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I Called In Sick Today

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and after 3 days, he is risen!

If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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how was everyone's thursday?


mine was pretty okay. got some work done, which was nice. had some good phone calls with some important clients, and there was no line at chipotle. i'm about half way to a free burrito on the new app. i should be there by sometime next week. went to target on the way home to get some water. grabbed some peanut butter m&ms while i was there.


working on my fantasy basketball spreadsheet for next monday's draft.


looking forward to the weekend.


good talk.

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My day was boring as heck. I basically finished my last project on tuesday and now I'm just killing time. Did some python tutorials today. Probably do more of the same tomorrow.


Went and picked up a file cabinet off of craigslist and realized the new Portillos was nearby so I gave that a shot. Terrible. Not even close to the original.

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Got my live auction basketball draft tomorrow night. Last year was the inaugural season. I ended up taking home the trophy. It's a keeper league, with the catch being you can keep anyone you want for $5 more than what you paid. There was a FAAB budget of $200, and any FA you acquired had the same keeper rules. The commish had Curry and Cousins, both of whom were hurt, and both at like $50+ price tags, and wanted to game his own system (like an ass). So in the playoffs, he dropped them both, and since only 3 people were paying attention, and two of them didn't have money, I ended up getting Steph for $6. So this year, coming off a championship, I have a $11 Curry to build around.

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The league is weighted stupidly towards big men, and it's head-to-head points. It's bizarre and stupid, but I still enjoyed it. 3 pointers don't count, steal/block/offensive reb all worth 2 points. So, defensive guys and deep threats are insanely unvaluable, while triple-double threats and Andre Drummond are worth way more. Ratios don't matter, unless it's a really bad FT shooter. Last year I mistakenly paid $47 for Nurkic, because I was all yoked up on Jokic, and didn't realize it for about 20 minutes when I saw Jokic's name still available. Then it turned out that Nurkic was a top 50 guy (he should never be!) and it wasn't a horrific overpay.


Anyways, here's what I'm starting with. $200, roster of 15. PG/SG/G/SF/PF/F/C/C/UTIL/UTIL

Steph - $11

Oladipo - $18

Kemba - $31

Lou Williams - $9

Mirotic - $10


I went back and forth on Jimmy Butler at $38, but who the **** knows what he'll be doing, or where he'll be doing it. I gotta find some bigs, and I can pretty much ignore guards. The other wrinkle is that since it's total weekly points, you get rewarded pretty heavily for depth, being able to send out reliable rotation guys every night of the week.

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i don’t know what to say about that scoring system besides it’s insanely stupid. i’m a big fan of the simple yahoo system of 9 categories and you win a category you get one point, so a typical week is a 6-3 5-4 matchup.

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It is stupid, but at the same time, you have to learn how to draft any league you join. Would I set up my league in such a stupid, nonsensical way? Only if I wanted to scam my GM's! But you adjust.


Here's what I came away with:

Curry - $11

Kemba - $31

Oladipo - $18

Millsap - $19

Ingram - $15 (a reach)

Mirotic - $10

Cauley-Stein - $8

Olynyk - $5

Lou Williams - $9

Chris Paul - $31 (paid $50+ last year for him)

VanVleet - $2 (took him early as a block on a team w/no money. A waste in the end)

Taurean Prince - $10

Wiggins - $9 (by far my best value, even though he's a cancerous, useless player in real life. The man puts up numbers)

Gallinari - $2 (another "block" gone wrong)


Ended up with ~$10 left over and could have improved on Van Vleet and Gallo by quite a bit, but if I can acquire a good big man, I'm feeling pretty good. As is, I have 5 of the top ~20 guards. We'll see where it lands me.

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ron's still around but sparingly. speedz got all domesticated and shit by the little wife. beans, well I assume beans either finally bought the farm from a heart attack, went into hiding from some scam gone awry, or got too damn rich to bother with us any more.

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It is stupid, but at the same time, you have to learn how to draft any league you join. Would I set up my league in such a stupid, nonsensical way? Only if I wanted to scam my GM's! But you adjust.


Here's what I came away with:

Curry - $11

Kemba - $31

Oladipo - $18

Millsap - $19

Ingram - $15 (a reach)

Mirotic - $10

Cauley-Stein - $8

Olynyk - $5

Lou Williams - $9

Chris Paul - $31 (paid $50+ last year for him)

VanVleet - $2 (took him early as a block on a team w/no money. A waste in the end)

Taurean Prince - $10

Wiggins - $9 (by far my best value, even though he's a cancerous, useless player in real life. The man puts up numbers)

Gallinari - $2 (another "block" gone wrong)


Ended up with ~$10 left over and could have improved on Van Vleet and Gallo by quite a bit, but if I can acquire a good big man, I'm feeling pretty good. As is, I have 5 of the top ~20 guards. We'll see where it lands me.


i like this team. curry, kemba, paul, and oladipo is filthy. i hope to get something similar in my draft. i like VanVleet a lot, especially in case kyle lowry goes down.

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new Portillos was nearby so I gave that a shot. Terrible. Not even close to the original.


I'm sure its the same owners, correct? Portillos is awesome. Why was it terrible?



Hello Caleb.

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With regard to shoes...I have my daily wear Chacos. Outside of that, I basically have my semi-casual brown shoes and my slightly fancier black shoes. I am not sure of the brands. I do have a pair of New Balance tennis shoes and a couple of pairs that I wear for weddings, but those barely count.


In work news, I'm teaching pretty much full time now. I have some of my kids doing essays on the theme of songs. They got to choose the songs...they all chose rap.

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Man, I hurt myself laughing at sunny last night

Just watched "Time's Up for the Gang" last night, and it was super funny...and figured that you were referring to that one. Guess I'm looking forward to the next one now.

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