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- wondlof sitting in seat 4 with $115.23 [Dealer]- B52 sitting in seat 9 with $55.38barabajare74 posted the small blind - $0.50colin1960 posted the big blind - $1.00** Dealing card to wondlof: Q :icon_suit_club: , Q :icon_suit_spade: CJ_143 foldedB52 called - $1.00SCALA_REALE called - $1.00The_Swede_ foldedOebo foldedwondlof raised - $4.00barabajare74 foldedcolin1960 foldedB52 raised - $13.00SCALA_REALE foldedwondlof called - $13.00** Dealing the flop: K :icon_suit_diamond: , A :icon_suit_diamond: , K :icon_suit_club: B52 checkedwondlof bet - $10.00B52 called - $10.00** Dealing the turn: 10 :icon_suit_spade: B52 checkedwondlof checked** Dealing the river: 9 :icon_suit_diamond: B52 bet - $19.00wondlof?From only 85 hands that I'd played with him his pokertracker stats were 12.9 /2.35. Is he betting the river, due to my weak check on the turn, or was he slowplaying by check calling the flop and then checking the turn. I think that he had aces, and was hoping I had AK , and /or wanted me to catch a flush if had 2 diamonds. I folded the river. Do you re-raise pre-flop with queens? The limp , re-raise pre flop smelt of danger to me. How was my flop bet?

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I definately think he flopped the boat. Whether he had AK or AA, doesn't really matter. Looks to me like he's waiting for you to hit the flush.
The re-raise pre-flop kind of sets off his hand. Limp re-raising gives away overpairs. I don't see him doing this with anything less than AK with his PT stats.
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I think I'm done with this hand after the flop call. I really don't see what I can beat here that would be played in this manner. Jacks? I doubt it. Most people are too afraid of them to limp-reraise with them. What else is there?

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I'm moving into NL cash games after having previously played tournaments. Generally would you re-re-raise with Queens. Im just thinking that in this example the flop may have saved me from going bust. If 3 rags had flopped then it would have been difficult to get away from my hand. Maybe not in this example as his limp re-raise suggested a monster but against a typical re-raiser it must be hard to lay down queens on a rag rainbow flop.

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I'm moving into NL cash games after having previously played tournaments. Generally would you re-re-raise with Queens. Im just thinking that in this example the flop may have saved me from going bust. If 3 rags had flopped then it would have been difficult to get away from my hand. Maybe not in this example as his limp re-raise suggested a monster but against a typical re-raiser it must be hard to lay down queens on a rag rainbow flop.
As a general rule, I reraise with QQ (to isolate the original raiser), but not if it's a limp-reraise. I will usually just call to see the flop, since many people are capable of limp-reraising with AK. If my initial raise got the blinds out, I don't see any reason to reraise, since you will have position for the rest of the hand and want to give yourself an opportunity to get away from the hand if it flops poorly.Out of position, reraising makes a lot more sense because of the difficult decisions that you will have thereafter. I was playing with a very successful NL cash game pro recently, and he told me that when I checked behind after raising pf and flopping a boat, it made my hand a lot stronger. His limp-reraise has the same effect. He also told me that I was not playing position enough, so that's something to keep in mind.
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As a general rule, I reraise with QQ (to isolate the original raiser), but not if it's a limp-reraise. I will usually just call to see the flop, since many people are capable of limp-reraising with AK. If my initial raise got the blinds out, I don't see any reason to reraise, since you will have position for the rest of the hand and want to give yourself an opportunity to get away from the hand if it flops poorly.Out of position, reraising makes a lot more sense because of the difficult decisions that you will have thereafter. I was playing with a very successful NL cash game pro recently, and he told me that when I checked behind after raising pf and flopping a boat, it made my hand a lot stronger. His limp-reraise has the same effect. He also told me that I was not playing position enough, so that's something to keep in mind.
Good advice all around. Read Phil Gordon's book on NL. You should always reraise with QQ, but not re-re-raise unless you got minraised. Just call and make a tough decision on the flop based on your read. If he/she is a good player, the re-reraise may mean AK as well and not AA or KK, but it could very well mean those, so if the flop comes all below Q's then you've got some thinking to do. Cool avatar by the way.
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Easy fold. Slow playing at least trips with an inside striaght draw on the turn which explains why he isn't afraid to check and give you a free card.

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