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Questions You Want To Know About Daniel

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Good evening all - As probably none you know :club:, I am a producer for an afternoon show here in San Diego. I've talked to DN and it looks like we might get an interview in the near future. What I'd like to ask of you guys is this: What kind of questions would you like to hear Daniel answer?Doesn't have to be about poker or anything specific, but I'd like to get a general idea of what people would like to know about our boy DN. You can PM me or post here, either way work. I appreciate any and all responses.

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I wouldn't want to hear all the standard questions he has answered like 1,000 times already. Ask some obscure stuff. For example, how do you make small suited connected cards profitable even though you have less than 50 big blinds in a tournament? Is it because you can get an idea for how strong your opponent is and bluff him out with nothing if he's weak? There must be some reason i'm missing, as I don't hit a comfortable flop enough times to make it worth it!

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I wouldn't want to hear all the standard questions he has answered like 1,000 times already. Ask some obscure stuff. For example, how do you make small suited connected cards profitable even though you have less than 50 big blinds in a tournament? Is it because you can get an idea for how strong your opponent is and bluff him out with nothing if he's weak? There must be some reason i'm missing, as I don't hit a comfortable flop enough times to make it worth it!
I could list thousands of questions here, but they'd all probably be to strat-based to really be appropriate for the average audience.I'd really like to sit down with hiim and pick his brain, especially about stud 8, as it's a game that's been giving me a lot of difficulty lately, as well as deuce to seven, as it's one of my favorites,a nd I read his chapter in SSII and it left a few questions in my mind...
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Good evening all - As probably none you know :club:, I am a producer for an afternoon show here in San Diego. I've talked to DN and it looks like we might get an interview in the near future. What I'd like to ask of you guys is this: What kind of questions would you like to hear Daniel answer?Doesn't have to be about poker or anything specific, but I'd like to get a general idea of what people would like to know about our boy DN. You can PM me or post here, either way work. I appreciate any and all responses.
nothing I can think of to ask DN....But ask Dr. Johnny Fever if Les Nessman won the award for best news-cast this year... Does Venus Flytrap still work the graveyard shift?????Mrs. Carlson still trying to change the format to easy listening????AND...If WKRP is actually in Cincinatti... why are you guys in San Diego????I smell a cover-up....
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nothing I can think of to ask DN....But ask Dr. Johnny Fever if Les Nessman won the award for best news-cast this year... Does Venus Flytrap still work the graveyard shift?????Mrs. Carlson still trying to change the format to easy listening????AND...If WKRP is actually in Cincinatti... why are you guys in San Diego????I smell a cover-up....
I'd ask him about potential pitfalls in poker lifestyle, especially for those in early stages in sin city.PS tell bailey she looks hot when she ditches the over-sized glasses
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I'd ask him about potential pitfalls in poker lifestyle, especially for those in early stages in sin city.PS tell bailey she looks hot when she ditches the over-sized glasses
I agree. I've always been interested in the lifestyles of professional poker players.And asking him about money would be interesting too. How much does he usually make? If he goes on a losing streak or hits a cold run of cards, is that a financial problem?
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Penis size in feet and inchesFoot size, both in feet sizes and in feet and inchesDo the above two measurements in any way correlate?Does this mean the 'You know what they say, "big feet =....."' is true?sw

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Look forward to the interview. Will you be posting the written version here when it is finished?Daniel has been asked a million questions in print, video and radio and has been very open about his personal life in his blogs over the past 14 months or so. So what is there left to ask him without crossing the lines of decency and privacy?Wish I could come up with a good one to help you out bro. You have your work cut out for you on this one.Good luck.O.K., maybe I do have one for you.Where does Daniel see himself in 5 years, both personally and professionally?now, good luck!

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I still want to know how they handle the money...These pro's can't possibly be walking around with tens of thousands of dollars in their pocket, way too scary.I read in the Banker, the Professor and the Suicide King that players like Ted Forest keep a saftey deposit box at the Bellagio, with a rack of high value chips in it, but, they often turn up at other places to play.On High Stakes Poker a few of the guys had ten thousand dollar stacks, and DN had two fifty thousand dollar stacks. I assume they wire money to the casino before they go for buyins and side action, but, would you wire $50,000 to a hotel in the Bahamas?I dunno.

