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I Called In Sick Today

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Brvy, while genuine and sincere, doesn’t seem like the type to get choked up over a tv show. 

Lasso had a run where they got me multiple episodes in a row.  Guess I’m getting old

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and after 3 days, he is risen!

If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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Brvy I ordered groceries today and when I got them home I realized they gave me 6 bunches of bananas instead of just the 6 I ordered and it made me think of when you sent me to get bananas as sam’s club and I got like literally 3 when you wanted me to get 3 bunches and I had to go back.  

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On 11/5/2021 at 3:09 PM, Napa_Don said:

Yes, coach beard is great and his response to the leak about ted’s panic attack was hilarious. He consistently makes me laugh.   

i also think Isaac is underrated. 

and I was shocked to see that the actor who plays the African billionaire played Richard in VEEP. His accent and lack of glasses really through me off. 

nate is such a little bitch. If it wasn’t for Ted he’d still be washing jocks and getting bullied by the players.  He should be worshiping the ground Ted walks on. I hope Rupert ****s him over next season. 

Totally agree.  I got my buddy into the show and when he finished season 1, he said he loves every single character on show, and that's never happened to him.  I then mentioned Rupert and said Nate the Great decided to be a jerk in season 2.  He was pissed.

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On 11/5/2021 at 11:06 PM, Napa_Don said:

My three favorite beard moments from s01


- when they tell them it’s been 60 years since they won at Everton and he goes “Jesus Christ” 

- after the man city game when the new Nate tries to give Ted a bottle of water and he looks at beard and he has a “**** if I know” look on his face 


I loved loved loved the Back to the Future reference.


I'm generally just a smidge too young to catch all of the references.  Like, I understand Ted (usually) is making references for people my age, but I only catch that they're references, but not what they are actually referencing. (if that makes any sense)

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On 11/7/2021 at 8:01 AM, Ron_Mexico said:

Brvy, while genuine and sincere, doesn’t seem like the type to get choked up over a tv show. 

Lasso had a run where they got me multiple episodes in a row.  Guess I’m getting old

I love that about you, Mex.  I'm the same way.  I don't think I've cried yet in Lasso, but it happens frequently.

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11 hours ago, Napa_Don said:

Brvy I ordered groceries today and when I got them home I realized they gave me 6 bunches of bananas instead of just the 6 I ordered and it made me think of when you sent me to get bananas as sam’s club and I got like literally 3 when you wanted me to get 3 bunches and I had to go back.  

HAHA.  AWesome!


Youre going to need to eat bananas like a MOFO this week.

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On 11/11/2021 at 11:19 AM, Napa_Don said:

Oh, I’m already pawning them off to friends who bake. Most of them are already starting to brown. It’s too many bananas!

Let them get a little brown, peel, break in half, put on a sheet pan, freeze them, then put them in a a freezer bag.  

make smoothies and mixed fruity drinks with rum

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So this Rittenhouse trial is messing up my commute.  My kids school is right next door.



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It really is crazy.  Seemingly smart people just... aren't.



Holy crap this LeBron Malice in the Palace 2 crap is crazy.

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On 11/4/2021 at 10:20 AM, brvheart said:

My favorite thing ever, now that Suited has died, is imagining just talking to myself in here every week for years.  Me in this thread, Fritz in the happy birthday thread, never talking to each other, but both doing our part separately to keep this place going for the occasional drop in. 


It's just you and me now Fritz!  Ride or die.


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Let's get this thread going again, Iowa style. 

Do you guys get yer boosters yet? I got mine a couple weeks ago, felt like garbage for several days--getting tired of all this.

Slightly angry that Essay blew off Melania on that last page, he'll be back with apologies.

I hear Wisconsin is a real party state. 

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I got my booster when I was eligible. Went with the moderna (JJ originally) and got my flu shot at the same time. The next day my arm was a little sore and I felt like I was on the precipice of getting really sick but i was fine by noon. They probably just gave me saline. 

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I haven't gotten the booster, and am leaning toward not getting it, since I had COVID, but we will see!  I'm sure I'll get it if there is an especially dangerous variant that pops up.  Although, like Napa, I haven't had an mRNA vaccine (I also got the J&J), so that might be worth getting.

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Well, my semester is officially over.  I'm back to work January 10th.  What are ya'll's Christmas plans?


I'm going to DSM (IA), Galena (Touristy town in IL), and hanging at home (WI).

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Please get a booster, Brvy. 

When I was in audit I had to go to Galena for a client. Or at least I’m pretty sure. It was Gelana, IL. I had a client in Beloit and one in Galena and I always get mixed up on which was in IL and which was in KS. Pretty sure Beloit was Kansas though. 

The horseshoe sandwhich is big in that area right?  Also had a client in Palmyra, MO and some little town near Carthage, MO. We would stay in a holiday inn in Carthage. The Palmyra client was awful. The other MO client was slightly less awful. I mention those because I can’t remember if that’s where I was introduced to the Horseshoe. 

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