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Ok, My Turn To Say: That's It, I Quit!

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In recent weeks there have been a couple people posting testimonials about how they are leaving the game of poker. In one such posting, I half-joking admitted I should follow in those footsteps - due to my failure/success ratio being not so favourable. But it's now no joke. I'm leaving the online version of poker, and here's the main reason why. I don't have much of a bankroll, so I've spent the past few months toiling and grinding away at the low limit tables, enjoying some success, but not making significant ground. I'm not making ground because (one reason anyway) low limit players are, for the most part, well, donkeys. With so little cash at stake, the tables (at a couple of the sites I play at) are nothing more than chasing-to-the-river games, donkeys hoping for that one big suckout. I just can't believe the calls and plays I see on a regular basis at these tables. At these lower limits, many players treat flush/straight draws like a message from God to bet on and bet big! I like the semi-bluff play, but sparingly and only in key situations. Most of these donkeys don't even know what a semi-bluff is. Low limit poker is mine-field of reckless poker play, bad beats and suckouts abound, and I'm tired of seeing some punk suck out on the river and then brag about how good s/he is. Which raises another issue: the level of class, respect and poker etiquette at the low limits is pretty much non-existent. Most players have zero poker credibility and behave accordingly.Ya, I could grind it out for a solid year and build a decent bankroll, if I really put my head to it, but what's the point? I'd rather build a bankroll in another realm of life (ie, work), then when ready, go take my best shot at the higher limit tables, where there is at least some semblance of consistency and sound poker play, and where I can actually learn.The one thing I won't give up on is live casino poker, where at least I can get a read on someone's tells, and where the social atomoshphere is far more entertaining. But low limit online tables - a big waste of time, in my not so humble opinion.

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if you can't make money off the bad players who is it that you think your going to make money off of?
Yeah.This same topic has been brough up a BILLION times. If you can't beat bad players, you won't be able to beat good players. Sure, they might "respect" your raises or whatever, but a bad player is going to give you their money in the longrun. A good player is going to take all of yours.But whatever, man. Good luck.
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I quit online poker on January 13th 2006. Yesterday, March 1 2006, I had a relapse and found myself once again playing online poker for real money.47 Days.10 dollars says I have more willpower than you.

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Yeah.This same topic has been brough up a BILLION times. If you can't beat bad players, you won't be able to beat good players. Sure, they might "respect" your raises or whatever, but a bad player is going to give you their money in the longrun. A good player is going to take all of yours.But whatever, man. Good luck.
This can't be stressed enough.. Damn it's so true.. :club:
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I'm not making ground because (one reason anyway) low limit players are, for the most part, well, donkeys. Um .... no.Which raises another issue: the level of class, respect and poker etiquette at the low limits is pretty much non-existent.Turn off their chat, i.e. mute them. Most sites have this option, or least allow you to disable chat.

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lol i cant win cause all the players are so bad. Yeah that makes sense... im getting sick of hearing this and bad beat stories. The problem with this type of player in my mind is they cant fold top pair and cry when they lose...

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Izzy, I think I have played against you and I would just like to say that I do not suck out, I play and bet accordingly to what I have and what my odds are to improve.Don't blame the rest of us if you can't fold TPTK or a set when the board has multi-way draws and one of them hits.I think you are a good player who lacks a little bit of discipline.Feel free to flame me. I respect your decision and I once thought about doing the same thing but then I just changed my style of play and now I am more successful. By successful I mean that I have not reloaded in 3 months :)Good luck to you in your decision.

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You're right, bad players are hard to beat. Build a roll by working for a year, then go to 20/40 full ring on Party. That's 20/40 LHE Full Ring on PartyPoker. Players will respect your raises there. Then they will take your money in the long run. Good luck though.

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In recent weeks there have been a couple people posting testimonials about how they are leaving the game of poker. In one such posting, I half-joking admitted I should follow in those footsteps - due to my failure/success ratio being not so favourable. But it's now no joke. I'm leaving the online version of poker, and here's the main reason why. I don't have much of a bankroll, so I've spent the past few months toiling and grinding away at the low limit tables, enjoying some success, but not making significant ground. I'm not making ground because (one reason anyway) low limit players are, for the most part, well, donkeys. With so little cash at stake, the tables (at a couple of the sites I play at) are nothing more than chasing-to-the-river games, donkeys hoping for that one big suckout. I just can't believe the calls and plays I see on a regular basis at these tables. At these lower limits, many players treat flush/straight draws like a message from God to bet on and bet big! I like the semi-bluff play, but sparingly and only in key situations. Most of these donkeys don't even know what a semi-bluff is. Low limit poker is mine-field of reckless poker play, bad beats and suckouts abound, and I'm tired of seeing some punk suck out on the river and then brag about how good s/he is. Which raises another issue: the level of class, respect and poker etiquette at the low limits is pretty much non-existent. Most players have zero poker credibility and behave accordingly.Ya, I could grind it out for a solid year and build a decent bankroll, if I really put my head to it, but what's the point? I'd rather build a bankroll in another realm of life (ie, work), then when ready, go take my best shot at the higher limit tables, where there is at least some semblance of consistency and sound poker play, and where I can actually learn.The one thing I won't give up on is live casino poker, where at least I can get a read on someone's tells, and where the social atomoshphere is far more entertaining. But low limit online tables - a big waste of time, in my not so humble opinion.
My attention span = 4 words. Keep that in mind.
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Translation:I'm a long-term loser online. I am a very bad player and can't beat low-limits so I will blame that on the "donkeys" who chase. I will now only play live because I can mask my losses there and lie to myself about how much Im truely down.

