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Hokay...here's a hand I'm curious about. I don't know if I played this right... I didn't have much of a read on the villain. Assuming he/she was fairly tight, as I had only seen him/her play a few hands in the 20-30 minutes I had been at the table, and no hands showed down. I was playing what could have been perceived as LAG, but really I was just catching cards. I did not have to show any hands down, none of the hands I won went past the turn.Party Poker No-Limit Hold'em, $ BB (9 handed) FTR converter on zerodivide.cxMP3 ($16.13)CO ($15.15)Button ($20.07)SB ($26.15)BB ($24.30)UTG ($10.10)UTG+1 ($81.08)MP1 ($9)Hero ($32.80)Preflop: Hero is MP2 with [J :icon_suit_diamond:], [K :icon_suit_spade:]. SB posts a blind of $0.10. 2 folds, MP1 calls $0.25, Hero raises to $1.25, 3 folds, SB (poster) calls $1.15, 1 fold, MP1 calls $1.Flop: ($4) [8 :icon_suit_spade:], [J :icon_suit_heart:], [K :icon_suit_heart:] (3 players)SB checks, MP1 checks, Hero bets $2, SB calls $2, MP1 folds.Turn: ($8) [5 :icon_suit_heart:] (2 players)SB bets $5, Hero ???.Final Pot: $13The check-call on the flop, followed by betting out 5 dollars into an 8 dollar pot on the turn, after the 3rd heart fell, SCREAMED flush to me. What do you guys think? Would you have folded? Called the turn? Raised the turn? Let me know how you think I played it!

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I don't like the play preflop with KJ in the middle, its a very mediocre hand that is break-even at best in the longterm. All the more reason to fold is that you could perceived to playing a LAGy style at the time. I raise the flop for certain, for the same reasons mentioned before. The other players think that you are playing everything fast, therefore you should really hit the accelerator with top two pair when the flop has as many potential draws as this flop did. Check-calling there is very bad, IMO. If you are going to check, you might as well raise in order to build the pot and force MP1 to fold a marginal draw that he might call with. On the turn, I don't think you can assume he has a flush here because you didn't raise the flop. He has no idea that you have top two pair.I don't fear flushes in raised pots the way I fear them in an unraised pot.I really don't like how this hand got played. If I check called the flop, then I'm raising the turn because if he doesn't have a flush then he has to feel that it is very likely that I have one. Also, your hand is still pretty strong and ahead most of the time here.

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I don't like the play preflop with KJ in the middle, its a very mediocre hand that is break-even at best in the longterm. All the more reason to fold is that you could perceived to playing a LAGy style at the time. I raise the flop for certain, for the same reasons mentioned before. The other players think that you are playing everything fast, therefore you should really hit the accelerator with top two pair when the flop has as many potential draws as this flop did. Check-calling there is very bad, IMO. If you are going to check, you might as well raise in order to build the pot and force MP1 to fold a marginal draw that he might call with. On the turn, I don't think you can assume he has a flush here because you didn't raise the flop. He has no idea that you have top two pair.I don't fear flushes in raised pots the way I fear them in an unraised pot.I really don't like how this hand got played. If I check called the flop, then I'm raising the turn because if he doesn't have a flush then he has to feel that it is very likely that I have one. Also, your hand is still pretty strong and ahead most of the time here.
I didn't check-call the flop, I lead out for a half-pot sized bet.
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My bad. I still think check-mucking the turn is weak with top two. Bet out again, and if he raises then you have to make a choice. His hand more likely is something like K :icon_suit_club: Q :icon_suit_heart: , but that is just a gut feeling. QT is also possible . One of my favorite plays in NL hold'em is to call a flop with a straight draw when there are two suited cards out there. If another suited card falls on the turn, then I usually raise and take it down right there.

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The result was:I folded, he showed QQ, one of the Q was a heart.D'OH!I'm thinking it was probably worth re-raising after his flop bet, but I'm fairly certain he thought he had the best hand there.Hindsight is always 20/20.Meh.Thanks for the input.

