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Favorite Shows That Have Been Cancelled

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hermans head was awesome.Fastlane and dark Angel also were great shows dont know why the were cancelledOh yeah Martha Stewart Apprentice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL

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damn it, that was mine. i was scrolling slowly, hoping noone would name it.3 south pwned.
"Tampons are the only thing that will stop my nose-bleeds!"
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Can't believe no one has said Playmakers from ESPN. I loved that show but the NFL made them cut it.Another favorite is TILT, but I don't know whether that was cancelled or not.

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Clerks TASTV Execs have made many mistakes over the years.
Absolutely brilliant cartoon.I've re-watched the DVD's a million times.
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Can't believe no one has said Playmakers from ESPN. I loved that show but the NFL made them cut it.Another favorite is TILT, but I don't know whether that was cancelled or not.
Yeah, I loved TILT and heard that is wasn't cancelled but I see all the stars from it are in different shows now. What gives?
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a lot of good shows been mentioned, the tick, the critic, futurama and others.but my favs that are no longer with us are "Nowhere Man" and "The Prisoner"similar shows really. "I am not a number, I am a free man."

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Yeah, I loved TILT and heard that is wasn't cancelled but I see all the stars from it are in different shows now. What gives?
I believe it was cancelled because ESPN is making a different drama...
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heyy! how come general doesn't get a fast reply thing!!!!anyway.. dark angel, rockos modern life, the original Doug. (the one on nick, not the shitty network tv one that came later)

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Firefly of courseThis thread made me think of a a few shows I want to see, but never did.Carinvale, Arrested Development, and maybe Sports Night are shows I want to get aroudn to watching.
Absolutely Firefly...what Fox did to that show was just ridiculous. I also could have done with another season of Angel.I miss Titus too.
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mystery science theatre was the absolute funniest show i can remember and we cant forget beavis and butthead!
Thank God for TV on DVD! It's about time they came out with the B&B DVD.
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I'm really surprised noone mentioned one of the funniest shows on television, Chappelle's show! I know it is not really cancelled, more of in hiatus, but Chappelle needs to get his act together and finish season 3 and do 4. As of now in the next few months, the 4 unaired season 3 episodes of skits only are going to be aired and look absolutely hilarious.

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I'm really surprised noone mentioned one of the funniest shows on television, Chappelle's show! I know it is not really cancelled, more of in hiatus, but Chappelle needs to get his act together and finish season 3 and do 4. As of now in the next few months, the 4 unaired season 3 episodes of skits only are going to be aired and look absolutely hilarious.
Great point. Chappelle rules... go see block party... it's awesome.
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Futurama, Andy Richter Controls The Universe, Mr. ShowAnyone care to explain to me how Fox cancels the first two and yet continues running Mad TV? The sad thing is that all of three of them are appreciated as excellent shows and have decent followings.

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