry guys, I have to run some errands so none of you get to play with my gigantic balls for a whileTootles!
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Oh man I miss college. I literally have 4 pages of a microsoft word document of all the people in college we gave a "nickname" too. Here is a random sample of 41. Nicki Bedwetter/Teshfetter2. Dan Akroyd3. Tiff Doymond4. Visor Boy
hahaha so did we, just not in word.Big Red Barn was not happy when she found out her nickname.
MDG SexMachine- 34297772
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UH OH ! I'm in trrrrooouubblleeee .................Guy #2 is mad. Cutting him loose is gonna be alot easier than expected. he's doing all the work for me.
No shit. I'm surprised it took you this long to make this post.Hey Caleb...got real gay this weekend. At a law school party with some college friend we literally cleared the room. They already thought my buddy in the speedo was pretty weird, but when he started freak dancing my other buddy in the middle of the living room everyone pretty much backed away slowly. It was faaaaaantastic.Also, we went to a strip joint with the nastiest dancers ever after the aforementioned speedo wearer passed out...and basically woke up to his limp member being stuffed into a vagina that was a "rainforest". I would have written a longer story, but not enough people around here would appreciate it anymore. Fucckin heteros.
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We ain't partners, we ain't buddies, we ain't friends. got it convict?well, probably because everyone knows that:A. if we told her Jesus Christ himself resurrected, got an FCP acct and posted in this thread, she still wouldn't do the catch upB. We really don't want her to catch up since we goof on her while she's not around.Sadly, I've read nearly every post (with the exception of the super long boring ones) since page 150 or so. (40 posts per page) I'm gay
lol ... i missed this gem the first time around.
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Just won seat #4 in the Protege tourney - I'm going to the Bahamas!
If you don't wear a hat with the number 68 on it this thread will disown you.
lori's new title?------------------so no, its not wrong. double points if you go up to him and say "i say monstrosity, do you know the times?"------------------.:: l. ::l .. .: :l ..::
Hilarious. All three of them. I've always wanted to say the line from the second one, but haven't come up with an appropriate situation yet.
Trust me, I've enjoyed my rants today and yesterday about women, but did they get any groupie love? No. I'm ok with it.
You clearly aren't ok with it.
Hey- cum here often?And Im out. What do you think of the tie lori?JamysPics001-1.jpg
I thought only guys who had to read books to learn how to pick up girls wore belt buckles like that.
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Well considering the habs are gonna blow the sabres out of the water I uhhh wait i'm confused.Shall we stick to our previously discussed Topic/Essay?I think 100 words is good enough for now.
You're on, if the Sabres win the topic will be "The Buffalo Sabres are the greatest team in the National Hockey League".
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i think im in the middle of the greatest blowup ever1/14 with 12k 2nd has 4k5/13 with just over 3kedit*I just hit my first ever 1-outer. QQ v AA allin on a 910 3 flop. 4 clubs to the river Qh baby

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No shit. I'm surprised it took you this long to make this post.Hey Caleb...got real gay this weekend. At a law school party with some college friend we literally cleared the room. They already thought my buddy in the speedo was pretty weird, but when he started freak dancing my other buddy in the middle of the living room everyone pretty much backed away slowly. It was faaaaaantastic.Also, we went to a strip joint with the nastiest dancers ever after the aforementioned speedo wearer passed out...and basically woke up to his limp member being stuffed into a vagina that was a "rainforest". I would have written a longer story, but not enough people around here would appreciate it anymore. Fucckin heteros.
The gay lap dance to clear the room was awesome enough, but shoving a passed out guy's dick into a strange bush is possibly the most disturbing thing I've ever read. I've got to make it out to Chicago. P.S. Write up the whole story if you get a chance. I know all the new members of this thread will just be weirded out by it, but you've got to know your roots.
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Everyone mark this down as the day Danny decided to fail his finance course.
that was yesterday, when i finished a very complicated 25-page section on exchange rates, just to realize that it was optional. this entailed me going back, and realizing that about 20% of what i've read has been optional.
Hilarious. All three of them. I've always wanted to say the line from the second one, but haven't come up with an appropriate situation yet. I thought only guys who had to read books to learn how to pick up girls wore belt buckles like that.
i'm glad someone gets me. and that someone is more rugged than chuck norris.
You're on, if the Sabres win the topic will be "The Buffalo Sabres are the greatest team in the National Hockey League".
good thing it's only 100 pagesedit - railing both B and Napa, and playing a PLO8 SnG. whew, almost got stacked by a guy calling 75% of his chips on the flop with a naked low.
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I would also like to add, as a postscript:I appreciate- as much as a person posting anoymously can really appreciate the attention and resulting patience of his seemingly-similar-minded also-anonymous audience- y'all putting up with the neurotic treatment I gave this situation. (It shouldn't come as a surprise that I have a few bookshelves full of Woody Allen collections.)Ironically enough, something RMexico mentioned a while back led me to do a little unanticipated "thinking." ("Thinking" appears here in quotes because it's nearly impossible for me to allow that the result of a RonMexico comment could really be THINKING. So, "thinking.") When I first started posting here, it was out of a combination of boredom and shared interest; there's really not much else to do while pokering around. Recently, however, I've noticed a different pattern:Nowadays, I only post here when I'm overcome with an otherwise insatiable need to GET IT DOWN. I've tried to elucidate this feeling before- for years, actually, to friends and family alike- with little success, because I was, in a fashion anyone who knows me would call typical, (and as I've come to describe it now) "running without the ball." That is to say, I've been trying to describe something, I've been trying to utilize the one skill I believe I have, that ability to explain (annotate? illustrate? break down? analyze? rationalize?) what I believe, or see, or think I know. But I suppose the problem wasn't, as I'd previously thought (and worried, to no end, annoying my friends and self alike), that I didn't have the appropriate faculties to describe what it was I felt compelled to do. No. Instead I didn't realize the nature of the compulsion.Sometimes I just need to Tell. Simple. And certainly obvious. Sometimes I just feel an uncontrollable need to express, to Tell, to communicate, even when I don't particularly value the response to the communication (though, I suppose it should be said, I wouldn't put my thoughts down somewhere unless I felt the response to said thoughts were somewhat valuable, however I might choose to define that term).So. Pardon me for being a self-centered, ungracious jerk prone to consistently "me-first" non sequiturs. When I'm clacking away at my keyboard here, it's because there's something I want to Tell, and it just so happens I have- for some reason another- chosen to do so Here.Anyways, I've been quietly reflective all night since Todd Jones loaded the bases, again, and threatened to ruin the Tigers' baseball season. This is the logical result, naturally. And probably the beers have something to do with it, too, probably.Wang
I don't know how to respond to this cause there were lots of big words and I'm too we todd did to deal with them. Can someone give me the dunce's version
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I don't know how to respond to this cause there were lots of big words and I'm too we todd did to deal with them. Can someone give me the dunce's version
summary:i am actually james patterson, the millionaire author. i had planned on running a $100K freeroll for Sick Thread participants, but decided against it since I hate kdawg so much.frankly, it seemed pretty cruel, but he had his reasons I guess.
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