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My bad. I still think check-mucking the turn is weak with top two. Bet out again, and if he raises then you have to make a choice. His hand more likely is something like K Q , but that is just a gut feeling. QT is also possible . One of my favorite plays in NL hold'em is to call a flop with a straight draw when there are two suited cards out there. If another suited card falls on the turn, then I usually raise and take it down right there.
I also didn't check-muck the turn. He was first to act, and bet out, after he check-called the flop.
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Just curious - what does everyone think of the villain's play?
Really depends.The facts:1. It's a low limit table2. he showed his hand3 his hand was pocket pairGenerally I see them showing their hands as saying "I knew had the best hand." Low limit players tend to fall in love with their pocket pair.His play was pretty atrocious. Not re-raising gave him no information. Smooth-call then bet-out is generally silly, because he's representing the flush draw... and we all know the odds of the flush, so he basically limited his play to making a scary card on the turn. But since he showed his hand in the fashion of "I know I had you beat," I would say he was slow playing his middle pair and he should be shot.
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Really depends.The facts:1. It's a low limit table2. he showed his hand3 his hand was pocket pairGenerally I see them showing their hands as saying "I knew had the best hand." Low limit players tend to fall in love with their pocket pair.His play was pretty atrocious. Not re-raising gave him no information. Smooth-call then bet-out is generally silly, because he's representing the flush draw... and we all know the odds of the flush, so he basically limited his play to making a scary card on the turn. But since he showed his hand in the fashion of "I know I had you beat," I would say he was slow playing his middle pair and he should be shot.
Even worse, the donk that laid down his top 2 (me) should be shot too.
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Hokay...here's a hand I'm curious about. I don't know if I played this right... I didn't have much of a read on the villain. Assuming he/she was fairly tight, as I had only seen him/her play a few hands in the 20-30 minutes I had been at the table, and no hands showed down. I was playing what could have been perceived as LAG, but really I was just catching cards. I did not have to show any hands down, none of the hands I won went past the turn.Party Poker No-Limit Hold'em, $ BB (9 handed) FTR converter on zerodivide.cxMP3 ($16.13)CO ($15.15)Button ($20.07)SB ($26.15)BB ($24.30)UTG ($10.10)UTG+1 ($81.08)MP1 ($9)Hero ($32.80)Preflop: Hero is MP2 with [J :icon_suit_diamond:], [K :icon_suit_spade:]. SB posts a blind of $0.10. 2 folds, MP1 calls $0.25, Hero raises to $1.25, 3 folds, SB (poster) calls $1.15, 1 fold, MP1 calls $1.Flop: ($4) [8 :icon_suit_spade:], [J :icon_suit_heart:], [K :icon_suit_heart:] (3 players)SB checks, MP1 checks, Hero bets $2, SB calls $2, MP1 folds.Turn: ($8) [5 :icon_suit_heart:] (2 players)SB bets $5, Hero ???.Final Pot: $13The check-call on the flop, followed by betting out 5 dollars into an 8 dollar pot on the turn, after the 3rd heart fell, SCREAMED flush to me. What do you guys think? Would you have folded? Called the turn? Raised the turn? Let me know how you think I played it!
Doesn't look like a flush to me. If your image is LAG, then why would he bet a made flush into you, when in his mind if he checked, you would bet yourself. He's trying to make you think he has a flush and it worked, but you're not thinking deep enough in my opinion. I think I would push here because here are the hands I put him on: actually I can only put him on one hand here. J Q with a queen of hearts. I thought for a second that he could have K 5, but if he's tight as you said, he would of folded that preflop most likely. But K 5, and K 8 are the next hands that I put him on. Don't put him on a flush for sure. As for a set...It's possible but I think it's still a profitable push.
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I dunno if this has been mentioned yet because I'm posting blind, but in addition to overplaying preflop (which I'm sure someone has mentioned) you should be leading out for at least the size of the pot on such a draw heavy board. I don't mind overbetting in a situation like this. You'll probably get action from flush draws anyway, and you welcome it. Make them pay to draw out.

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Just curious - what does everyone think of the villain's play?
It's commonly seen at higher limits (not super high, but I've seen it a lot playing 5-10 nl ) to get people to lay down hands like the one we saw.
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Calls the turn and hopes to boat up on the river.Calls a small river bet, likely mucks to anything else without significant read.
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