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How To Approach The Game?

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I thought omaha was an easy game at first. But I'm starting to realize how hard it could be.I don't know what to do when i don't have the nut full house, or nut flush and what not. I don't know when to get aggressive with those vulnerable full houses and flushes and straights. Someone help please.Should I just wait and see how people play before I do something in a big pot?

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Play for the nuts, or don't play a big pot. Don't raise with the underfull if you are determined to put money in with it.I tend to jam the pot with my big draws, knowing that my opponents assume that their set is a favorite and are more than happy calling.

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Play for the nuts, or don't play a big pot. Don't raise with the underfull if you are determined to put money in with it.I tend to jam the pot with my big draws, knowing that my opponents assume that their set is a favorite and are more than happy calling.
Unfortunately this strategy isn't always so great because a set is usually a favorite against a wrap. Of course if you have wrap +flush draw then things are different, and if your opponent is one who pushes top two pair hard this strategy is viable. Try to get an idea of who you play with can lay down a descent hand, this will help you decide whether to jam for the steal on a draw or to take one off.
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Should I just wait and see how people play before I do something in a big pot?
No, in a 8-10 handed game the nuts are usually out every hand (32-40 cards are out pf)...Never play a big pot unless u r drawing to the nuts or you hold the current nuts and the board is not draw heavy...and never play big drawing hands OOP, not just up front, but out of position w. respect to the bettor/raiser.These are major leaks in PLO and one of the main reasons the lower limits are so lucrative.
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No, in a 8-10 handed game the nuts are usually out every hand (32-40 cards are out pf)...Never play a big pot unless u r drawing to the nuts or you hold the current nuts and the board is not draw heavy...and never play big drawing hands OOP, not just up front, but out of position w. respect to the bettor/raiser.These are major leaks in PLO and one of the main reasons the lower limits are so lucrative.
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Unfortunately this strategy isn't always so great because a set is usually a favorite against a wrap. Of course if you have wrap +flush draw then things are different, and if your opponent is one who pushes top two pair hard this strategy is viable. Try to get an idea of who you play with can lay down a descent hand, this will help you decide whether to jam for the steal on a draw or to take one off.
WARNING: i'm kind of a newb to this game:At lower limits, jamming with a wrap is often a good play, even if it is not totally backed up equity-wise. as long as an obvious straight card does not come, it often serves to disguise your hand, such that sets cannot fold to your pot bet on a later street when you hit. also, lower straights will think you have a hand that was made earlier (i.e. a set), and want to get the pot big while they believe they are ahead, when actually you are often freerolling.so i often will bet 3/4 to a full pot bet on the flop with a wrap draw.but that implies good position. it is very difficult to win a big pot in PLO or PLO/8 without getting very lucky OOP.
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