Rocketwadster 0 Posted March 7, 2006 Share Posted March 7, 2006 I usually don't show the names, but screw this guy. I absolutely hate this game, with a passion. I have never won a single dime playing this game, and never will apparantly.Seven Card Stud Hi $0.50-$1 (real money), hand #211,930,000Table Kowloon, 7 Mar 2006 10:45 AM ETSeat 3: na ($15.10 in chips)Seat 4: mw ($147.90 in chips)Seat 5: Vinni69 ($50.80 in chips)Seat 6: Rocketwad0 ($26.95 in chips)Seat 7: ro ($9.60 in chips)Seat 9: df ($42.20 in chips)Seat 10: og ($13.25 in chips)ANTES/BLINDSEveryone antes.DEALSeat 3: na [ xx,xx,KS] Calls, CallsSeat 4: mw [ xx,xx,3H] FoldsSeat 5: Vinni69 [ xx,xx,10C] Calls, CallsSeat 6: Rocketwad0 [ 4H,AD,AH] RaisesSeat 7: ro [ xx,xx,QC] CallsSeat 9: df [ xx,xx,3D ]FoldsSeat 10: og [ xx,xx,2C] Brings-in, CallsMy second split aces in as many hands. Got run off on 5th street to some huge aggression from Seat 3 and Seat 5. Seat 5 ended up making a full house on the river, but had two pair on 5th. Seat 3 is an idiot. Raise to thin the field, apparantly a ridiculous concept at this table.4THSeat 3: na [ xx,xx,KS,4C] CallsSeat 5: Vinni69 [ xx,xx,10C,QD] CallsSeat 6: Rocketwad0 [ 4H,AD,AH,3C] BetsSeat 7: ro [ xx,xx,QC,9H] CallsSeat 10: og [ xx,xx,2C,QS ] FoldsNothing too much to be worried about so far. Make em pay, I always say.5THSeat 3: na [ xx,xx,KS,4C,7C ] CallsSeat 5: Vinni69 [ xx,xx,10C,QD,JC] CallsSeat 6: Rocketwad0 [ 4H,AD,AH,3C,JH] BetsSeat 7: ro [ xx,xx,QC,9H,3S ] FoldsHmmm. Don't like Seat 5's board. If he raises, I'll have more info than if he just calls. Had I checked and he bet, I wouldn't really know anything. He just called, so it doesnt appear that he has made his hand yet.6THSeat 3: na [ xx,xx,KS,4C,7C,JS] CallsSeat 5: Vinni69 [ xx,xx,10C,QD,JC,9D] CallsSeat 6: Rocketwad0 [ 4H,AD,AH,3C,JH,AS] BetsOuch. What a terrible card for Seat 5 to have received there. My ace is a nice bonus though. What the heck is Seat 3 calling with?7THSeat 3: na [ xx,xx,KS,4C,7C,JS,xx ] Checks, FoldsSeat 5: Vinni69 [ xx,xx,10C,QD,JC,9D,xx ] BetsSeat 6: Rocketwad0 [ 4H,AD,AH,3C,JH,AS,10D ] Checks, CallsI check/call, to possible induce a bluff. Also, I get to see what he had for one bet, as opposed to betting out and risking the raise.SHOWDOWNVinni69 shows [ KD,2S,10C,QD,JC,9D,5C ]Are you freaking kidding me? King 2 ten rainbow as a starting hand. Catches runner, runner, runner to make a straight. Oh...My...Goodness. You are supposed to welcome the fish, but man does that crap sting.I'll stick to the Stud 8 thank you... Link to post Share on other sites
srblan 0 Posted March 8, 2006 Share Posted March 8, 2006 I usually flat call with split aces in low limit stud at a loose table, since a raise with an ace showing almost always means aces and a raise is not likely to thin the field, so you will almost always need to improve to win. I'm not sure if my advice is good, but it disguises the strength of your hand slightly, so if the door pairs people don't automatically fold because they know you have 3 aces. Link to post Share on other sites
KowboyKoop 0 Posted March 8, 2006 Share Posted March 8, 2006 I usually flat call with split aces in low limit stud at a loose table, since a raise with an ace showing almost always means aces and a raise is not likely to thin the field, so you will almost always need to improve to win. I'm not sure if my advice is good, but it disguises the strength of your hand slightly, so if the door pairs people don't automatically fold because they know you have 3 aces.NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Limping with split aces is bad. Raise with split aces AND raise more often when you have lower concealed pairs with an Ace door card to throw your needed deception in there. Playing Aces so passively is not profitable. To the OP:I think you played the hand fine up until 6th street. On 6th Street I probably check call and hope to fill it is pretty likely that he has the straight. Same on 7th street if you don't improve. Have to check call. This kind of thing happens ALLL the time in people will constantly draw to anything..runner runner straights and flushes happen a lot in it is a drawing game. Stud has some pretty sick variance you have to be ready for that and be prepared to fold big hands if you have been outdrawn. Link to post Share on other sites
