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11,000 Freeroll Deepstack..

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Yeah I'm a loser for playing freerolls, but I got bored earlier.Playing at Crazypoker.. 11,867 people in the freeroll, and down to 62 people and i'm around 310,000 in chips.Not all that exciting but I wanted to get some practice in on my day off class.. Table 865.Okay since I wrote the post I moved up to $372,000.. 5th in chips. :DYou can't flame me because my avatar is too sweet.

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It was like $150 or something.. I made it to about $1,100,000, and with blinds at 50k/100k, things went fast and I went out with 99 against some guy with like a7 and a 8877 came on the board.. So a big whoppin $4.50 for my efforts.

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It was like $150 or something.. I made it to about $1,100,000, and with blinds at 50k/100k, things went fast and I went out with 99 against some guy with like a7 and a 8877 came on the board.. So a big whoppin $4.50 for my efforts.
so whats that, about 75 cents hourly rate?TP/MM(sw)freerolls...so unfulfilling
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I won the $2500 freeroll at partypoker maybe 2 months ago. $525 baby! First and only time I played a freeroll. The donktasticity there is so high, that my brain almost exploded from sheer bewilderment as people would bluff at a 9s10sJsQs2h board with 6c 3d.

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so whats that, about 75 cents hourly rate?TP/MM(sw)freerolls...so unfulfilling
Something like that.. I did it just to kill some time and get a little bit of practice in since I had nothing else to do... And hell, it was free.
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Something like that.. I did it just to kill some time and get a little bit of practice in since I had nothing else to do... And hell, it was free.
ya i hear ya, i play in 'em sometimes but have a hard time folding good starting hands that i'd normally get rid of in "real" tournies. everyone's so loose, i just end up playin like them.and even if i cash, i just cant get making a dollar an hour out of my head.
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