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Favorite Shows That Have Been Cancelled

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Arrested Development, great show. I mean come on... the worlds first analysist and therapist? An analrapist? That is gold.

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Married with Children was one of the funniest shows ever.extremely underrated.

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I didn't watch Firefly when it was on, so I don't really feel like I have any right to complain.But Angel, Arrested Development, Andy Richter Controls the Universe, and Futurama? I have the right. And oh, how I shall complain.

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I didn't watch Firefly when it was on, so I don't really feel like I have any right to complain.But Angel, Arrested Development, Andy Richter Controls the Universe, and Futurama? I have the right. And oh, how I shall complain.
I forgot about that one. Excellent, excellent show. I didn't include Arrested Development in my list because there is a chance it is going to be picked up on Showtime. I'm in denial of it being canceled.
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The West WingSports NightBlind Justice

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I dont know for sure that it has been cancelled (what Fox does with their Sunday night lineup makes me sick), but "The War at Home" is a funny ass show and I love it.

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M S T 3 Ki also agree angel could have used one more season. married with children was one of the funniest shows in the history of television, but it more or less ran its course - was fading at the end.

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BoomtownBook of Daniel

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Firefly of courseThis thread made me think of a a few shows I want to see, but never did.Carinvale, Arrested Development, and maybe Sports Night are shows I want to get aroudn to watching.

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