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I Called In Sick Today

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Please post your response here, thx


You have been missed old friend.


That being said, I can't do that. I don't want anyone to google it.


Basically I just said this isn't under your umbrella, I will call him back when I get around to it. This was to my boss, the Dean of Edu, and her secretary.





Her secretary, who I like a lot, already stopped by my office and looked in my office window and just raised her eyebrows. That can't be good.

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and after 3 days, he is risen!

If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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Not sure what to make of this grave accented JJJ clone, but I already attribute multiple alts to the original, so I think he's the most likely candidate to be impersonating himself.

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Brvy when you owned that DQ how much a month did you pay for bookkeeping? Trying to understand just how much of anpipe dream my pipe dream is.


Chris was exceedingly reasonable in price, but it was something like $150, which included my taxes. (payroll, sales, etc) I can look it up if it would help.

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most likely candidate to be impersonating himself.


That's a normal trademark for our friend.

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Chris was exceedingly reasonable in price, but it was something like $150, which included my taxes. (payroll, sales, etc) I can look it up if it would help.


Nah, thats ok. That’s enough to know my pipe dream will remain very much a pipe dream for awhile.

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Agreed. That dude better come in about 20% less than everyone else if he wants a chance now. This contract is basically at my sole discretion, as the president will sign off on anything I suggest.


I can't morally cost us money, but I'm not going with a vendor that is untrustworthy either, because we will end up getting screwed in other ways.

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just proving my point by using a gif from an all time comedy. really highlights the difference in quality between wc and swingers.

Wedding Crashers isn't fit to lick Swinger's wingtip.

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I can't morally cost us money, but I'm not going with a vendor that is untrustworthy either, because we will end up getting screwed in other ways.


I love it when you rationalize your pettiness as the moral high ground #TeamPetty

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I only said that because I know I'm doing that. I'm just talking myself into that excuse. The reality is that this particular dude won't even end up the cheapest, and so it's a moot point.

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I think you should get a hold of the sales guy's wife. If she's into it, great. If she isn't, wait until he confronts you about it, and then ask him how it feels to have someone go around your back like that.


Plus, she's probably attractive if he is.

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If he's got to work with this guy going forward, this incident is a valid reason to avoid him. The guy has terrible judgment.


Oh, I'm not saying he doesn't have a reason to avoid him, I'm just calling bs on the "I can't morally cost us money" part.

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Friend was having a birthday party on Saturday with a music video theme and earlier she had asked me to be part of her costume for “AHA - Take on Me” but we hadn’t discussed it at all so I texted her Friday to confirm and she’s like “oh, the party is tonight now” so I scrambled and put together a marionette type rig and went as Justin Timberlake in “Bye, Bye, Bye”. The party was a lot fun and people got really into it and there were a lot of good costumes. That went pretty hard until like 3 and then I passed out there and then left at like 6 to get home and let my dog out. And I had internet people coming sometime from 8 - 12 to upgrade my internet and then he showed up and was like “oh they just need to flip a switch I don’t know why they had me come out” and I’m like yeah that’s what I tried asking when I asked for the upgrade and they said they needed to come out. So now I have 1gig internet. It was only $5 more a month. Then I met some friends out for breakfast at a local spot we love. I spent the rest of the day watching movies and sorting through my box of electronic cords and shit. Sunday was more of going though boxes and stuff and I made some food for a friends super bowl party. Barely watched the game. We mostly just hung out the massive spread of food and then played a few rounds of “Cover Your Assets”. Finally wrapped up around midnight but by then it’d been sleeting for a bit and of the 3 ways out of my friends neighborhood, two of them were so steep and slick I wasn’t able to get out. Luckily the 3rd way still had some snow and I was able to get some traction and get to a main road.


Now I’m at work and it’s looking like I’m the only idiot who actually came into the office. Just got a text from my boss I need to check, probably her saying she’s not coming in and is moving our team meeting to tomorrow. :checks text: nope just moving it back 15 minutes and opening a webex, presumably because she won’t be coming in. I will be leaving at 11 to finish the day at home if that’s the case.

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I couldn’t remember my password. It finally came to me



I have two pair of Jordan. I and XI. The ones are a colorway version and I love them. The XI were a vanity purchase, but I like them.


Next pair will likely be the III (can’t decide on the black or white). Haven’t seen another pair really motivate me.


Napa, I did like those Hurache or whatevs, they had a Dolphins color one, but I worry about the no laces, pull on style.

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My day so far:


- Drugs

- Burrito for breakfast

- Sports lesson

- Nap

- Jacked off into a sock

- Practiced my sweep-picking for an hour

- Downloaded a sports sim for console

- Ordered a titanium exhaust for a Honda.


I do before lunch what a 15yo boy dreams about doing in a month. #adderallblaster

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ted bundy doc really got me thinking about how easy it was to be a serial killer before technology. they made him out to be some genius, but the cops couldn't have been more clueless.

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It wasn't just about technology, people genuinely used to be too stupid to figure thing out that are laughably obvious. H.H. Homes got like 40 kills before they caught him, doing shit like selling his victims' skeletons to medical schools and taking out life insurance policies on strangers in his own name and then murdering them to collect. It didn't even occur to anyone to look into a guy with an endless skeleton supply. You can safely disregard the accomplishments of anyone whose success came before like 1995.

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Well, my boss resumed communication with me yesterday, without ever responding to my email. So I guess she's just going to let it go.


Side note: The word on the street is that she and the president got into a mini-shouting match (I assume about something completely unrelated) and that she might be on her way out. So I got that going for me.

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Well, my boss resumed communication with me yesterday, without ever responding to my email. So I guess she's just going to let it go.


Side note: The word on the street is that she and the president got into a mini-shouting match (I assume about something completely unrelated) and that she might be on her way out. So I got that going for me.

Why don’t you stop by your local DQ and grab a blizzard?


Just talked to some people from a firm in Iowa. Not for a job, just talking about technology, they wanted to hear what we have done with some of our process choices. Anyway, they mentioned that Iowa is awful right now, weather wise. I can’t imagine -25 wind chill.

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Look, yes, the police were dumb, but come on. Give him a little credit. He was a known serial killer, who not only escaped, but escaped again after they were watching him, knowing that he's willing and able to escape.. It's that second escape, beyond even his boyish good looks and charm (and way he'd lure in prey with a fake cast) that puts him over the top. And when escaped, did he lay low, keep a low profile? Or did he sneak into a sorority half way across the country and murder everyone in sight? I'll be damned if I'll let Bundy slander slide on my watch.

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i’m not saying he didn’t have skills. but the second escape he starved himself down and escaped from a rudimentary jail and just walked out. sounds like pretty shitty police work. lot of dedication to his craft to get to florida and go on another spree, but then they catch him there by accident and don’t even know who they have. these florida cops don’t keep the fbi top ten bulletin?

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