rog 0 Posted March 8, 2006 Share Posted March 8, 2006 I play it pretty much like OP did. You cant limp your aces preflop. Raise them for value if for no other reason, since you certainly have an equity edge. Raise any A door card you're playing to keep them guessing. In micro, I'm not sure anyone ever looks at your board anyway. 6th: I dont mind Koop's check/call, but the bet's not bad. Hmmm...on second thought, a check probably induces a bluff if he's still drawing, so if you're ahead its just as good, and saves you a bet if he has the straight made. Yeah. Check/call 6th. Link to post Share on other sites
KowboyKoop 0 Posted March 8, 2006 Share Posted March 8, 2006 I play it pretty much like OP did. You cant limp your aces preflop. Raise them for value if for no other reason, since you certainly have an equity edge. Raise any A door card you're playing to keep them guessing. In micro, I'm not sure anyone ever looks at your board anyway. 6th: I dont mind Koop's check/call, but the bet's not bad. Hmmm...on second thought, a check probably induces a bluff if he's still drawing, so if you're ahead its just as good, and saves you a bet if he has the straight made. Yeah. Check/call 6th.You lose a TON of credibility by bringing the term "preflop" into this. Link to post Share on other sites
rog 0 Posted March 9, 2006 Share Posted March 9, 2006 You lose a TON of credibility by bringing the term "preflop" into this.heh heh...slip of the tongue. Where do I go for tar and feathers? Besides...I'm a stud rookie. It's not much of a loss. Link to post Share on other sites
KowboyKoop 0 Posted March 9, 2006 Share Posted March 9, 2006 heh heh...slip of the tongue. Where do I go for tar and feathers? Besides...I'm a stud rookie. It's not much of a loss.It is okay. I sometimes throw out some "holdem" terms while playing stud to try and make people think that I suck. Like...when I'm playing, I'll sometimes say "Hey, what happened to the blinds??" or "hey, I've got the nut flush on an unpaired board!!!" or "nice flop." Usually gets a pretty good reaction. Link to post Share on other sites
No_Neck 0 Posted March 10, 2006 Share Posted March 10, 2006 It is okay. I sometimes throw out some "holdem" terms while playing stud to try and make people think that I suck. Like...when I'm playing, I'll sometimes say "Hey, what happened to the blinds??" or "hey, I've got the nut flush on an unpaired board!!!" or "nice flop." Usually gets a pretty good reaction.I caught myslef saying I got rivered... Link to post Share on other sites
Vogelb5 0 Posted March 10, 2006 Share Posted March 10, 2006 River is a legit term for the last card in stud.So saying you were "rivered" does work. Link to post Share on other sites
No_Neck 0 Posted March 11, 2006 Share Posted March 11, 2006 River is a legit term for the last card in stud.So saying you were "rivered" does what do you know.... Link to post Share on other sites
bdc30 0 Posted March 11, 2006 Share Posted March 11, 2006 I think you played the hand fine up until 6th street. On 6th Street I probably check call and hope to fill it is pretty likely that he has the straight. Same on 7th street if you don't improve. Have to check callThere's only one way to play this hand, and Koop nailed it.You're behind by 6th street and are pretty much dead to yourfull house draw. If you don't fill up on 7th street, I might not evencall a single bet. I'm certainly not leading out. Even if you make a full house (as a bet would be representing) he's not laying down a straight. Link to post Share on other sites
KowboyKoop 0 Posted March 11, 2006 Share Posted March 11, 2006 There's only one way to play this hand, and Koop nailed it.You're behind by 6th street and are pretty much dead to yourfull house draw. If you don't fill up on 7th street, I might not evencall a single bet. I'm certainly not leading out. Even if you make a full house (as a bet would be representing) he's not laying down a straight.Correct, except b/c of the donkish nature of many low-limit players and the pot size...I would very likely call a bet on 7th street. Against good solid players, probably not, but against likely donks I would. Link to post Share on other sites
