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Favorite Girl Scout Cookie

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Wow I never knew there was such a following for the Thin Mints! Do I even dare say that I think they are the most disgusting thing I have ever tasted? Oh well just didShortbread dunked in milk
I'll have to agree with ker.....umm, normally i like the shortbreads but something bothers me about standing on the same side of the line as kers2.Thin mints it is!
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I'll have to agree with ker.....umm, normally i like the shortbreads but something bothers me about standing on the same side of the line as kers2.Thin mints it is!
hahaI guess I'll take that as a compliment
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man i cant stand thin mints or the coconut ones..i like the tagalongs...after the freezer of course...the trefoils are good to...but i still prefer peanut butter and chocolate over anything

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thin mints for me.they taste even better cold.and, if you put the box in the freezer, when you take the cookies out, they clack together like poker chips.you can even sort-of riffle them.
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thin mints for me.they taste even better cold.and, if you put the box in the freezer, when you take the cookies out, they clack together like poker chips.you can even sort-of riffle them.
you can do the same with tagalongs and they are a better cookie
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I guess I must be the only person on the face of the earth that thinks girl scout cookies are disgusting.boo.

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I used to love Girl Scouts until I turned 18 and couldn't eat them any more. :club: s/w, put the phone down.I like the chocalate peanut butter ones, but I haven't had them in a while. I live in the city, you don't often see girl scouts selling cookies in my neighborhood. Ex-girl scouts selling cookie, yes...

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