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I will probably end up checking out the Commerce at some point in time while I am here. Just wanted to know if it lives up to all the hype I see on the WPT, or would you reccomend the the bike/other pokerroom instead?more specific questions1. any descent tournaments around $1002. looking to play some $1/$2 nl or some 3/6 limit, wheres best?3. What are some things I have to do/see while in the city, tourist wise? Thx

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I will probably end up checking out the Commerce at some point in time while I am here. Just wanted to know if it lives up to all the hype I see on the WPT, or would you reccomend the the bike/other pokerroom instead?more specific questions1. any descent tournaments around $1002. looking to play some $1/$2 nl or some 3/6 limit, wheres best?3. What are some things I have to do/see while in the city, tourist wise? Thx
Commerce is worth checking out even if you don't play there just so you can say that you've been to the world's largest cardroom. The Bike is very nice as well and has a nice $1/$2 NL area. If you prefer a much smaller place, Hustler is very clean and cozy. I think Hustler has $100 NL tourneys every Monday evening (at least they used to I am not sure about now). Hollywood Park probably has the softest games but it's quite ghetto. Think cafeteria ghetto and you can picture the place already. Beverly Hills and Hollywood are a couple places that tourists always visit when they are in LA. Seeing that you're from Hawaii, you definitely don't want to visit any of the beaches here (i.e. Santa Monica) or you will likely be very disappointed! :club: Have fun and GL!
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Best way to enjoy LA...Rent a car and merge on to I-15E...Drive like hell for about 4-4.5 hrs....Exit at Las Vegas/Downtown, park @ Binion's valet and walk to Gold Spike Casino...Buy me a beer and I'll tell you everything you need to know about LA

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The low limit games at Commerce are the juciest in the world. Just bring a few re-buys because with the huge pots in those games, variance can stack you. I wouldn't go to The Bike just because it's ghetto. The best time to play at Commerce is between 4 and 5. You don't have to wait for a table and you beat the after work crowd. Good luck.Actually if your looking for tournaments, The Bike is having their "Winning on the Green" tournaments. The buyins are small until the main event.

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Commerce - Huge, DirtyBike - Smaller, Dirty, in the GhettoHollywood park - 99% of the players are almost homeless, but I like this one the best. DirtyHustler - Clean, small, I like it.Club Caribe - dirty, good tourney's though, horrible players.You could probably make it to Vegas in the time you waste sitting in trafficTP/MM

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for somebody that mostly plays 1/2NLHE, what would you all suggest?what about rake? max buy ins? weird rules on rebuys (like hollywood park not letting you rebuy until youre down to a certain amount) etc...also, best days/times?

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Commerce is the best for cash games. They have the most tables and start games often enough that you shouldn't have to wait too long to get in (but expect to wait, the games are almost always full). If you don't like your game, you can always get a table change. Their tourneys are probably too expensive for you, try the Bike or Hawaiian Gardens for cheap, daily tourneys. The best times to play are the weekends and other times when the players are drinking, like late at night.The Bike does have one advantage; they will give you free food even for low limit play. Their no limit games are good, but it is not the same game selection as Commerce.In summary, there is Commerce, then there is everywhere else. If you have not seen the place, you will not believe the size. If you happen to be there on a Tuesday night or Sunday evening, come by the 20/40 and say hi. I am there most weeks on those days. They know me as SS.Scott

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thanks for all the replies guys, I like the sound of the commerce and will probably end up playing over there. I'll check their website for more detailed info on the tournaments and what not. Probably stop over for some Kalbi as well :icon_dance:Beans, you crack me up man.:D I seriously would consider driving down to Vegas, but I just drove 6 hours to get down here from San Francisco on 2 hours of sleep. On Saturday, We went to Lake Tahoe and went snowboarding. (5-6 hour drives each way). right now, getting in the car is the last thing I want to do.Anybody gonna be down at the commerce anytime this week other than Scotty, let me know. also scotty, If i check it out tomorrow night, I'll ask some of the floor managers on your where a bouts... where they will probably look at me in disgust and proceed to throw me out :club:

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