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I thought last night's episode was great. I think this whole ****ing season has been great, but this was one of the better episodes.To sum up all the **** that happened:-Chris knocks up a chick, proposes, and buys a house.- Tony and Chris bond after the viper hiest. Chris ends up drinking a little wine (with no discouragement from Tony), and later ends up shooting heroin again. At the end of the episode, Tony and Chris have a hard time bonding.- Carmella gets suspicious as to what happened to Aide after a conversation with her mother.- Phil cuts Jonny out of a deal made with Tony. It will be interesting to watch the NY power struggle unfold.- Paulie opts for the cheap route with the Fair. A ride breaks that Bobby's kid was on, and Bobby confronts Paulie (probably pushed by Janice).- Paulie may have prostate cancer. Ends up reconciling wiht his mother/aunt.

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Oh man, I'm so sad that AJ didn't actually kill himself. He is literally the worst.

Ok. I'm done.   It was good. None of the "surprises" were really surprising. The directing was average to poor. The writing was average at best, but generally below average. The acting was supe

I thought last night's episode was great. I think this whole ****ing season has been great, but this was one of the better episodes.To sum up all the **** that happened:
Whats funny is all that stuff happened, and it was one of the most boring episodes ever. It looks like Johnny is getting encouragement from his lawyer to spill the beans on other people next week, that could be interesting.
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One of the funnier moments of the episode is when Chris is sitting with his "friend" in the car talking about how he needs to get help with his drug habit after Chris has just supplied him a fix. Chris then goes on to tell him how bad it is, but when offered some heroin, he thinks about it for few seconds and shoots up. Priceless.

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yeah, last week's episode was so-so, but still good compared to all that other $hit out there. the wine heist was classic. Tony's facial expressions imitating the vipers during the robbery was pretty f-ing funny. My initial reaction was that the score was not worth the risk (or as some say the juice not worth the squeeze) but I qickly reminded myself that these are who Tony and Chris are and that is what they do.After standing firm against all the tempations Chris faced since being clean and sober (well almost, except his trip to hollywood), all it took was a simple push/offer from Tony to send him off the wagon and then some. Interesting to see this time Chris didn't tell his AA/NA buddy of his recent transgressions. Wonder who Chris will blame for this latest binge?Looks like the drama notch is ready to be turned up on the NY family. First, Johnnie Sachs loses face with his underboss/acting boss while crying at his daughter's wedding, now Phil keeps Johnnie outta the loop on a Centrum score (just as Sil's said in the past, guys look for any reason not to kick $$ up). Next week we see Johnnie getting persuaded by his attorney to turn rat... wonder if his crew will get word of that?

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I've got no classes this summer so right now I've got tons of free time. So, the other day I decided to rent the dvd of the premier episode. I found it kind of interesting. In the recent episodes the capo's are bemoaning the changes going on in the business environment (corporations etc) that's threatening their way of life. In the very first episode, Tony was talking about all that too. I just thought it was kind of interesting that they've brought that concept back to come full circle.

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An ok episode, but I didn't like the way it was presented... like others have said, it was pretty slow... one of the few times I've looked at the clock several times while watching wondering when it would be over cause it seemed to be dragging on...Seems like they are setting up some good story lines for us though... I think it's going to be a wild ride to the finish!!!

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Whats funny is all that stuff happened, and it was one of the most boring episodes ever. It looks like Johnny is getting encouragement from his lawyer to spill the beans on other people next week, that could be interesting.
Ah, different point of view I guess. I saw a lot of **** happening and even more setting up for the series end. Maybe Chase had a storyline and is just trying to fill in gaps after he found out they wanted 8 bonus episodes, but I think the character development in this season has been phenonemnal. Maybe that's just my way of justifying that nothing has really happened (besides tony almost dying) so far though :club: .
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This weeks episode was better. And next weeks looks good, they are finally getting somewhere with Johnny Sac's story line and Vito coming back to town should be interesting.

