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I Got My Custom Set Of Poker Chips

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Well, it's been a month or so since I got them, but I finally got around to taking pics of them and I just thought I'd share! I had a little photoshop contest with some friends of mine to come up with the best chipset and this was the winning one. I got them made by an online company I found in Vegas and I'm VERY happy with the result. If anyone's interested in getting custom set of chips for their homegame, PM me and I'll send you the website.newchips.jpg

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i give them a 3/10they're plastic and the colors suckbut the fact that they are custom helps a little
1) they're clay not plastic2) you're limited to the sets you can do the custom printing on3) waiting for you to post yours
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Well, they weren't cheap...My first set of chips I bought on eBay for $0.01 and $25 shipping. :club: So they cost more than that, but to me it was worth it since I host our weekly game at my house all the time and host weekend tournaments from time to time.BTW - The joker on the chips is me...my friend took a pic of me and photoshopped it in...I forgot to mention that earlier.

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BTW - The joker on the chips is me...my friend took a pic of me and photoshopped it in...I forgot to mention that earlier.
This is not a flame. You knida look like that guy who directed "Elf" and was Monica's boyfriend for awhile on friends. The guy that took up ultimate fighting.
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This is not a flame. You knida look like that guy who directed "Elf" and was Monica's boyfriend for awhile on friends. The guy that took up ultimate fighting.
good lord I hope you are a woman. Recognizing Jon Favreau, the creator of Swingers from his stint on Friends and director of Elf.If you are male, you should have your male card revoked immediately.Chips are ok. Didn't knock me out. Check out Alf's. I like his alot.I have the Brookstone set. They were a gift and work just fine. (just so you don't say "post yours")
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LOL I'm willing to bet I'm probably the only one on this forum that has a felony for copyright infringement.
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LOL I'm willing to bet I'm probably the only one on this forum that has a felony for copyright infringement.
Should I know about this and just wasn't paying attention? What happened?
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1) they're clay not plastic2) you're limited to the sets you can do the custom printing on3) waiting for you to post yours
Just looking at the chips they are indistinguishable from the metal insert 11.5 chips which are most definately plastic products. A good way to tell is to drop one or two on a hard wood surface or stack them on top of one another by dropping and listen to hear a metal ring. If this is there I would know that they are indeed not clay mold products and just custom stamped.Good designs though
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Cool looking chips But i have to agree with others that they are the 11.5gram metal insert ones clay casino chips are normally are about 10grams too if you just want to check there wieght. I am getting some of these. and here are links to the them, custom WSOP replicas no i didn't pay that much for them but there the same chips from chipco. I would just post the pics but i am not smart enough to figure out how to post it in my post. so i found a couple of ebay links.http://cgi.ebay.com/2005-Chipco-WSOP-Repli...1QQcmdZViewItemhttp://cgi.ebay.com/300-2005-WSOP-Authenti...1QQcmdZViewItem

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Very nice set man, congrats on that.

LOL I'm willing to bet I'm probably the only one on this forum that has a felony for copyright infringement.
Hehe, I've had a couple cease and decist letters.. one from google. But I acted on it.
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1) they're clay not plastic2) you're limited to the sets you can do the custom printing on3) waiting for you to post yours
This is not a flame...but it upsets me that people get ripped off like this.1) They are Plastic, NOT CLAY. They are the 11.5g plastic metal insert chips made in china.2) you are limited to sets that have a recessed center to put a sticker on them. That is a vinyl label that your chips have.3) I hope you didn't pay too much for those.Real Customs cost around and more than $1 a chip....
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