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all i heard was him talking about a co-conspiritor.After Bobby left, when he gave the worker Bobby's gift, he said "You scratch my back I'll scratch yours." That made it seem like everything he was saying to Bobby was an act, and he indeed knows what he's doing.
Since being diagnosed with a form of alzheimers, I think Uncle June's character has been pretty consistent-- he goes in and out of stages of dimentia to being completely sane... though it's obviously getting worse and worse (i.e. more dimentia and less sanity)... when he speaks of things that make no sense, he could be talking about anything. I think that when he tells the orderly "i scratch your back you scratch mine," he was thinking clearly, but when he was talking to Bobby before that he wasn't all there-- something along the lines about how Bobby's dead wife Karen was doing (will have to recheck that). Separately, but related, what would Junior have gained by shooting (and killing Tony)? It's not like he had hopes of becoming boss again + Tony's been taking care of him
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Oh man, I'm so sad that AJ didn't actually kill himself. He is literally the worst.

Ok. I'm done.   It was good. None of the "surprises" were really surprising. The directing was average to poor. The writing was average at best, but generally below average. The acting was supe

Since being diagnosed with a form of alzheimers, I think Uncle June's character has been pretty consistent-- he goes in and out of stages of dimentia to being completely sane... though it's obviously getting worse and worse (i.e. more dimentia and less sanity)... when he speaks of things that make no sense, he could be talking about anything. I think that when he tells the orderly "i scratch your back you scratch mine," he was thinking clearly, but when he was talking to Bobby before that he wasn't all there-- something along the lines about how Bobby's dead wife Karen was doing (will have to recheck that). Separately, but related, what would Junior have gained by shooting (and killing Tony)? It's not like he had hopes of becoming boss again + Tony's been taking care of him
Good points. I guess I didnt interpret that very well
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I'm just looking forward to the last eight episodes. I thought it was pretty funny when Carmela was nice to AJ's girlfriend and then when she turns the corner with Tony she's talking about how shes a Puerto Rican or something... then Tony says..."At least she's Catholic" Ha.

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  • 3 weeks later...

wow long time no visit this thread. lets keep it alive huh.wow cant wait for the last 8 seasons. anyone know when their out? im not searching for a date. cant watch the final half of episode 12 didnt download proper, what happened?

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wow long time no visit this thread. lets keep it alive huh.wow cant wait for the last 8 seasons. anyone know when their out? im not searching for a date. cant watch the final half of episode 12 didnt download proper, what happened?
16 years or so
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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm just looking forward to the last eight episodes. I thought it was pretty funny when Carmela was nice to AJ's girlfriend and then when she turns the corner with Tony she's talking about how shes a Puerto Rican or something... then Tony says..."At least she's Catholic" Ha.
Agent Harris lets Tony know that high ranking members are seriously considering whacking one of T's (mafia) family members... Phil had a heart attack and Tony tries to make peace with him while visiting him in the hospital...Chris comes clean to Tony about sexing up Julia... Chris and Julia fall off the wagon and using drugs heavily... and the episode ends with a family gathering at the Soprano residence for Christmas (sans Meadow in CA) including AJ's new Poriqua girl and her kid. It's been about a month since I've seen the episode, but there it is...Also, just read that the last 8 episodes have been pushed back from January to March.... wonder how many more times that's gonna happen (http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/news/la-et-tca14jul14,1,5967427.story?coll=la-headlines-entnews)
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I just want to know what happened to the Russian in the woods.Maybe he comes back... kills Tony and Phil... takes over the bing and turns it into a pool hall for midgets.

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I always wondered what happened to the Russian that Chris and Paulie supposedly took care of. I wonder if its just a straggling storyline or if this is going to come back to haunt Tony and the crew. I love that episode where Chris and Paulie make shoes out of the carpet and are reduced to eating ketchup.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I always wondered what happened to the Russian that Chris and Paulie supposedly took care of. I wonder if its just a straggling storyline or if this is going to come back to haunt Tony and the crew. I love that episode where Chris and Paulie make shoes out of the carpet and are reduced to eating ketchup.
Im pretty sure he's dead. If not, they probably would have adressed it already.
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  • 7 months later...
A bump for the final eight episodes.The end begins April 8
Yes I cant wait....its been so long though I forgot what happened
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Season 6 recap. Tony gets shot by uncle then goes into 3 episode dream/coma sequence. Christopher is back on drugs and is ****ing that chick from ER. Vito has jonnycakes then gets sodomized by a pool cue before getting whacked. The "go get your ****ing shinebox" guy from goodfellas has a stroke and looks seriously ****ed up. Jonny Sacs hippo daughter gets married then he cries like alittle ***** when the feds pick him up after the wedding. Thats bout all I remember.

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 week to go :club::D:D Cant believe there hasnt been more hype for it. My prediction is Tony gets whacked while retrieving the morning paper from his driveway.
Previews I have seen show him getting arrested while picking up his paper in his robe...
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1 week to go :club::D:D Cant believe there hasnt been more hype for it. My prediction is Tony gets whacked while retrieving the morning paper from his driveway.
You can bet on that on bodog, with odds!Single #70724437 Film/Television Props (Game) Moneyline Bet On: Will James Gandolfini (Tony Soprano) get "whacked" in season 6 part 2 of the hit HBO TV series "The Sopranos"? Any wagers placed after outcome becomes public knowledge will be graded as No Action. No refunds. No over limit wagers. Tony Soprano must be killed in season 6 part 2 for all Yes wagers to be graded a Win. Max $50. (8901) Yes +225 Apr 08/07@7:00p
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So I've got a Soprano's party Sunday night and I want some new ideas for a food item to take. Last time I did chicken parm cutlets, the time before that I did slowcooked meatsauce. Since the host is already making lasagna, I was thinking I'd try and go with something a little smaller/lighter. Toying with something like ravioli. Anybody got any good ideas?

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You can bet on that on bodog, with odds!Single #70724437 Film/Television Props (Game) Moneyline Bet On: Will James Gandolfini (Tony Soprano) get "whacked" in season 6 part 2 of the hit HBO TV series "The Sopranos"? Any wagers placed after outcome becomes public knowledge will be graded as No Action. No refunds. No over limit wagers. Tony Soprano must be killed in season 6 part 2 for all Yes wagers to be graded a Win. Max $50. (8901) Yes +225 Apr 08/07@7:00p
Actually it wouldnt surprise if they cop out and not whack Tony. To much money involved in this franchise to put that kind of finnality to the series. They floated the idea a couple of years ago of eventually turning the show into a big screen movie franchise with a new one every couple of years. We will see if Chase stays true to his art.
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Actually it wouldnt surprise if they cop out and not whack Tony. To much money involved in this franchise to put that kind of finnality to the series. They floated the idea a couple of years ago of eventually turning the show into a big screen movie franchise with a new one every couple of years. We will see if Chase stays true to his art.
I think everyone is expecting Tony to get whacked. Thats why I dont think he will.
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Another great episode. They are really bringing it this year. Tony talkin business with Phil Leotardo kinds of reminds me of when Vince Vega and whatever of the name of the guy Samuel Jackson played in Pulp Fiction were talkin at breakfast. One gets enlightened and changes his ways, one doesnt and gets splattered on the wall.

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