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A breakthru with Tony's reason for being so angry with Janice.Johnnycakes rolls Vito over in bed, and just as he's about to get some mud-love they quick edit to a shot of a model train screaming into a tunnel!!!I almost hyperventilated. Oh MAN that was funny!Next week looks like the wheels are finally going to start coming off.Me thinks the shiznit's about to hit the fanzzle.

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A breakthru with Tony's reason for being so angry with Janice.Johnnycakes rolls Vito over in bed, and just as he's about to get some mud-love they quick edit to a shot of a model train screaming into a tunnel!!!I almost hyperventilated. Oh MAN that was funny!Next week looks like the wheels are finally going to start coming off.Me thinks the shiznit's about to hit the fanzzle.
I think, since season 2-3, we have known the reason for Tony's anger with Janice. If by breakthru you mean sharing the reasoning with Melfi, then I agree (not sure Tony shared w/Melfi back then).I am very surprised that Tony ended up hooking Janice up w/Johnnie Sack's house. Tony is always on alert for Janice's manipulative ways and hand out for free $hit. Possibly, he feels bad for Bobby getting beat down, possibly because of Janice's daughter/his niece. Whatever it was, there had to be another reason than him just being nice.I am also confused as to why Tony told Sil to forget about leaning on the building inspector for Carm.... is that his way of telling her (as he did in the episode) of selling the land and taking the profits? He's got to know that this is not going to make her happy and we've all seen what type of trouble an unhappy Carm can cause.Two things I can't wait for.... what does Vito have planned? why did he return to Jersey? surely he can't think that he can slip back into his old life or anything similar.Also, what role is Tony gonna play in the drama that is about to go on in the NY family? I hope he gets an opportunity to kill Phil L. Never liked that punk.
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I am also confused as to why Tony told Sil to forget about leaning on the building inspector for Carm.... is that his way of telling her (as he did in the episode) of selling the land and taking the profits? He's got to know that this is not going to make her happy and we've all seen what type of trouble an unhappy Carm can cause.
From what I understand it was all about Carm not caring about her "chores" around the house and soley focusing on the Spec House. For example she didnt cook dinner that one night, had not gone shopping for food in a week (according to Meadow) and was not there for Meadow when she was crying to Tony about Finn.That must be enough to crack Tony lol
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wow i avoided this thread because i still havnet downloaded the new ep yet, the only one i can find is 700 mb and im not wasting that much space.i couldnt take it anymore and just looked up on wikipedia the big secret from chrissy. married. this one will last though. symbolically the only reason why chrissy didnt get that close to adriana is because she couldnt have kids.chris talked about wanting kids.now he has kids he will stay.and yes i would love for tonys sister to get killed. her voice is almost as annoying as carms.i dont want vito to get killed. having many gay friends i can see where he comes from (im not gay though :club: )my prediction for the last ep next year:tony gets whacked, and chris takes over just as tony plans he would.paulie gos mad and kills himself. sil goes crazy without tony, and with chris that he just leaves. vito lives with his new boyfriend... girlfriend.. whatever that guy is.ps. does vitos lover remind anyone of morgan spurlock with that huge motorcycle mo?

