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I Called In Sick Today

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Ha, like I get invited to any parties. I lost interest in alcohol years ago, but I lost interest in everything years ago.


I was mostly being cute about the fun at parties part, but I’m dead serious about addiction. Alcoholism is a pretty important part of making an unhappy life romantic and cool. Gambling is great too, but ask anyone what I was like to talk to when was gambling without drinking. I assure you it was awful.


Also, the fact that I need to encourage you on this is a huge red flag to me. The only person I’ve ever known who was too depressed to care about xer drug additions very nearly committed suicide while sober. Luckily there were people like me in xer life to get xer back on track and off the wagon. This person has since recovered and gone on to have many cosmetic surgeries. Let us enable you back into perfect mental health.

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and after 3 days, he is risen!

If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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Got dusted again at the casino last night. I open limped with KK, someone made it 7, as I was hoping, and I popped it to 50 to clear the riff raff. Two callers. Flop is K 5 2 two diamonds. I check. Guy bets, guy calls, I’m all in for 300. They both call. One has A 10 diamonds, the other has QJ of diamonds. You know what happened.


I just left after that. Back at it today though. Switched to Hollywood to change the luck.

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Oh. When I first read that, I just assumed that was low. I also don't remember the last time I only worked 40 hours.

Build in travel time and some planning...it was a little more. Back before I moved to Florida, I was working 50 hours per week there for a bit, but I've probably worked more like 20-25 hours per week since.

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luck turned, we made back 900 of the 1000 we lost friday and saturday. no crazy hands to share really, but one was it was limped to me on the button and i have 10 9 diamonds and i make it 15. small blind calls and so do three other people. flop is 10 10 9, so we're exploding in our pants. small blind leads out for 55 and one guy calls, then i call. turn is a 2 that changes nothing, small blind shoves for 200. i call, he has queens. not sure what he was thinking, but that is the 1/2 game i know and love.

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Got dusted again at the casino last night. I open limped with KK, someone made it 7, as I was hoping, and I popped it to 50 to clear the riff raff. Two callers. Flop is K 5 2 two diamonds. I check. Guy bets, guy calls, I'm all in for 300. They both call. One has A 10 diamonds, the other has QJ of diamonds. You know what happened.


I just left after that. Back at it today though. Switched to Hollywood to change the luck.


That is unfortunate. You were in a really good spot with at least 6 diamonds already exposed. Sorry man.

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That is unfortunate. You were in a really good spot with at least 6 diamonds already exposed. Sorry man.


Thanks buddy. That’s bound to happen, but it’s a spot I want to be in, so I take it and move on. I’m obsessed with playing right now because it distracts me from the never ending hell of corporate America. I know I can never actually quit my job and play full time, both because I’m not good enough and I’d never make more money than I do here, but it’s fun to dream about a life of freedom, grinding in Vegas at the bellagio every night.

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Ok. Listen up homos. I wrote a poem to my sister on text message. This the way it goes:



I'm a big Garth Grooks fan.

And the Wu Tang Clan.

And Woody Harrelson -- Ted Danson.

And Lady Gaga and Bette Midler,

And most of all -- the very most of all --

I love Joan Rivers.


That filthy old cunt.








DON'T LET ME GO UNappreciated in my own time. That would be a sin.

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Place I mentioned last week that had the supervisory roles wants to setup a phone interview with HR. Just a screener but it’s still nice to have the confirmation that I’m at least somewhat desireable as an employee on paper.

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Place I mentioned last week that had the supervisory roles wants to setup a phone interview with HR. Just a screener but it's still nice to have the confirmation that I'm at least somewhat desireable as an employee on paper.


Well done. Good luck.

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Does it show as Brvy having the last post in he lobby but then the actual last post is bigD for anybody else?


Edit: and now it shows up. Weird. And thanks buddy. But all it is is having a decent looking resume and the fast pass of a recruiter forwarding it to the company. He hit me with like my dream job opening like an hour later so I’m really hoping that hiring manager will like my resume.

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Does it show as Brvy having the last post in he lobby but then the actual last post is bigD for anybody else?


Edit: and now it shows up. Weird. And thanks buddy. But all it is is having a decent looking resume and the fast pass of a recruiter forwarding it to the company. He hit me with like my dream job opening like an hour later so I'm really hoping that hiring manager will like my resume.

I forget, how difficult was your initial job search after wrapping up school? Someone needs to just punch me if I'm ever complaining about having trouble finding a job again.

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I forget, how difficult was your initial job search after wrapping up school? Someone needs to just punch me if I'm ever complaining about having trouble finding a job again.


Well, it was difficult in that I didn't have any interest from any of the numerous accounting firms and other companies I applied to and only found my job as a result of a friend being an intern at the company and referring me, which gave me an automatic interview with HR. And then after an OK interview I got 100% on the aptitude test they gave me which pushed me over the other candidate. Fun fact, of my bosses and the other employees that took the test BC and I were the only people to get 100%.


And so, I had a job lined up a month or so before graduation, but it wasn't a great one and I didn't make much money. And then when I left for my next job I applied to maybe 30 places, and only heard anything from maybe 3, and then only got that job after talking my way into a yes after an original no.


But this last job was pretty easy, tbh. Applied to three places, didn't hear from one, and then got offers from the other two.


Here's to hoping this search goes as easy.

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Well, I had an OK GPA in college but really terrible interview skills and it was still 2009-2010 when I started looking for my first real job. And then I had a better resume but still pretty bad interview skills and was trying to get into public accounting not straight out of college which is difficult.


Now, I'm better at interviewing and have a really good resume and it's a super great job market here for finance right now.

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It's just so much easier to be confident now that we know how incompetent and complacent everyone else is.


Also this. And on top of it we're both actually pretty good at our jobs, and not just compared to other people. Objectively pretty good!

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Anybody know any good resume writing services? I think I should get mine looked at by a pro. Shit is getting ludicrous in my company and I need to be prepared to jump ship at a moment's notice.

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