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maybe ask if he has an interesting story where he was playing with other pro's before he became a known player in the poker world or the opposite (playing with someone before they became famous in poker)

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Ask him how it is that a fly can fly around a bus travelling down a highway and isn't pushed towards the back of the bus, but when I jump in the aisle of the bus, I am pushed back and land a bit closer to the back of the bus?

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i think beans needs his own talk show. maybe an ali g type spinoff on showtime. you owe me 10% of the idea beans.
I think he should add one of those paypal donation buttons in his sig. He'd make bank. I'll take 10% of that.
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I think these are all stupid as wells as the Original post. If you dont have any idea what to ask why are you going to have the interview? You must be a moron thats not familiar with poker and are looking for help to further/save your job. Get a life! You could read a million articles that Daniel has written in the past few years, as well as his blog and come up with at least a two hour show on questions just pertaining to them. Do YOUR homework, Dont ask us to do it for you!

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I think these are all stupid as wells as the Original post. If you dont have any idea what to ask why are you going to have the interview? You must be a moron thats not familiar with poker and are looking for help to further/save your job. Get a life! You could read a million articles that Daniel has written in the past few years, as well as his blog and come up with at least a two hour show on questions just pertaining to them. Do YOUR homework, Dont ask us to do it for you!
he was asking what questions potential listeners wanted to hear. if you read the title or his post you would have realized that. when you do homework you might want to actually read the question. i learned this in the 1st grade :club:
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I think these are all stupid as wells as the Original post. If you dont have any idea what to ask why are you going to have the interview? You must be a moron thats not familiar with poker and are looking for help to further/save your job. Get a life! You could read a million articles that Daniel has written in the past few years, as well as his blog and come up with at least a two hour show on questions just pertaining to them. Do YOUR homework, Dont ask us to do it for you!
What's most interesting about this for me, is I write a series of articles ABOUT poker and how to improve your game. I've been playing professionally the last year and a half showing a profit in just about all my games. I do already have a million questions ready for our hosts to ask DN. What I thought was perhaps taking some of these questions from the forum and asking DN personally about them referencing FCP.com and the members with those questions. But thank you for ass-raping me so publicly, was it good for you?
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What's most interesting about this for me, is I write a series of articles ABOUT poker and how to improve your game. I've been playing professionally the last year and a half showing a profit in just about all my games. I do already have a million questions ready for our hosts to ask DN. What I thought was perhaps taking some of these questions from the forum and asking DN personally about them referencing FCP.com and the members with those questions. But thank you for ass-raping me so publicly, was it good for you?
No needed Grape Jelly..But seriously, I apologize, I misread the initial request..
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nothing I can think of to ask DN....But ask Dr. Johnny Fever if Les Nessman won the award for best news-cast this year... Does Venus Flytrap still work the graveyard shift?????Mrs. Carlson still trying to change the format to easy listening????AND...If WKRP is actually in Cincinatti... why are you guys in San Diego????I smell a cover-up....
Hands down my favorite reply to this thread...but you might've referenced Newsradio to be a bit more contemporary...God how I love Jimmie James
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Here's a few.Daniel, what is it that makes Ron Mexico so great?Daniel, you recently played a rebuy with Ron Mexico at your table for over an hour, what makes Ron Mexico such a great player?Daniel, where can a guy go in Vegas for an inexpensive, yet quality rub and a tug?How many poker groupies have you banged?Ever seen Hellmuth naked?Ever bang a chick on top of a poker table?In the original WPT Ladies Night, there was a piece about how you and Evelyn Ng used to date, and you dumped her. What happened? No anal?Feel free to use any of those. And DN, if you see these, feel free to answer.Although, I feel a little funny asking these questions of someone that reads the bible so much. Nahhh, no I don't.

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Here's a few.Daniel, what is it that makes Ron Mexico so great?Daniel, you recently played a rebuy with Ron Mexico at your table for over an hour, what makes Ron Mexico such a great player?Daniel, where can a guy go in Vegas for an inexpensive, yet quality rub and a tug?How many poker groupies have you banged?Ever seen Hellmuth naked?Ever bang a chick on top of a poker table?In the original WPT Ladies Night, there was a piece about how you and Evelyn Ng used to date, and you dumped her. What happened? No anal?Feel free to use any of those. And DN, if you see these, feel free to answer.Although, I feel a little funny asking these questions of someone that reads the bible so much. Nahhh, no I don't.
Ron, seriously, you are the best.
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