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This is EXACTLY why I stopped playing 9-ball against bad players. They would just hit the object ball into the 9 ball and sometimes the facking 9 would find the pocket and I would lose. I hate playing pool against these bad players.

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Translation:I'm a long-term loser online. I am a very bad player and can't beat low-limits so I will blame that on the "donkeys" who chase. I will now only play live because I can mask my losses there and lie to myself about how much Im truely down.
sick, but most likely true.
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Ive always loved the reasoning that I'd win against better players, but cant beat donkeys.
Good thing. Because it's said about 986780 times a day.To the OP, try taking a step back and analyzing your game. I mean, OBJECTIVELY. Look at what you're losing money on, and what your strengths are. Then seek good references (books, dvds etc) and work on them.Claiming that "I'd win if people respected my raises" only makes you sound like an idiot. You are never done learning with poker. In your case, it sounds as if you're just starting to REALLY learn. Be patient. It takes time. That's probably one of the nicer responses you'll get
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Did a little research today in my bank account and it turns out I am still up overall which is fine by me- I play shortstacked waaaay to much in cash games and I know it, but for me I like to sit there, beat the game for an hour and then lose it all to a guy who is properly bankrolled who feels like chasing, or who is in a great spot vs. me to chase. It is fun. You can see by my account when I have a big tourney win, which is the main reason why I am up for my career as it were. A nice fat money transfer from neteller instead of the reverse. I suppose I should grind it out a little more and set some goals, maybe set a time limit to my play. Yeah, that's what I should do.

I think the moment you realize that you really want those donkeys chasing is the one of several moments you must have in order to become a winning player.I say this from experience.
Yes!!! This is so true!!! It's almost to the point where I like it when I get sucked out on in that I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT IS HAPPENING, I know what they are holding and what needs to happen for my hand to hold up. Man, if I had any type of bankroll management at all I could be a serious winner. I just don't, and that's because I like to gamble, period. I habve a hard time focusing when it's inconsequential amounts in front of me, that is just me.
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Look on the bright side guys....After playing long hours...Losing lots of money....Going through periods of severe depression and self-guilt....Taking rent/auto payment/food money and throwing it down the drain to off shore gambling rings that launder the money and dont pay US taxes.....Some of them will give you a free hatALWAYS think positive.....

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To the OP, try taking a step back and analyzing your game. I mean, OBJECTIVELY. Look at what you're losing money on, and what your strengths are. Then seek good references (books, dvds etc) and work on them.Claiming that "I'd win if people respected my raises" only makes you sound like an idiot. You are never done learning with poker. In your case, it sounds as if you're just starting to REALLY learn. Be patient. It takes time. That's probably one of the nicer responses you'll get
CardW,You're post is about as gracious and sincere as they come, so thanks. Points well made, and well taken.Couple issues of clarification: re: stepping back and analyzing my game (and the game of others). Well, that's precisely what I'm doing by leaving the online arena and re-thinking my approach. Yes, I do love the game, study it, and I likely enjoy observing more than playing anyway. I'll continue to do so. The other thing is: I never claimed I was losing. In fact, I've been winning more than losing, just not in substantial ways, and I attribute the slow progress to the inconsistent, loose play at low limits. It's almost impossible to read donkeys who check the nuts down on one hand, then next hand decide to risk their entire stack on a gutshot/srt draw after being re-raised twice before the river. Yes, you can counter this with a rock solid odds-based strategy all the time, and in the long run you will win, and I have won a little this way. But I suppose I'm saying enough of the donkey play, time to move forward. If you are a player who enjoys wallowing in the mire of low limit tables for hours on end, month after month, just to come out 10 bucks ahead at the end of it, just so you can prove to yourself that these yahoos can be beat in the long-run, all power to you!And to the resident psychoanalyst who quipped something about my preference of live vs. online... let's not forget one important thing here, Sigmund. Poker is a game. It's supposed to be fun. I like the social aspect, the laughs, the shared beers, the physical tells that come with a live game. Conversely, I dislike online games where people who suckout bigtime, start getting all tough and cocky thru the safety of their computer anonymity. And on top of this, frankly, in my experience, the quality of play live seems to be better so there's more to be learned in that medium - for me anyway.Otherwise, this is just one poker player's opinion, laying it out there for your reading entertainment. Obviously, if you flamed my op, or flame this, at least I know you were entertained enough to issue a reply. :club:
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Poker is a game. It's supposed to be fun.
poker is not a game. its a market. buy low sell high. you ever wonder why these hedge fund guru's retire at 30? its not because they are satisfied with the amount of money they have made but because the stress accompanied with that type of trading will eventually make you go nuts. some people can handle it and other people can't. i myself could never do this for a living because i couldn't take the stress. but if you view poker as a video game thats sole purpose is to entertain you then thats probly why you went broke.MM
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