TS Clark 0 Posted March 13, 2006 Share Posted March 13, 2006 I'm a little unorthodox with how I approach split aces when it appears it's going to be an inevitably multi-way pot. Most of the time, I play them straight ahead and raise them. But, when I play lower limit games and there are multiple folks in the pot that I know my raise isn't going to get out, I will sometimes try to get sneaky. You have to use your judgement, but I've used this play several times to good effect.If there are already multiple people in and you know your raise isn't going to thin the field at all, just call along on third. You'll likely be first to act on 4th, at which point you will check and hope that someone bets. This will happen quite often in a pot that is going 4-5 ways. When that person bets, check-raise. Unless you're very unlucky with position, you will likely get at least 1-3 of your hitchhikers gone (and you may win the pot outright, as people are likely to give you credit for trips if your card wasn't obviously scary.Now, if everyone still calls and decides to come along, you have evaluate 5th and see what you think. But my experience has been that you'll likely get the pot down to 2-3 handed at that point and you can feel a little better about going up against fewer draws.Again, your mileage may vary. But I've had good success with this from time to time. Just thought I'd throw it out to think about. Link to post Share on other sites
KowboyKoop 0 Posted March 13, 2006 Share Posted March 13, 2006 I'm a little unorthodox with how I approach split aces when it appears it's going to be an inevitably multi-way pot. Most of the time, I play them straight ahead and raise them. But, when I play lower limit games and there are multiple folks in the pot that I know my raise isn't going to get out, I will sometimes try to get sneaky. You have to use your judgement, but I've used this play several times to good effect.If there are already multiple people in and you know your raise isn't going to thin the field at all, just call along on third. You'll likely be first to act on 4th, at which point you will check and hope that someone bets. This will happen quite often in a pot that is going 4-5 ways. When that person bets, check-raise. Unless you're very unlucky with position, you will likely get at least 1-3 of your hitchhikers gone (and you may win the pot outright, as people are likely to give you credit for trips if your card wasn't obviously scary.Now, if everyone still calls and decides to come along, you have evaluate 5th and see what you think. But my experience has been that you'll likely get the pot down to 2-3 handed at that point and you can feel a little better about going up against fewer draws.Again, your mileage may vary. But I've had good success with this from time to time. Just thought I'd throw it out to think about.I don't think there is anything wrong with this if you already have 3 or 4 callers behind the bringin..but in this particular hand, there was the bring in and only two I think it would be a mistake to limp here. If there had been 4 callers already...then yeah..I can see this working. If you do this'd have to be ready to fold your Aces if you don't improve and lots of people keep calling your bets on later streets. Link to post Share on other sites
iggymcfly 0 Posted March 21, 2006 Share Posted March 21, 2006 There's only one way to play this hand, and Koop nailed it.You're behind by 6th street and are pretty much dead to yourfull house draw. If you don't fill up on 7th street, I might not evencall a single bet. I'm certainly not leading out. Even if you make a full house (as a bet would be representing) he's not laying down a straight.Folding to a single bet on the river would be a huuuuuge mistake in a low-limit stud game. You're getting tremendous pot odds to call, and the donks will throw out bluffs in this kind of situation all the time if for no other reason than that they don't know how to play stud yet. I'd say the "call the river if you can beat the board" rule is very applicable for low-limit stud. Link to post Share on other sites
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