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From what I understand it was all about Carm not caring about her "chores" around the house and soley focusing on the Spec House. For example she didnt cook dinner that one night, had not gone shopping for food in a week (according to Meadow) and was not there for Meadow when she was crying to Tony about Finn.That must be enough to crack Tony lol
I get that... but the thing about Tony is that he always sees the big picture and that by pulling the plug on his support for the spec house, he's got to know that he's gonna have to deal w/$hit from Carm. Possibly, it was the lesser of two evils- have Carm acting pissy for a while and eventually get over not working on the spec house v. Carm working on the house and not being around to carry out her housewife duties, but the house will eventually be completed also. Also, by taking her spec house away, Tony will no longer have the benefit of Carm complying with the agreed upon don't ask don't tell policy regarding Tony's business and extracuricular activities.... anyways, looks like some more drama surroundng Carm next week... we'll see if Tony made the right choice.
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I get that... but the thing about Tony is that he always sees the big picture and that by pulling the plug on his support for the spec house, he's got to know that he's gonna have to deal w/$hit from Carm. Possibly, it was the lesser of two evils- have Carm acting pissy for a while and eventually get over not working on the spec house v. Carm working on the house and not being around to carry out her housewife duties, but the house will eventually be completed also. Also, by taking her spec house away, Tony will no longer have the benefit of Carm complying with the agreed upon don't ask don't tell policy regarding Tony's business and extracuricular activities.... anyways, looks like some more drama surroundng Carm next week... we'll see if Tony made the right choice.
hope he does, and i hope carm settles down, i hate her voice
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i don't understand the war i thought tony gave phil the ok to take vito out after that discussion with Sil
The way I thought it happened is that Tony did finally decide to wack Vito, but he had not yet set it up. Just by coincidence Phil found Vito before Tony could arrange his own hit. Phil wacked Vito on his own, without a sit down, and stepped over the line killing a made captain without permission. Never a goot ting.It's understood then that a breach of goombah etiquite has occurred, and it's only right that Tony now strike back in kind, eye for an eye Mob style. Then whats his face gets sliced and diced in the kitchen and , bingo, bango Bongo! A mob WAR!It has started. I am already in withdrawls that it will be 2 freaking weeks before we get to see how the last 8 weeks will go.Side note observation....anyone else catch the subliminal Paris reference?Near the end of Carm's trip she is seen in a serene moment staring out into the night, looking at the cool buildings and the Eiffel Tower in the background....with it's rotating flashing beacon.Perhaps the same beacon that Tony saw in the distance while in his coma????"...Who am I, where am I going???..."Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...........
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anyone else catch the subliminal Paris reference?
I prefer the sybolism of Phil stepping out of the closet before whacking Vito.This season has been to much foreshadowing and sybolism, and not enough actual plot movement.Also this splitting up the season to next Jan. sucks.
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I prefer the sybolism of Phil stepping out of the closet before whacking Vito.This season has been to much foreshadowing and sybolism, and not enough actual plot movement.Also this splitting up the season to next Jan. sucks.
OMG, missed that ! You are right, lol. Awesome.I agree about the lack of plot and distracting "filler" this season, but overall it has been pretty good. The last 8 episodes better be ALL about the families going to war. It is what everyone wants to see, even if we have to wait till Jan! (which totally blows)
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I agree about all the symbolism, as for Vito being wacked, Tony is definitely pissed it was done without his say. Tony was gonna do it anyway, but someone else doing the hit without his consent pissed him off. We are probably gonna realize at the end of the show next year it was all a dream or Tony actually died in the hospital.

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I prefer the sybolism of Phil stepping out of the closet before whacking Vito.This season has been to much foreshadowing and sybolism, and not enough actual plot movement.Also this splitting up the season to next Jan. sucks.
I thought Phil coming out of the closet in that scene was very soprano-like and brilliant.... made me laugh at a time when we knew a very bloody scene was about to ensue. As far as the pending/current war between new york and new jersey families goes, if anyone is to be blamed, it's gotta be tony. Tony's lack of action against Vito triggered the two killings of made men and led the families to the brink of war--if not there already.... oh well, i guess something/someone had to trigger it as I agree that the season finale and the next 8 episodes next year will focus on the NY/NJ war that has somehow always been avoided. Despite what DN may think, I for one was happy for Tony and his getting back to his old ways with that fine-*** stripper from the Bing... way to go stugotz!!!! hope he really gives it to juliana in the season finale..I love how melfi is able to give **** to/help tony and Tony can't do anything but take it and smile (or i guess scowl).... how Tony wished he could kick the $hit out of AJ but then Melfi quickly reminded him how Tony wished that his mom had saved him from beatings from his dad... talk about coming full circle. and for all those that believe that the episodes of character develolpment are boring, etc.... imo, those episodes are necessary to really build the suspense and drama that were on exhibit in last night's episode and which will be in the season finale-- don't get me wrong.. i'm not saying we couldn't do w/o some of vito and johnnycakes' loves scenes :club:
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