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Great Example Of Me Being Stupid, Or...

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This hand happened last night and I'm posting it as a lesson to me and those of you who are inclined to listen. As many of you probably know, reading the board is key, post-flop. This is a great example of me falling in love with a hand and being unable to let go.Full Tilt 12.5K1.5 hours in, I've been in the top 10 chip leaders for over an hour and playing quite well. Can't recall the stack sizes or blinds (100-200?) in general, nor my position but I get KK and make a minimalist 2x BB raise(mistake 1). I get 2 callers. Flop comes down A-J-x rainbow. Fearlessly, I bet out 900 (about 2/3 of the pot or so). One guy folds, the other calls. Turn is a K and I'm thinking happy thoughts (mistake 2). I bet out 2K, buddy calls. River is a T, buddy bets in 5K (I had 8K or so, he had about 12K at the beginning). Fearlessly, I call (mistake 3). Showdown time: He has Broadway and I was screwed because the board hadn't paired up and, well, 3 of a kind doesn't beat a str8, even if it is K's.Anyway, some of the figures aren't particularly accurate, but my point is this: READ THE BOARD, YOU FRICKING DUMBASS!I never recovered and busted out on the bubble (of course). I guess you could say that I "bad beat" myself wtf.

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Ewww, you played that horribly. 3x at least preflop, lead flop, fold to a riase, bet turn, push to raise, check fold river usually.
i agree with all of that, i have no idea why you dont put pressure on a straight draw with an all in on the turn, you clearly had the best hand and missed the opportunity to take that pot. although i do not know your opponent and he may well have called you, but then at least you wouldnt have had to call him down with the worst of it. after the ten drops it is almost an easy fold, any Q makes the straight and what exactly was he calling you with in your opinion.i hope this wasn't a flame, because im not trying to flame you at all.
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