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I Called In Sick Today

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and after 3 days, he is risen!

If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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Don't give in, Napa. The clapping really makes all of them unwatchable.


I do recommend watching the Nixon clip where he says, "yeah, enough of this Watergate business, its been a year for God's sake!"

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Please try to accurately quote me in the future.


I'm still on the fence about Lorde/RTJ. I'll probably end up going, but I don't like arena concerts very much, especially for something like RTJ. But, floor is going to be over $100, and I have no idea if it'll be seats, or open area. Arenas stink.


When I got my job, I got a 10 month "trial" contract, with the promise of a 5k raise and a 3-year contract if things didn't go pear-shaped. So, I just got the new contract in email, with the raise, and its the pretty standard town job, so I'm not fighting for anything. It's a 3-year process to get certified as both a treasurer and tax collector, but I'll have a lot more leverage on the next go-round once I'm certified and way more comfortable with everything. As it is, I'll have 2.5%-3.5% yearly raises, and start moving up the chain.

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You have that type of job security, Napa. I mean, why would they get rid of you in the next 3 years?

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We haven’t had our year end reviews yet but my boss said in a meeting the other day that we all got pretty good reviews. Now all I can do is wait to find out if there’s any raise associated with a pretty good review for a mid-year hire.

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We haven't had our year end reviews yet but my boss said in a meeting the other day that we all got pretty good reviews. Now all I can do is wait to find out if there's any raise associated with a pretty good review for a mid-year hire.


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So BTC, huh? Let me know when it's a good time to jump on. I wonder how low it's going to get.


Are there any secondary currencies and seem poised to step up and replace BTC? I want to get in on the ground floor.

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So BTC, huh? Let me know when it's a good time to jump on. I wonder how low it's going to get.


Are there any secondary currencies and seem poised to step up and replace BTC? I want to get in on the ground floor.

I'm reluctant to use the phrasing "the next Bitcoin", because it's so over-used, but I do think that we've identified one that fills that role. I would not generally advise people to invest heavily directly in BTC anymore. I think you're much better off in ETH if you want a strong base currency. With that said, NANO (formerly RaiBlocks/XRB) really is poised to take over from Bitcoin eventually. After an explosive "start" in December, it has largely moved sideways since due to the overall market and a few exchange hiccups, and it's a long journey ahead, but it should have some legs. Being in the crypto space, it's actually exciting to play with it...and simple. Transactions are fee-less and near-instant (probably 3-5 seconds on average). I've gotten a ton of people on the train...and I keep trying to cram more on when I can. I rarely shill, but if there was a time to do it, this seems like it.

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