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Pocket 10s In Bb In $5 Mtt Full Tilt

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Entrants: 280 Pays to 27th80 left.MP has 3500 chipsSB has 2700 chipsI have 2150 in chipsBlinds 50/100MP limps, SB completes, I raise to 400 total. MP calls, SB folds.Flop: Qs 7d 4sI bet 800, MP moves all-in, I hate myself...Do what?

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Entrants: 280 Pays to 27th80 left.MP has 3500 chipsSB has 2700 chipsI have 2150 in chipsBlinds 50/100MP limps, SB completes, I raise to 400 total. MP calls, SB folds.Flop: Qs 7d 4sI bet 800, MP moves all-in, I hate myself...Do what?
hmmm - I would have bet less on the flop, but after his all-in I think it might depend on your image - do you always enter a cb after a pf raise? He might simply put you on AK and do this with 99 - no?I think there are a lot of hands here without a queen in them that he could have, including Asxs or lower pocket pairs....if he's got 77 or 44, oh well.My call/fold here would depend on his previous play and your image...withough knowing anything I really don't object to a call here.
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I like a raise to 500-600 preflop, but it leaves you in an awkward spot with like 1500 behind in a 1k+ pot if you get called. I probably raise to 500 or 600 and jam any non horrible flop like akj, this board doesn't scare me too much, I probably jam.

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Move all-in after seeing this flop. If he has a pp lower than queens, a flush draw, mid or bottom pair, or he completely whiffed he'll probably then fold, and he might even fold a queen with a weakish kicker.

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Given the size of your bets his push is a very bad sign. You are nearly if not fully pot committed, so he is not fearing a very likely call. I think hes got AQ at least, maybe the set.The size of the pf raise is ok, imo. Bet much more and your flop bet needs to be correspondingly higher. The flop is bit of an overbet, and thats what got you more or less pot committed. If you are going to go that high I would just push and possibly scare out a KQ or QJ. Alternatively I would just lead with 400 and can fold if he still pushes.The way it was played I probably make a crying call hoping he is making a play, but I really think were goingt to have to hit the set to survive.

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