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I Called In Sick Today

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if you don't have one already get a pulse oximeter to monitor your blood oxygen levels. Covid can fool people into thinking they're not too bad because they aren't short of breath but they actually have low oxygen levels and might need to get to hospital and get on oxygen. It's the most important thing you can monitor with Covid.

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and after 3 days, he is risen!

If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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Honestly I’d check with your doctor about maybe getting the monoclonal treatments since (I assume) you’re in a high risk category. It’s only really useful before you get bad enough to need hospitalization and is the only regret I have with my dad on not checking in on him more often because if I had known he was feeling sick I would have made him look into it right away but by the time I knew he even had covid it was too late. 

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I'm positive.


All the kids are negative.  Oxygen levels are good.  Temp is 97.7.  Only symptoms are the sporadic cough and some chest pressure.  I'll go into the doc and ask about those treatments.

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get well soon brvy and family!  

with my aunt she didn’t go to ER soon enough and has been the hospital for 7 weeks, so like they said be diligent and go in if you’re feeling bad . 

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I just got my 1st dose of Pfizer. We're behind the US here in Canada because we don't have access to as much vaccine supply.

We're waiting to give the 2nd dose for 4 months to get as many people as possible the first jab and some protection.

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So far, so good.  I'm still having chest issues, but its not getting worse.  I can breath easily.  I can't taste anything, which sucks.  I'm coughing quite a bit, but nothing worrisome.  

My wife is doing fine.  All the kids still seem fine.

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dynamite drop in, monty. 

brvy will be fine. jesus has his back. 

anyone here use a monitor mount for their work from home station? I'm going to build a new one i think, for after i "go back to the office" so i can work from home whenever i want. and i like the idea of a dual monitor mount system, maybe even three. 

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I've used 3 32" monitors for years and wouldn't even consider using less at this point.  Definitely go 3.


I'm still feeling the same.  The wife is out of it.  The kids all have it, but all seem totally unaffected.  I'm still tired, light-headed, and coughing.  I hate not being able to taste, but I have basically quit eating which is nice.  I think I only ate like 500 calories yesterday, and it can't be much more than that today.  I've basically only eaten celery.


I am drinking a lot, because that seems important.



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Three 32 inchers? Brvy you size queen. i fvckin love it. i need to do that. i'd have to get a bigger desk though. 


also dont stop eating. you need your strenght in battle. 

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Have you tried their new quesadilla?   I think it's funny that they finally got one after Qdoba has had one for 10 years.  

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I didn't die.  I'm came back to work today.

I did go into the hospital after I started coughing up blood and got the latest drug cocktail.  It seemed to work great.  

I have my taste back and I'm not really coughing anymore.  I had it pretty bad for about 10 days.

Everyone else doing ok?

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I'm glad you didn't have any side effects, Fritz!  I'm probably not going to get my vaccine anymore.  They are saying that they are only effective for 6 months?  Is that accurate?  Does anyone know how long antibodies in your blood are supposed to last after you have COVID?

I'll probably just wait until the FDA approves a vaccine and then get it.  (Unless all the vaccines end up being yearly ones like a flu shot.  Then I'll just skip it until I'm 60)

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Get vaccinated in about a month Brvy. The amount of protection you have from a vaccine is massively more than from having Covid. The fact you have had Covid means you are primed for even more protection after your first shot of vaccine. 

Yearly booster shots will probably be the norm. Most likely designed to cover newer variants.

Natural immunity from having been infected with classic Covid probably doesn't offer you much protection against some of the variants as the Brazilian city of Manaus has shown. They figure something like 75% of the population got classic Covid in their 1st wave. They've now getting infected a second time with the P1 variant.


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